Sunday, December 26, 2010


Luke 2:7b  "She wrapped him in cloths and placed Him in a manger, because there was no room for them in the inn."

What a humble birth, in a stable, to be laid in a manger, because there was no room for them in the inn.  But there was no stopping His birth that night; it was the master plan of the Father.  Jesus' birth, that night so many years ago, planned by the Father so long before that.  Prophets spoke of the birth in the Old Testament, telling the events that were to come.  And it happened, just like they prophesied.  God's word never changes.

But that birth is not what the Lord laid on my heart tonight.  It is the birth of Jesus in the hearts of His people today.  So many religious people say they love the Lord, as do Christians.  They talk of ways they help others, the money they give to the church, and all the charitable things they do, especially during this time of year.  But that is not what the Lord is looking for.  Yes, all these things are good because they help those who are in need.  But the Lord is looking for something more for us.  He is looking for room in the inn. His habitation place with us.  A place where His Spirit can dwell, live in, and move in us.  Is there room at your inn, in your heart?  Or will He be turned away; His birth in your heart put aside for other things, worldly things.  He knocks at the door of your heart, waiting for that special invitation to come in; He will not push Himself on you, He waits. 

What will the Lord find at your door?  Will He find that the door is thrown open, hearts rejoicing, voices praising with words of welcome?  A heart so filled with joy and love, wanting to open every door to give the Lord His choice, give the Lord first place; a place of honor in the heart.  Or will He find that the door only opens a crack, and then closed quickly when they see who is there.  He will not stand there long before He will turn and leave; praying that you have another day for Him. How many times will He come and knock on your door before He goes away with no intention to return.  That can happen.  He will stop seeking you; not stop loving you, but stop pursuing you. 

We all have the same chances.  At this special time of year, so many hearts are softened by stories of the birth of Christ, the love of families and their longing for something lasting, something to fill the void in their lives.  They have found nothing material and they know something better is there. There are a lot of church going people that are in this condition.  Going to church, leaving feeling empty, not knowing why.  The music was great, the sermon made them feel good but later, nothing.  God is looking to complete these people.

God's master plan, the birth of Jesus as a baby and the birth of Jesus in our hearts now.  Open those doors.  If the rooms are cluttered with stuff - hurts, unforgiveness, pain, sin on top of sin, He can clean house.  You have but to give Him complete control of the broom, He will sweep it all out of your heart, out of your life, and cleanse those rooms in your heart with the blood of Jesus.  Those rooms will shine with His righteousness and His grace will made them smell of a heavenly fragrance.  Those rooms will now be ready for habitation of the Holy Spirit.  Jesus will move in, can't you feel the love He's bringing, the special gifts He has in store for you.  There will be no doubt now whom you belong.  It will be evident by the lightness of heart you feel, the restoration of your mind, and the praise on your lips.  Worshiping our Lord for His wanting to be born in your inn, your heart.

Now words of encouragement come to you instead of words of defeat, overwhelming feelings of love will come pouring out of you to others instead of hate and quarreling, and you will be wanting to worship the Lord with all your heart.  Let Jesus find room today in your heart, do not turn Him away; it's the master plan.  God has always wanted you to come to Him, to let Him take care of you, His child. Today can be the best day of your life if you will surrender to the Lord. And it will be the most blessed day of so many to come.

I surrendered all to my Lord, opened all the doors of my heart, had a thorough cleansing of my heart by my God and now live to serve Him, love Him and worship Him with all my life.  Open those doors, call out to Jesus with a shout of "Welcome Home, my Lord".

My Lord, all my love, all my worship, all my everything is yours this 26th day of December, 2010.

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