Tuesday, December 21, 2010


Psalms 119:140   "Your word is very pure, therefore Your servant loves it."
Another gift that was not on the list.  There are only twelve days of Christmas, I knew I would never get them all in. There are too many gifts from the Lord to put in such a short span.  I could probably go on for months with a different gift each day. The Lord has blessed me so much.  And just when I think I could not possibly blessed more, the Lord presents me with a new gift today.

This weekend our Pastor was put in the hospital; our Elder, that is also a pastor, was in Florida.  Pastor asked me to give the message for Sunday morning.  He had notes and I picked them up at his house a little after 8:00 P.M. Saturday night.  You would think I would be nervous, but I had complete peace about this.  I studied his notes and added the things the Lord gave me that night, the next morning, and even during praise and worship practice, He was giving me things.  Time came, I got up, and gave the message.  It was also on gifts.  I believe the Lord was preparing me for talking about gifts when we began the twelve days.  But this is just preparing you for the rest of the story...

Today, I was driving down the road (do you see a pattern here) worshiping my Lord.  He begins to listen to my words and songs of worship and  joins me there in the car.  You know when He is there, His presence fills your very being to your soul.  My eyes begin to fill with tears. I was just thanking Him for giving me the honor of delivering the message Sunday morning. I was just so in awe His plans.  I was told that when Pastor was asked who was going to give the service, that he said the Lord had told him to ask me.  God was planning on using me.  So I am thanking Him and telling Him how I loved Him for the opportunity He had given me to serve Him. 

The Lord told me that He had me do it because He trusted me.  He told me that I had done everything He had been telling me to do.  My God told me, "you have sang worship to me, new songs coming out of you on Sunday morning, you speak My words when I ask you to, My words come from your lips to encourage, love and lift up my children, telling them things I have for them".  So, He said, you have proven to me that you will do as I say.  I knew you could be trusted to deliver My message to My people.

I just drove, tears coming down my face, as I listened to these precious words coming from my Father.  God's love is so precious to me, and for Him to add His trust. I still cannot contain it all. God's trust.  Isn't that what we all long to have.  His love, His trust.  To know that He will use me anyway He wants for His Kingdom because of His love, His trust. I am blessed beyond measure today.  I had asked the Lord a couple of weeks ago where He was taking me in all the things He has told me, the things He has had me do.  I am still wondering, but as long as He loves me, trusts me, I know I love and trust Him, I can do anything and go anywhere He leads.

If you don't have regular conversations with the Lord, if you would like to have Him ride along side of you, visit with you, just follow Him.  Follow all his teachings, all His plans.  Do what He asks of you, don't question, just do it. Do not be concerned with what man says.  If you are doing what the Lord tells you, He will make everything right with the rest of His children, the ones truly listening to Him.  He will make the path straight if you don't deviate from it.  He so longs to have visits with all His children, longs to trust them to do His will.

I would like to tell you I am no one special, but I cannot.  How can I not feel so special with my Father loving me like He does and now He trusting me.  I feel just like the person I am, a child of the King, a lover of my God Almighty, a follower of the Lord of Lords, a servant of the Most High, and a worshiper of  the I AM.  At His feet I want to sit always, just loving Him.

My precious Father, Lover of my soul, my True Love, there is no one like You. You are everything to me,  You always will be my everything.  I will never let go of You, my Lord.  Thank you, my God, for Your very precious gift of Your Trust, this 21st day of December, 2010.

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