Saturday, December 25, 2010


This is my Lord's birthday.  It was a special, blessed day for me.  Each day with the Lord is special but on this day, His special day, He has made it a family day.

 At the birth of my Lord Jesus, His mother, Mary and His earthly father, Joseph, were in attendance.  His earthly family.  But then there were visitors to see Him, shepherds, wise men, and angels singing chorus after chorus of Hallelujahs, rejoicing at His birth.  Family and those called by the Lord to witness His birth, what you might call His Family of God.  Then His Heavenly Family, God Almighty, God's Spirit, watching from above.

As I visited with my brother, sister-in-law (I really don't care for that word, as she is really a sister), my niece and her family, I was so happy being with my earthly family.  We had a beautiful visit, and I returned home to go to Christmas dinner with Roberts family, my extended earthly family.  Another beautiful visit with all their children and grandchildren.  All the four children were there, the fourth coming in from Florida with his daughter this evening. It was a great evening.  I was so blessed this day.

On the way home I was thinking of the other family the Lord has given me.  My Family of God.  All the precious brothers and sisters in the Lord that He has provided me with through my church, friends that have come and gone to another church now, but that still care for me and love me, and the friends I have met through FB.  Christian friends that come together with me in a spirit of love of God, and a spirit of love for each other through God.  How wonderful the Lord has seen to every need in my life.  Going further than the realm of my earthly family, knowing that I would need friends that would love me because of Him, pray for me and give me so much support when my earthly family could not be right here.  Such love of the Father to see to all my needs.

My brother, my sister in California and my nieces and nephews love me dearly and I adore and love them so, but the Lord knew I needed more, and He knows you do also.  He gives us friends to stand with us, love us, and pray with us.  His family, the Family of God.

Then there is my Heavenly family.  My Father, my Lord Jesus and the Holy Spirit that dwells in me.  My family.  There is no keeping my Heavenly family from me, as I love this family more than life itself.  This precious family of which I have been made a part through the blood of my Lord Jesus, through the Love of my Father, and through the guidance and companionship of the Holy Spirit.  Always forgiving, always loving, always present with me.  Family with unconditional love, sweet spirit indwelling love, soul stirring love.  Love that reaches to the depths of me, my Family's love.

Family.  My God, You have provided me with so much.  You think of my every need on earth.  I love you My Father, as you have not left one thing undone with me.  I worship Your Holy Name and I give you all my love.  My great niece was reading her card from her grandparents tonight and she was reading it out loud to her sisters and said, "To my favorite granddaughter", just to tease her sisters.  I  feel like saying that to my Lord, from your favorite child, Lord, all my love.  Don't we all like to think we are our Father's favorite.  How can we not feel so when He just pours His love and blessings all over us.  I know my God does not play favorites, but if He did.....

I love You, Lord.  Yes, I can feel Your smiling tonight.  I give You honor and praise, my Lord.  I give You everything I am, it is Yours, this 25th day of December, Christmas, 2010.

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