Monday, February 28, 2011


Genesis 1:2  (Amplified) "The earth was without form and an empty waste, and darkness was upon the face of the very great deep.  The Spirit of God was moving (hovering, brooding) over the face of the waters."

When I think about the day before you began creation, nothing has ever been said about it, well, that I have read, my Lord.  All that I know is that Your Word said You hovered, moved, brooded above the waters, actual nothingness.  Brooded...I can feel from You Lord that You were lonesome, bored, alone.  All Your wonderful power, ideas, dreams building up inside, exploding through Your spirit.

And then, Day One.  You decided to do something about all this darkness.  It was time to begin to put Your plan, Your ideas to fulfillment.  Then You spoke.  I can imagine Your voice coming from You with such power, such excitement, a force to be reckoned with; one word came forth "LIGHT".  And light appeared.  Were You surprised?  Had You known before that all it would take is one word from You to produce what You said?  Was it the first word You had spoken out loud?  There was no one for You to talk to, nothing to exclaim over....I believe You were amazed at Yourself, at Your Majesty.  I am sorry, my God, I am not trying to be disrespectful, but I feel Your spirit swelled at the very power of Your voice, just at Your command, it was.  The beginning of faith.  You had faith that when You spoke it would happen.  The beginning of faith.  You just showed this to me. This is why it is so important to You that we believe, that we have faith when we speak in Your name it will happen.  Real faith that will produce the same effect as You speaking. Oh, my Lord, this is amazing to me.

Then, my Father, You separated that light from the dark that had always been there. The light, so invasive to the dark.   And You called them Day and Night.  You had this planned, didn't You, my God, the names of what it would be called already decided.  Day for light and night for dark, the blackness.  Evening and morning.  And that was Day One.

From the first day of light and dark, the separating of the two, would then describe life as it would be known in the spirit.  There would be light; You sent Your Son to bring salvation to the world, bring light to the dark place our souls were in.  Light would be good and darkness would forever be evil.

Day one causes me to think about the day I was born again, resurrected in the Light of Jesus as He invaded the dark parts of my heart, my soul, and filled every part with the Light of His salvation, His beauty, His love.  The Light that would separate me from the darkness that had invaded every part of me, bringing fear, confusion, doubt.  The Light shining through every crevice where the darkness was hiding, trying to maintain some hold over me.  But where there is light, there is no longer darkness.  And I was freed from the abyss of darkness by the whisper from You into my spirit, as You again said "LIGHT".  And that was Day One of my rebirth in You, my God .... my rescuer, my salvation, my life.  You spoke the word and it became so.  And because of my faith in You, it is still so today.

My Lord, as I was thinking this morning about the splendor of Your creation and thought about how it all began, You began to pour into my spirit these words.  And more.  How faithful You are my Lord, always so faithful.  I love You, my God.  You know my heart, Lord, and as I worship You, You bring me into Your presence, to spend time in Your glorious Light that is always surrounding You.  No more dark ever where You are.  You will never have darkness around You again.  Just the Light of Your Son and the Light of Your children, those who love You more than life, as I do, my God.  More than life, I love You.

This 28th day of February, more than life, as You so changed mine, when You gave Light into my life.

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