Wednesday, February 23, 2011


Romans 5:5 (Message) "We find ourselves standing where we always hoped we might stand...out in the wide open spaces of God's grace and glory, standing tall and shouting our praise."

I have hope.  I have hope in my Lord that for me, the life He has planned, is just beginning to be fulfilled.  I have hope that He is beginning to move me into those plans He has began to work out for me.  The Lord has put words into my heart that give me a glimpse of what He wants me to do.  Of how I am to move into His plans.  Such hope, such glorious hope.

The dreams my Lord has given me.  Sweet dreams of ministering to Him, ministering to others through Him, wonderful dreams.  I feel that it doesn't matter what your age, if the Lord puts dreams into your spirit, they are for a reason.  A dream that is to inspire you, encourage you, show His constant love for you.  Yes, I have dreams, God given dreams for my future.

As I was thinking about my hope, my dreams, the Lord showed me something I had never thought of.  God has a hope, He has dreams also.  He showed me He has a hope that all will be saved and come to love Him. The Lord's hope is for all His children, everywhere, be redeemed and know Jesus as their Savior.  That all peoples all over the world will praise Him, worship and adore Him.  Yes, our God has a hope that He has had since He formed the earth, to be praised and worshiped just for who He is, our loving Father, the Almighty God.  His hope.

Our God also had dreams.  Dreams of His children everywhere loving each other as He loves us, laying down their arms against each other and embracing each other in brotherly love.  Helping one another, giving to each other as their abundance grows, to work side by side to make a world filled with love, with joy, with God as their only god, their hearts filled with love for Him alone.  But those dreams so far have been only that, dreams, no reality.  But there is still time, for now, still time to fulfill the dreams the Lord has.  Still time to begin to spread His love all over the world, our country, our city, our neighborhood. It is a start, in your own neighborhood, to show God's love, His mercy. 

Hope and dreams.  God has them, you have them, I have them.  So many people have had them and let them go because it seemed like they would not happen.  Let them go because they lost faith that God would see them fulfilled for His children.  I am not letting go of the hope my God has given me, of the dreams He has planted in my heart.  My faith in God will not waver, will not slack down because I have not seen the fulfillment of this hope, this dream yet.  I know my God.  I know He does not give hope and dreams and yank them back. No, He is faithful to do what He has shown me He will do.  I know my God.  I know His love.  I know His heart.

I thank you my Father for your unfailing love and hope for me.  You have a hope for me, to see me bring worship to You.  To see me encourage others to give all their worship to You.  To see me ministering to others drawing from the experiences of my own life, the life You brought me through, each good and each bad experience, You brought me through, for just this dream, this hope.  To be used to bring You glory and honor.  I am willing Father, to be used in any dream You have for me.  I will make sure Your dreams and hope for me are fulfilled Lord, just as You fulfill my own.  Please make your dreams and hope for me a reality, Lord. I am ready to go with You, to what You have planned for my life.

Tonight, my Lord, this blog is number 100.  It is hard to realize that we have been doing this for 100 nights, doesn't seem that long since You had me sit down and begin this.  What a wonderful revelation this has been to me, writing with You each night; You showing me things in scripture, in visions, in music.  Showing me Your words, Your ways, Your desires.  One hundred nights of sitting at my desk while you whispered into my spirit Your flowing words of hope and encouragement, sometimes Your words of hurt and disappointment, but always Your words of love, your unconditional love.  Precious Lord, thank You for trusting me with Your words, with Your heart.  I pray You are pleased with Your child.  I will continue to be a vessel for just You, just Your words.  All of You, my God, please, none of me.

So, here we are, one hundred nights later; my love for You has grown more each day. I had not thought I could possibly love You more that I do each day, but I do.  My love for You grows stronger each day.  My faith in You seems like a huge oak tree, wind blowing on it hard, but it doesn't even bend.  My faith has been tested, tested and tried but I am never losing my total faith, my trust in You my God. You are mine, I am Yours.  I am not going anywhere from You and I know You will never leave me.  I love You. Totally, completely, forever.

This 23rd night of February, 2011, our one hundreth night, I give you all my worship my God.  I give You all my everything, for You have given me a new life, you have given me hope and dreams

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