Tuesday, January 4, 2011


John 4:23  "For the hour is coming, and now is, when the true worshipers will worship the Father in spirit and truth".

I was eating dinner and had the t.v. on.  There was a new show beginning tonight.  It was called Live to Dance.  As I was watching the introduction, they were saying that they had searched the country for people that lived to dance. 

In my spirit I heard the Lord say, "I have been searching the country also, for people who would live to worship me".  It was like a hot iron had been pressed against my heart.  I could feel the Lord's heart as He watches people all over the world live for one thing or another; just die if they can not do it; and all He is looking for are some of His children who would live to worship Him.

I live to worship my Lord.  I don't think anyone that knows me would disagree with that statement.  It is what I do.  I have so much to thank my Father for.  How could I have possibly made it this far without His hand on me, His intervention into my life that was spiralling down from what was once so special in His eyes to one that was bordering on disaster, His unconditional love lifting me from dispair into His arms.  How could I not want to worship Him with everything that is within me. 

My heart hurts for my Father.  My tears flow down my face as I think of His having to look for children to worship Him.  He should be having to turn down the sound here on earth from praises and worship songs from us becoming so loud that the angels in Heaven are complaining about all the noise.  We should be vibrating the floor of Heaven with our worship, our shouts of thanks, songs of praise to the Father.

What can I say to you to have you understand why this is so important, so urgent that you worship God.  Do you not want His company?  Do you not want His joy to fill your heart?  Are you so caught up in yourself that you do not recognize His hand on your life, protecting you, blessing you.  Where would you be, people, without His unconditional love. God can love you, He can be blessing you, but you may not ever feel His presence.  Never know how wonderful an intimate relationship with the Father can be.  You may just be satisfied to have what it is you have.  Just on the outside, looking in.  I don't understand this attitude; as I cannot be near enough to my Lord to satisfy me.  I have to be there in His presence constantly.

To gain entrance into this very special relationship, I make sure He is ever present on my heart, on my mind, words of praise and thanks on my lips, and songs of love coming from my very soul, singing to Him every waking moment.  When I cannot sing out loud, you can be sure my spirit is singing for me, I am singing inside my mind, my heart.  Sometimes the spirit is so bursting with songs of love inside me I can hardly contain myself as my heart joins my spirit in crys of worship to God.  It is my one objective in this life.  TO LIVE TO WORSHIP.

I am a worshiper.  The Lord knows me.  He knows who I am.  He chose me to worship because I was willing, desiring so to be a worshiper, loving Him, giving to Him all that I have.  But He is looking for others.  Others that will live to worship Him.  That will give unto the Lord their hearts of love, pledge that love for eternity and devote their lives to lead others to worship Him.  To draw others into worshiping together to shake the foundations of Heaven with their voices of thanks and praise to Him.  Worshiping Him for all He is.  Just because HE IS. Knowing in their hearts, that if He nevers blesses them with anything else but His presence, His presence is more that enough.  It is all that is desired.

All I desire my God, is to show my love to You, worship You all my days, do Your will, this 4th day of January, 2011.

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