Thursday, December 23, 2010


John 3:16  "For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have everlasting life."

This scripture was the first one I ever memorized as a child.  It is probably the case with most children. I believe we are taught this one first as it puts everything ever done or ever will be done into one verse explaining the reason for it. 

For God, (the Maker of all mankind, the Almighty, the I AM), so (without measure, abundantly, passionately) loved (the most precious emotion, chosing to do so) the world (that is us, that is me), that He gave (freely, without pressure), His only (one and only, no other son did He have) begotten Son (heir of His kingdom), that whoever (you and me) believes (trusts, has faith in) in Him (Lord of Lords, King of Kings) should not perish (spend eternity in hell) but (in place of) have everlasting (never ending) life (here on earth and in heaven).

My God, my Father, the lover of my soul, gave me His love.  He loved me so much He sent His Son to earth as a baby; to walk my walk, suffer my sufferings, be rejected as I would be, so He could know first hand the things we would go through.  He did all these things without ever sinning, never falling into the enemy's snares.  Pure and innocent, He went to the cross, took my place and died.  He was buried and rose again, to sit at the Fathers side in glory.  For only one reason, LOVE.  Because God loved us.  Because God loved me. 

He loves me.  He woos me with His precious touch on my heart to draw me into His presence.  He whispers words of love and encouragement, songs of joy does he speak into my ears.  My God lifts me from moments of despair and grief to flowing songs of love and joy.  He gives me blessing after blessing because He loves me.  All my days are filled with His love, my nights sweet sleep of a baby, peace falling like a blanket over me.  I feel His arms around me, enclosing me into His protective shadow.  There is never a moment I feel unloved.

The Word is filled with scripture telling of the Lords great love for us.  The most important commandments He gives us concern love.  We must love the Lord our God with all our hearts, putting no one before Him.  We must love our neightbors as ourselves.  Love,  Sweet love of God spreading over us like the river flowing from this throne. 

The love of God is like no other.  There are no conditions on my Father's love.  It is available to anyone who will just open their heart to Him.  It is not decided upon whether you love Him or not.  He loves you anyway. He loves me anyway.  But I love my God.  Passionately love Him.  There is not a moment I don't feel so in love with my Lord.

When you return His love, His blessings flow upon you.  He loves so much, when that love is returned He wants to do special things for His beloved.  Oh, my Father, how You love me.  You show it every day in so many ways.  And how I love You.  I must be in Your presence always, Lord, I need Your annointed love.

Love, the eleventh gift.   You have given me confidence, revelation of Your Word, grace, foundation, expectancy, rules, forgiveness, perserverance, Your trust, peace and now Your love.  I am so blessed Father, I do not know how to thank You except to pledge my love to You, all my heart, my life to You forever.  I will worship You with all my heart, all my soul.  You are my everything.

Love, my Lords gift, which I return to Him with everything I have, everything I am, this 23rd day of December, 2010.

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