Tuesday, January 18, 2011


Exodus 3:2-5  "There the angel of the Lord appeared to him in flames of fire from within a bush. Moses saw that though the bush was on fire it did not burn up. So Moses thought, "I will go over and see this strange sight - why the bush does not burn up". When the Lord saw that he had gone over to look, God called to him from within the bush "Moses! Moses!"  and Moses said "Here I am". "Do not come any closer," God said. "Take off your sandals, for the place where you are standing is holy ground."

What Moses saw was something he had never witnessed before.  A bush on fire but it was not burning up. But he was actually seeing this. And when the Lord spoke to him from within the bush, you can tell he must have really looked to see into the bush. Wouldn't you, if you heard God's voice calling you from within. What you are seeing here is, God revealing himself to Moses into his spirit. But God was there, Moses just could not see Him with his eyes. "Holy Ground", the Lord said, "take off your sandals. This is Holy Ground." 

Where the Lord is, His very presence, whether He is speaking to you or you just feel His presence, it is Holy Ground.  Humble yourself unto the Lord, His very presence is upon you.  And no, you will probably never physically see Him until we reach Glory, but His presence is very real.

The things of the Lord are not always black and white.  God's Word reveals so many mysteries to us as we grow in the Lord, but you won't find the words spelling it out for you.  He keeps so much in His Word a mystery until you have totally given yourself to Him, until you are consumed by a desire for the Lord and His kingdom.  Then as He feels you can understand, as you are becoming more and more intimate with Him, He begins to open the verses up for you to see, with your spiritual eyes.  You begin to understand what He meant when He said in Romans 8:6 "The mind of sinful man is death, but the mind controlled by the Spirit is life and peace."  You must become spiritually minded, seeing with spiritual eyes, which gives you life and peace.

Only with spiritual eyes will you begin to see this earth through God's eyes.  You will see that the things you use to enjoy, certain books, movies, TV shows, and even people, are not of God's choosing for you.  Through spiritual eyes, you will not be able to read those words in those books, watch those movies that bleep so much, and most TV shows will become as distasteful to you as they are to God.  Some of the people that you use to like to hang with will become as clanging brass to your ears as you begin to have your spiritual eyes opened more by the Lord. It is so important to let the Lord guide you in making friends. Friends in the Lord should sound like beautiful wind chimes, softly blowing in the breeze, like a soft piano or violin playing, Holy, Holy, Holy are you Lord.  Friends you can worship Him with. Friends with spiritual eyes also.

You find yourself in a (and the Lord is telling me to use the word) cocoon, so tightly woven by God's spirit, to keep your eyes on Him until you are so completely wrapped up in Him and your eyes are fully focused on things only of God.  Then He will gently unwrap you, each turn showing you more and more of Him, your spiritual eyes growing stronger and stronger.  The you can see.  You will be able to see God in everything.  The earth that God so carefully created will become a visual playground for your spiritual eyes.  No longer will you see all the horrible things you once saw but now you will see the beauty God created.  You will see beauty in everything that is of God. Before you saw with natural eyes and the earthly things of the enemy, but now your spiritual eyes are developed and you see before you, the magnificent creations of God. You will be humbled as you realize that now you are truly standing on Holy Ground.

My God, how majestic are the wonders of Your earth.  How I treasure the spiritual eyes you gave to me when I gave You my all, You gave Your best gifts to me, one being spiritual eyes.  My eyes, both spiritual and natural eyes are focused on You my Lord, never to look to one side or the other, but straight ahead at You.  Your glory, Your beauty.  I am so in love with You, my God, totally and undeniably in love with You.

I worship You my Lord, each minute, as I only want to bring glory to Your Name. Let me be spiritually minded only in You my God as I cannot do anything on my own.  I rejoice in You, this 18th day of January, 2011.

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