Romans 10:8 "But what does it say? "The Word is near you; it is in your mouth and in your heart, that is, the word of faith we are proclaiming"
The Word, that precious Word of God, near you, in your mouth and in your heart? Yes, it should be there always. But it will not get there by itself. You must read God's Word, it does no good to you if it lays unread in the Book. Seek the Lord for understanding and wisdom when reading His Word. Then begin to read, slowly, patiently going over the words, stopping and rereading a line when it speaks to you. Yes, the Word will speak to you as you read it. There is so much life giving knowledge in the Word of God. So much you never knew could be there. Read and read it over again until it is locked into your heart. Lock up each precious law of the Lord, each advising commandment for righteous living, and each lingering letter of the words spoken by Jesus - they'll be the ones written in red, the words given in love by the Savior of the world, who came, who died, who lives forever to intercede with the Father for us - those precious words, lock them in.
After spending time in the Word of God, you will no doubt be given instruction by God as to how He wants you to use those words. You did not think, did you, that they would just stay locked in there? No, they are not for you to leave dormant in your heart. They are for edification, purification and the beginning of wisdom for you. To give you cleansing, spiritually and physically. To help rid your heart, your mind of all sin, all that should not be there. To let you see where your help comes from. To help you build FAITH in the Father, who wants to lift that burden from you and give you rest.
Faith, that is what the words of our Lord will give you. His words will encourage you to give Him your burdens and let Him show you with His love and mercy, His grace and guidance, that He can and He will do whatever is necessary to give you peace. His precious peace. Building your faith in Him, that is what His words can do.
Once you have these words locked in, your faith building on the promises of God, you will need to load your mouth with these words. I CAN should come forth instead of I don't think I can do this, I WILL instead of the normal hesitation to step out in faith, and I DO believe that God will take care of me each step of this walk with Him. Not doubt, as it will wipe out those words so fast, and you will have to start the process all over again. You have the Lord wanting to give you peace, you have His words to take you to that place in Him. What are you waiting for? LOCK AND LOAD, let it be not a gun slogan, but a slogan for faith, faith in God and His promises.
My precious Lord, once again, I am amazed at what You give me. This morning, all I heard was Lock and Load and had no idea of what it meant. Thank you Father, I love what it means. I love everything You give me, You who supplies all my needs, You who loves me so dearly, and You, precious Lord, who gives me my heart's desire, Your presence. I love you so much, You are everything to me, there is no one in my heart by you. This day, I give You honor and glory, all my love, this 20th day of January, 2011.
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