Psalm 1:3 "He is like a tree planted by streams of water, which yields its fruit in season and whose leaf does not wither. Whatever he does prospers."
Revelations 22: 1-3 "Then the angel showed me the river of the water of life, as clear as crystal, flowing from the throne of God and of the Lamb down the middle of the great street of the city. On each side of the river stood the tree of life, bearing twelve crops of fruit, yielding its fruit every month. And the leaves of the tree are for the healing of the nations."
A friend of mine was telling me of a revelation she had this morning as she woke up, with the Lord showing her she was like a tree planted by the water. The Lord quickened my spirit when she said this and I knew He had something to tell me about this tree.
A tree planted by the water, yielding fruit, leaves not withering. A tree, our spirits, roots going deep into the earth, continually being fed by the Word of God, with that spiritual food going up, feeding each limb with the necessary words from the Lord to keep our spirits healthy. To see that His spirit planted so deep within us giving the life sustaining water from the throne of God to keep us continually abiding in the Father. Roots so deep, that when the winds of satanic force are blowing across us, we will not waver but stand tall in the wake of destruction and not bend, not even an inch. Limbs reaching high to the heavens where we know our God looks down, smiling, knowing that we are standing strong in His Word.
Yielding fruit each month, different kinds of fruit each month. Fruit that is for sharing, sharing the Word of God. Small, sweet fruit to begin with, as those we reach can learn first of love and forgiveness. Then as time goes by, larger types of fruit, salvation, walking with the Lord; as months go by and more fruit is given, more witnessing progresses with the spirit leading, showing, sharing, God's plan for each life, helping to plant their roots by the water so they can begin to grow, begin to be fed direct from the Word of God, and begin to grow their own fruit.
The trees standing by the river, soaking up the life giving water, roots nourished by the Word, always yielding to the Lord for the fruit to be given, sweet spiritual fruit. We are these trees, we are the ones with roots so deeply rooted in the Lord and His Word, we will never waver from Him. No forces of evil can destroy our roots, they are firmly planted. The enemy will try every way to damage the roots as they are the foundation, but whatever touches the water of the river from the throne of Heaven will suffer no damage, it will heal over immediately, as everyone and everything that touches this water will have life.
The leaves of the tree, those are words, words that the Lord gives us to share. Words of love, words of encouragement, faith building words for ourselves, for others all over the world. Words that will begin to heal the nations as the love of God begins to build relationships between people, between countries, causing men to put away thoughts of war and fill their minds with thoughts of a God so great and so loving, that He alone can forgive all their sin. A God who will fill them with knowledge, let them see how He loved them enough to send His Son, Jesus, to die for their sins so they might be able to come to the Father. He will fill them with His Holy Spirit, to live within and guide, comfort, instruct.
Nations will come forth and begin to worship and praise our God who has become their God. He who is worthy of all praise will see that His trees, trees that He planted by the water of life, have grown and produced fruit and their leaves that He kept from withering have spread His word and His love to all nations, healed all nations. My God, what a plan you have for us, your trees you grew from saplings to giant firmly planted trees of righteousness, flowing in Your Spirit, flowing in Your river.
My Lord, what a wonderful life we have in You. What a wonderful, exciting plan You have for each of us. To love, to teach, to instruct others in Your Word until they can be planted by Your river and begin to grow. It goes on and on, Father, and soon there are forests and forests of trees along Your river, spreading out to heal Your earth with Your power and strength; Your love and grace. Humbly Lord, we take our place as You release us to do Your will, as the seeds of the fruit You produce in us begins to fall and be spread across the world, making Your love known to all.
O, my God, my life is in You. I, one of Your trees that You have planted by Your river, You giving life to me, showing me that I will never wither, until You call me home, I will have the energy and strength as from the beginning, I will have the power of Your love within me to do all You will me to do in Your Name.
I worship You my King, as You cause me to blossom at any age, for in You, I am ageless. I love you my God, my Lord, I give you all my worship always, on this 15th day of January, 2011.
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