Romans 12:11-12 (Message) "Don't burn out; keep yourselves fueled and aflame. Be alert servants of the Master; cheerfully expectant. Don't quit in hard times; pray all the harder."
These last few weeks have been difficult for me. I have had such an oppression on me. Not depression, for I am not depressed. No, not depressed. This has been like a heavy weight on me, oppressing me, dragging me down. But I have not let it get to me. It has made me tired and weary, but my spirit has been where it always is. Just rejoicing in my God.
Each morning I have awaken, and as always, I raise my voice in worship to my God. I sing unto Him, I speak words of adoration and love to Him. I thank Him from deep within me for my rest in Him that night, for His goodness to me, for the precious love He gives me, and oh, my Lord, for your presence. That never changes. This is what I do first thing each morning, every time I wake during the night, all during the day, I worship my Lord. I sing praises to His name, I give Him all the glory and honor. All the time. He is my God, my true love. So regardless of how I have felt, I know it is not coming from the Lord. If it were coming from Him, still I would worship Him.
But these past weeks, I feel like the enemy has taken a pick to me, continually trying to chip away at my mind, my peace, my spirit. I keep fighting back, with song, praise and prayer. He keeps chopping with his pick, chop, chop, chop. I keep singing, praising and praying. You can see we have had quite a battle, but I have not lost and he definitely has not won.
This morning, in my weariness, so tired, having to work my day off, I rose up out of bed. I began to feel that heaviness upon my shoulders, but I began to praise and worship my God. All of a sudden, I felt a rush inside of me, like a shout from the Lord from within me. He was telling satan, "Come on - you can't get to this child of mine - she will rise up and praise Me no matter what you do to her". And as I began to praise the Lord's name, telling my God He meant everything to me and that I would never cease to worship Him, I felt a burst of energy and refreshness in my soul going through to my entire body. New oxygen in my blood stream as though my Lord breathed new life into me, strengthening me, refreshing me. My God was boasting on me to satan. How awesome is that! Knowing that I will praise Him no matter what happens, no matter how tired, how weary I become in my daily life. He knows me, knows my heart is His. God was showing me off.....what an energizer to my soul. Can you imagine, He was bragging on me. How He knows me, how He knows how much I adore Him. He knows. But then I tell Him all the time how much I love Him. He means everything to me.
As the fire of my God's love begins to burn the remainder of the old man off me, the sweet incense of my love and devotion for only my God rises and as He draws in the breath of me, that sweet honey smell of what He has made me to be, joy fills His heart and causes His love to explode in my heart, in my soul, and I am brought humble before Him in adoration. My God, my God, how I love You.
God is bragging on me. He has bragging rights on me. He knows I am His, only His and nothing this world can do, nothing the enemy can conjure up will cause me to stop worshiping my Lord. Nothing, not one thing he can do that will ever cause me to turn from my God. I know this, God knows this, and what is most important, the enemy knows this. One day when he begins to feel the flames circle around him, he will remember me, a child of Almighty God, that he tried so hard to defeat, that he keep throwing hurt, sorrow, pain at, that child that would not stop worshiping God. Just would not stop worshiping God. A battle he fought time after time, a war he lost.
My Father, you have given me the energy necessary to continue this fight with Your boast of me, Your bragging of me. I thank You that I have come to the place in our relationship that You know I will never leave You, just as I know You will never leave me. You have given me Your love, Your presence and Your heart. I love being a part of You my God. I will never leave Your side. I will sit at Your feet forever, worshiping only You, loving only You.
This 24th day of February, 2011, my God boasted of me.
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