Tuesday, December 14, 2010


My Father in Heaven loves me.  I know this in the depths of my heart and soul.  He has responded to my love, my constant worship, glorifying His name.  Giving honor to Him with all my being, acknowledging Him as my Lord and Savior, knowing no other God, only my Lord and King.  And He has spent time with me, His glorious presence surrounding me with warmth, flowing billows of soft whispers of His love for me.  And He gave to me REVELATION.  A revelation knowlege of who He is.  A blessed knowledge of who I am in Him.

 1 Peter 1: 7, 8 "that the genuineness of your faith, being more precious that gold that perishes, though it is tested by fire, may be found to praise, honor and glory at the revelation of Jesus Christ, whom having not seen you love."  I do so love my Lord, whom I have not seen, but through my faith in God, knowing the love He has for me, knowing that He sent His son to be born in a world of sin, to deliver me from an eternity in hell, and to establish my right as a child of the living God, do so gloryify His Holy Name. 

Revelation of knowledge is such a gift.  We can read the Word of God all day long and be caught up in the stories of Abraham, Moses, David...but without revelation they are words our limited understanding cannot comprehend.  Proverbs 29:18 says "where there is no revelation, the people cast off restraints (they perish), but happy is he who keeps the law".  Without the revelation of God when reading His words, we do not fully understand the principles (laws) He has set forth for guidance, restriction and fulfillment of our lives, the lives He has planned for us.  He has a plan for us all.

I pray daily for God's wisdom so I can see what the Word means for me.  What He wants me to understand.  Because I truly am seeking His will and His heart, He has given me revelation. Not all at once, it comes bit by bit; as my spirit can accept and understand.  There is so much, He feeds it to me like a child, small bites, and as I grow, larger bites. He will feed me until He feels I can eat on my own, but He will still be watching me digest each beautiful sentence of His Word, tenderly encouraging  me as I grow in Him.

What a blessed Father He is. My well being is so important to Him.  He knows that His Word is essential to my growth and to my life.  I cannot live to the potential He has placed in my life without Him and His Word leading me in His path.

Thank You my Father, for this beautiful gift.  Once again, I am without a gift for You that could possibly measure up to what You have given me.  All I can offer, my Lord, is all my worship, all my days, given only toYou. I sing praises to You, I give You all the glory and honor that is due only You, my King.  I will love You with a passionate love that You have taught me to have. I will sing songs to You each day of my life as You have put the songs in my heart with Your love.  I cherish the intimate relationship You have with me. My God, there is no one like You. You are my everything.

You, my Lord, have given me Confidence and now Revelation, and I am your grateful child, this 14th day of December, 2010. 

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