Revelation 3:21 "To him who overcomes, I will give the right to sit with me on my throne, just as I overcame and sat down with my Father on His throne."
I am an overcomer, an overcomer in Christ. There is nothing I can do on my own, I am nothing but flesh, bone, came from flesh of an earthly mother, life breathed into me by Almighty God. As a child, knew nothing of the terrible world outside for so many years, protected by my parents from whatever there was that was bad in the world. But they could not protect me as I grew.
Things happened when I was growing up, I don't know if my parents ever knew. You just sort of push it into a place no one ever looks in. Those deep recessed places of your mind, of your heart. As I became an adult, so many things went on, and I have to take the blame for a lot of it. I drifted away from church, left my Lord, left His protection, His Word, His direction. So much time wasted, so much training in the life that God had for me, all left behind. How He must have grieved. So many lessons to come during those important growing years in my young adulthood. Left unlearned.
Tears, heart broken sobs, grieving over what was going on, what had been lost. No one to turn to, I could not tell anyone all those things that had happened to me, things I had done. Where could I go, what happens to me....then came...
The Invitation...."Come unto me and I will give you rest. Give unto me the yoke of your transgressions and I will forgive you, and exchange it for My yoke, which is light. I will love you, give you my peace if you repent now and return to your first love." I know those are not the exact words, as it has been a while since my Lord and I had this conversation, but it was this invitation, come back to Him, He would forgive me, He would give me rest from my weary load I had been carrying so many years. I accepted His invitation, there was no questioning if this is what I should do or did I want to do this at that time. When you are so low, when you think all is lost to you, why would you even question or doubt what to do. When I said yes, He just took me into His arms and began to pour a cleansing, healing ointment over my entire being, all the while whispering His loving words into my ears, letting them heal my heart, comfort my soul, words of forgiveness, precious words of encouragement, words telling me that now things would be alright, I was in Him now, He would protect me. He told me nothing from my past could ever come back and hurt me, as He would protect me from all harm, the enemy could not lay his hands on me again, for now I was back with my Father. Oh, my God, how can I ever tell You what You mean to me. I have no words to tell you, there are no words for what You have done for me, what You have given me.
And now I am what you see, a child of the Almighty God, an heir to the Kingdom, a friend of the Lord. I live for Him now, I pledge my vows of dedication of my life to His use, my love to Him, as long as I live, I am only His.
I am an overcomer. I have overcome the chains of the past, I have laid aside the claim the enemy had on my life, on my mind, he has no hold over me anymore. My mind is clearly on my God, my heart is so full of His love for me and mine for Him, and my life is His. He touched me, made me whole again. I am a complete person now, complete in His love, in His eyes. He gives me life each morning, new life in Him with direction that only He controls. And now I have received ...
Another an overcomer, I am invited to sit with the Lord on His throne. A place reserved for those who overcome the enemy with victory in Jesus, overcoming temptation sent daily by the enemy, standing on the Word of God and the promises of resurrection, of victory, as we stand with the Risen Savior. I am blessed. I only wait now for the time to come. When He returns...
If you hear the invitation extended to you, don't wait, hurry to the Father. There is nothing He does not know about you, and is ready to offer to you the same as He did to me. Forgiveness, love, protection from what held you captive, His rest, His peace.......He waits for you...
So worthy is my God of all my worship, all my praise. I love you so much, Lord. My life is Yours, the life You resurrected, the life You restored. And now, I will go no where without my Lord, I go where He goes, if He won't go there, neither will I. Washed clean, refreshed daily with love, such joy and peace is mine. Such peace each day as He takes care of my life, guides me, leads me in His grace...
My Lord, all glory, all honor of everything I do, I give all of it to you, this 25th day of January, 2011.
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