Collossians 2:6-7 (Message) "My counsel for you is simple and straight forward: just go ahead with what you've been given. You received Christ Jesus, the Master; now live Him. You're deeply rooted in Him. You're well constructed upon Him. You know your way around the faith. Now do what you've been taught. School's out: quit studing the subject and start living it! And let your living spill over into Thanksgiving."
You have been shown the way. You have come to the Father through salvation by the blood of His son, Jesus. The Father has forgiven your sins, as far as He is concerned, they no longer exist. He has shown mercy, grace and His unconditional love to you. Then He has taken you as a child, feeding you His Word so much at a time so you could begin to learn His words, keeping them in your heart, putting the message to work in your life. Growing in faith. You have been trained by the Master. You have grown in God's wisdom and in knowledge of His ways. You have not been trained to sit around storing up all the knowledge to keep it to yourself.
Why do you think you have been gently held by the Father, slowly but surely taught His ways? God has plans for you, for all of us. It is time to use the knowledge He has given you. Time to present yourself as a child of God, capable and willing to do the work of the Father.
Time is growing short, the fields are ripe for harvest. This new year will see God's glory begin to fall from the Heavens and spread across the earth He made so long ago, just for this time. You have been born, groomed by the Father to fit into His plans for this time, this new year.
You are to be a witness to the unsaved, an encouragement to the downtrodden, and to teach the Hope to all nations, Jesus Christ, our Savior.
Taught to worship the Father, you are to be a leader of praise in the churches, showing the way to the heart of God through worship, singing songs of love and honor to the Almighty. Let others see how the Lord inhabits your worship. Make them jealous of your relationship with God until they are crying out to the Lord with all their hearts, all their love, crying to Him for His attention. It will become what they want more than anything else in the world, the same relationship with the Father that you have, longing for His touch. When this happens, you will have taught them well, the Father will be pleased with His child.
So what are you waiting for? You have all the essential elements for your mission. You have your waist girded with truth, a breastplate of righteousness, your feet are shod with the preparation of gospel of peace, you have the shield of faith, you have the helmet of salvation and the sword of the Spirit, God's Word. You are ready!
Go forth, share God's love with everyone, show the gladness and joy of your heart on your face so everyone can see that you are a dwelling place of the Lord. The Father has taught you well and it is time for Him to reap the harvest He has put in you as you go into the fields to harvest souls for Him.
This is God's time, this new year. He chooses you, His child, for His mission field. You know your stuff, it is imbedded on your heart. Go out now, this is the year of the Lord.
My Father, in all humility, I declare your message to my brothers and sisters. I take the message also unto myself, as You have taught me as well. I will declare Your love and mercy to all, taking Your message to the fields. I worship You Father, in spirit and truth. You are my everything, all my love and adoration belongs to only You, this 31st day of December, very last day of 2010.
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