Monday, December 6, 2010

Blessings Flow to Me

I cannot worship my Lord too much. He is so good to me; His blessings flow on a daily basis. Today I was able to get my boarding pass for the first onboarding tomorrow. Thank you my Lord. You are so faithful Father, always ready to bless me.  And I know who is responsible for the goodness in my life. I praise you my Father.

Tomorrow I return to Houston. This trip has been such a restoring and blesed trip.  Good services dedicated to the Lord yesterday; the Lord blessings on Saturday and today.  It is good to worship in a church that dedicates itself to worshiping the Lord.  He so inhabits the praise in this fellowship.  It was like floating up to Heaven.

My Lord, I can never get enough of worshiping You. You are so worthy my Lord, so very worthy. I glorify Your Holy Name. Just the freedom to worship ou Lord, causes me to worship. You aer so awesome, my Father; Your touch as I worship You is what I long for.  I need Your presence Lord, Your annointing,  I don't want to go through a day without You by my side. Precious Father, draw us near to You, that we may knw you deeper.

I am trusting You my Father and I lift you up through Jesus Christ my Lord this 6th day of November, 2010.

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