John 1:6-8 (Message) "There once was a man, his name John, sent by God to point out the way to the Life-Light. He came to show everyone where to look, who to believe in. John was not himself the Light, he was there to show the way to the Light."
As I was reading this scripture, the story of John, the phrase "he was there to show the way to the Light", was illuminated to me by the Lord. The Lord began explaining our purpose here. John was born before the Lord Jesus to prepare the way of the Lord. He was to tell the people that the One coming would baptise with the Holy Spirit, whereas he, John baptisted with water. That the One coming was the Son of God. We all know this story, and we know that John did not seek any glory for himself, but was there giving glory to the Son, to Jesus.
The Lord began to tell me, John spread the word of Jesus and prepared the way for His coming to the people, he showed them that the One coming was going to be the Light, the Life to all who believed. The Lord said, "now, you and my people are the ones, you will be My witness, you will be the ones that will prepare the way for My Son, for His coming again. You will witness to His birth, His death, His resurrection, to His return. You will tell all that I sent my Son to earth, and taking on your sins, the sins of the world. You will tell how He descented into hell and took the keys of death and Hades, and arose victorious and now sits at the right hand of My throne. You will witness.
I, a witness to all this. I wondered, how can I be a witness to things I have not seen. Then I knew, it is not what we have seen that is the truth, but what the Lord has shown us by His spirit, and what we believe, trusting in the Father, believing in the Son that gives us the truth. It is the knowledge imparted to us by the Holy Spirit, opening the verses of the Word of God to our understanding, that makes me a witness. That makes you a witness. We are witness of Jesus, of the Word of God. We are the ones to go out and proclaim the time of the Lord. This is the time of the Lord, He is returning soon and we must prepare the way. That He is the Light, we are only the witnesses.
Are you prepared to be a witness? I wonder, are we prepared to do the Father's will; to tell others about the great love He has for us, so unconditional, that He sent His Son to die for each of us, for forgiveness of our sins, to be reconciled with the Father, so we could live our lives having the relationship with Him He so desired. Such love, such sacrifice. God has given us everything we need for our witness. He has given us the Holy Spirit to dwell inside us, to provide us with a constant connection to Himself. He has given us His Holy Word, which details every event leading up to the birth and death of His Son, why He sent His Son, and what is to come, His Son, Jesus Christ, returning for the Bride that is being prepared for Him. We are being prepared to be the Bride. And it is not just for us, there are others that are to be a part of the Bride of Christ. These children of God must hear the Word, learn of His love, accept Jesus as their Savior, be one with the Lord. We are to be witnesses.
If we do not witness, who will tell the lost? If we do not witness, how will they know. And we cannot just say the words, we cannot just tell the story, anyone can read the Bible. It is in so many languages. We have to show, yes, show the Word of God. The lost must see something in us that puts a desire in them to have what we have. To have that joy, that glow, that peace. We must have the annointing of the Lord when we go out to witness, prayed up, having the Word prepared in our hearts and mouths, and the humbleness of a servant, showing that we are just preparing the way for the Light of the world. We are not the Light, just a witness of the Light. Just those with the knowledge of the Light, the glory of the Light. We are children of the Living God and His Son is returning to claim His own. Our Lord wants none to be left behind, He wants all to be saved. So we have been prepared for these last days, prepared to be a witness of who Jesus is, why Jesus came, why He died and why He is returning. And RETURN HE WILL!
Are you prepared? If you are like I am, feeling like this has been why you were called by the Lord, saved and santified by Him, then yes, you are prepared. It doesn't take an evangelist, a peacher, a mega-TV personality, it just takes a willing vessel. So if you are willing, our God is ready to give you the a WITNESS to the COMING OF THE LORD. Join me in preparing the way for the Lord. This is so exciting, knowing we have a key part in His return. We are to be His witness. Thank you Lord.
My Father, thank you for trusting me, trusting Your other children to whom You place the charge, to be the witnesses of Jesus. We know You, Lord, we trust You, and believe that You will give us every tool, every word to be said, and that You will be with us each step we take in preparing the way of Your Son's return.
I love you, my precious Lord. I have given You my all, I give my worship to You as easily as I breath. I love to worship you, my God, as You are everything to me. Everything I ever could want, this 10th day of February, 2011 as I go out to be Your witness. To prepare the way of the return of my King, Jesus.
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