James 1:5-6a "If any of you lack wisdom, he should ask God, who gives generously to all without finding fault, and it will be given to him. But when he asks, he must believe and not doubt,"
The Message puts it this way "If you don't know what you're doing, pray to the Father. He loves to help. You'll get the help and won't be condescended to when you ask for it. Ask boldly, believingly, without a second thought".
What do you do when you begin to lose you way. Do you try different things trying to get back on track. Perhaps if I think about the situation more, talk to someone about it, I can figure out what I am doing wrong. Does that sound familiar to you? If this is your pattern when your are losing ground, I bet you also are one of those people who will not ask for directions when traveling and you get lost. A lot of us are afraid if we confess to not being sure of our direction, we will get ridiculed. Here we are, Christians in the ministry of some kind for the Lord and we feel like we are not going in the right direction. Afraid to let anyone know that we are feeling weak and insecure. You think satan can't come in and use that situation to further confuse you and fuel the frustration and insecurity? This is his favorite playground. Confusing the mind, making you doubt where you stand in God's plan. Perhaps you did not hear the Lord right, maybe you are not walking the right path.
Do not fall for the enemys trap so easily. God does not put you in His ministry, whether it be sharing the word, worshiping Him, healing the sick; and let you flounder. He never leaves you for a second. He knows that there are going to be times when you will second guess what you are doing. Perhaps there are not funds coming in as quickly as you thought they would. Not many people are showing up for service. You stand there leading praise and worship and it seems like most of the congregation is thinking of what they are having for lunch. You wonder, is this what I am to be doing? You begin a Bible study for the ladies, or the men, and by the second or third lesson, half the members are discussing what Mary wore Sunday, trading recipes, or talking about the ballgame. Where is this going Father? What are we doing here? You discuss it with your spouse, your neighbor, other church members. Why? Why would you not take the problem and your questions to the One with the Authority and the answers.
Sometimes as the Word tells us in James 1:1 "to consider it pure joy when you face trials of many kinds because you know the testing of your faith develops perserverance...." Did you consider that perhaps your faith was being tested? Did you think that the things God would ask us to do would be so easy? Jesus came to earth knowing He was going to be sacrified for our sins. He knew this is what the Father's plan was for Him, He knew it would be so difficult, but He came, He died. He trusted the Father.
We only need to ask the Lord again for His direction. Ask for His help. He wants so to help us, but He will put us in a place, where He wants us to work for Him and He will wait to see if you will come to Him for help. To see if when you are unsure of your direction, have no clue how to proceed, if you will humble yourselves and ask for His wisdom, His guidance. He won't embarrass you or make you feel stupid, inadequate. He will just put His arms around you, and gently whisper, "Here is the way, my child. Let's try it My way and you will see my glory".
Ask Him boldly. Don't be afraid to come to the Father with your needs, your desires. He wants to give those in His ministry trememdous blessings. But He wants to make sure you know who is providing those blessings. He wants to make sure your faith is grounded in Him, that when you ask, you believe He will do it, and then you sit back and wait for it. Your mind does not question if it will be done because it is not on your time table. You don't wonder if God won't do it. You just wait for it, knowing it is coming. Knowing that your Father is taking care of the problem, giving attention to taking care of it in the time He knows is right.
When losing ground, ask God. Ask Him first, why waste precious time waiting. Boldly go to the Father with your questions. Don't stay lost, questioning your ministry or the work God has put your hand to. Boldly ask of the Father. Then believe that your answer is coming. Don't doubt God. HE is GOD. HE is your FATHER. HE LOVES US. He knows the plans He has made for you and He knows exactly how they are to come about. He knows our direction. Ask God for His help. Never doubt Him. Your faith in God is what He loves. If you waiver in your faith, it is like saying you do not believe God is great enough to help you. The Bible says it is like being tossed about in the sea. If you do not think you will receive from the Lord when you ask, it is being doublemined, unstable. You will never know your way.
Need help? Ask God. Get an answer, believe God. Do not doubt His love for you and His wanting to help you in any situation. Be encouraged. He is our Father.
My Father, it is New Years Day. I am excited to see what You will have for me in this new year. I know You will bless me because You said that You would pour out Your blessings on me if I keep Your commandments, love You and worship You, giving my all to You. I give you my everything, Lord. All my love, all my life, all my worship. I desire Your presence above all. This new year in You, a new year to walk with You and be a part of what You will be doing. I love you Father, I give worship and glory to Your Name, this 1st day of January, 2011.
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