Thursday, December 16, 2010


Ephesians 2:19-22  "Now, therefore, you are no longer strangers and foreigners, but fellow citizens with the saints and members of the household of God, having been built on the foundation of the apostles and prophets, Jesus Christ Himself being the chief cornerstone, in whom the whole building, being fitted together, grows into a holy temple in the Lord, in whom you also are being built together for a dwelling place of God in the Spirit."

My Father, having loved me before I was born, You had begun plans for my live.  You were laying the foundation that I would be rooted in.  The stepping stones that would lead me from a child to where I was to be in You.

When I look back, my Lord, I see all the times that some of the stones had no footprint on them.  I know that this is when I stepped off the path you set out for me and walked in darkness.  Shame fills me when I think of it Lord.  It was so dark and I was afraid. There was no peace in my life.  Nothing but a shell of a life that had little knowledge of how to get back on the path.

But You, my Lord, never left my side.  I was not aware of Your Presence then, but I see now that You were always there.  I look back and see where You preserved my life when it could be taken by the enemy and my soul cast down.  You, my Lord, never let go of me, even though I thought You would not want me back.  But the day came, You reached down and lifted me up from my despair, my shame, and took me in Your arms and set me back on the stepping stones that were leading back to the foundation You set for me.  When You chose me to serve You, I was but a child.  I gave my life to you when I was eight years old, so young, not truly understanding Your ways, how I was to follow.  So many things happened, I was overcome. But when You picked me up, I understood who You were, I understood the love You had for me, and I was overcome by Your mercy and grace to me.  Your forgiving love, Your tenderness, understanding that I had never stopped loving You, I just did not know how to get back.  Thank you Father, that you saw my heart, crying out to You, and took me into Your arms.  You made me feel Your love at that moment, and restoration began between me and you, my Father.

Now for years Lord, I have been restored to you, but now am finding myself in a new place.  A very intimate place with you.  A place where I feel Your presence all the time.  You have shown me Your love, Your desire to dwell within me, Your Spirit in me, my strength, my strong tower, my provider.  Dwelling in me, pleased with me. When I seek your face, you are here with me.  I have come up the stepping stones to the foundation, Lord, that You set in place before I was born. The place where You would sit me, standing on the Rock of My Salvation, the Foundation of the Lord.  What peace and joy there is standing beside You, my God.  Feet never quivering again, solid as I stand with You. Heart solid with love for you, my soul completely peaceful and filled with Your Spirit.  My Foundation is You, my Lord.  Your gift to me, a solid foundation in You.  I know I will never again step away, as I have found life in You, my King.  I give my everything to You, all my praise, all my worship, all my will, all my love.

You are the solid foundatin in my life, no other is there like You.  What a gift my Lord.  Confidence, Revelation, Grace, and now Foundation. You are my everything,  Your gifts, what joy, My God, this 16th day of December, 2010.

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