Thursday, January 6, 2011


Luke 4:8  "Jesus answered, "It is written. Worship the Lord your God and serve Him only!""

There is but one God.  Our God, the great I AM, the  Maker of Heaven and earth, and all creation, He who set the stars in place, He who made us in His own image.  He is the only God.  Worship should be given to Him alone. 

Everyone who has a ministry has that ministry because of our God.  God chose them, God annointed them and God gives utterance to them.  His spirit pierces their hearts and His words flow from their mouths.  Whether it be in message or music, it is the flowing of the spirit of God through them.  They are the vessel, God is the substance.  Without God, the ministry has no value in Heaven.  It is just an outlet for people's idolatry.

The truly great men of God, and I am not talking about the most affluent, the most seen on TV or the most popular in public eye; a lot of them are not widely known.  But I am talking about the great annointed men of God that joyfully take a back seat and let the presence of the Almighty come forward, giving Him all the glory and honor, acknowledging their servanthood to the Most High God. These men and women are great in the Lord's eye.  These are those that seek His heart, their desire is of Him and His presence.  They submit themselves to the Lord, obeying Him and bringing forth the message in word and song, just as it was revealed to them by the Lord.

There are annointed ministers of the Lord that are adored, people bordering it almost on idolatry.  People, be cautious, do not let the enemy turn what God has given you for instruction and worship, into something not of Him or his ministers.  Remember, they are only the vessel, He is the one behind them. God has the message, God inspires the music, God is God.  There is none to be worshiped but the Most High God, the Lord of Lords.  It grieves the Lord to see what He has meant for our instruction, for our joy to turn into worship of man and not of Him.  God does not want this to happen, and neither do His great and beloved ministers of the Word and song. 

Father, once again, I give Your message.  I worship You my Lord.  I thank You for Your ministers that preach Your words to Your children.  To instruct us, to warn us, to convict us through the Holy Spirit, so we may repent of all sin, and be cleansed in the blood of Your Son; so our hearts may be pure before You.  I thank you for the beautiful music provided by Your song bearers.  Let the groups coming forth remember who it is that sent them.  You, my God, just You.  You are who gives them inspiration, gives them the music and it is You alone who should receive all the glory. You will lift them up as they lift You up. Let the eyes of your children see and understand the difference between You and the ministers You give us.

My God, to You whose presence I desire, to You on whom I worship night and day, and love with all my being, I am your obedient child this 6th day of January, 2011.

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