Wednesday, February 9, 2011


Matthew 5:5 (NIV) "Blessed are the meek, for they shall inherit the earth".  (Message) "You're blessed when you're content with just who you more, no less.  That's the moment you find yourselves proud owners of everything that can't be bought."

I often, in years past, have read the Beatitudes and looked at this particular verse.  I always thought it meant I was to be meek, unassuming, quiet.  But I have learned so different these past months.  I like the way the Message translation puts this verse.  Being content. I can not say I was always content, but I can definitely say "Now I Am".

When my husband was alive, we subscribed to the theory that if you worked for a living, you should have what you want. So basically, we did. He would see things at the store or on TV and tell me " you need that". Most of it was cooking stuff, as I cooked well, and he loved to eat my cooking.  So needless to say I have a lot of kitchen stuff. But, the point is, we did not lack anything we wanted.  And now, it is just stuff.

Stuff is what you end up with when you no longer have the need for it.  I don't mean that it can't be used, I just mean I don't need that type of satisfaction any longer. See, when we fill ourselves with objects we purchase, things that are basically filling a void in ourselves; when the void is no longer there, these things become stuff.  Even married, don't you find that there is a void in yourself that nothing your spouse can fill?  Nothing the things you buy can fill, nothing money can buy that will fill the void?

There is only one answer to filling the void inside.  That answer is our God.  Only He can come in and fill you to completion, taking care of all the unfulfilled desires you had.  I remember last August as I was getting ready for work. I have talked about this before, how listening to "For the Lord is Good", and as I began thanking the Lord for all He had done for me, and He then physically filled me to overflowing with His love.  There was not a part of me that was not touched at that moment by Him.  As I stood there with my hands raised in worship to Him, He completely filled me with Himself.  I am still overwhelmed by the gentleness of my God.  With such a flow of love going in and all around me, filling me, leaving nothing untouched, nothing left lacking.  After that day, what I noticed was all the stuff I had around.

All those things that use to mean so much suddenly had become stuff. I became a person content with what she had.  I became a person that had renewed life, renewed interest, renewed love and joy with what the Lord was doing.  I began to see everything differently.  Where I used to enjoy looking at the Sunday paper to see what the sales were, I began to not even look unless I absolutely needed something, and then I would look to see if anyone had it on sale.  Then half the time, I would go to the store, look at it and change my mind about needing it.  You see, I have it all now.

Now, all I need is my God.  And I have my God with me.  He is not going anywhere. He has shown me what I am in Him.  I am content with me, with who I am in Him.  And I have possessions now that no amount of money can buy.  I possess joy (it bubbles up inside me), I possess love of the Father (He will never cease to love me), I possess faith that can move mountains (He has shown Himself to be so faithful to me), and I possess peace unlike anything I have ever known.  I have been a Christian for years, but now I am walking and talking, communing constantly, with my Maker, my God.  There is such a difference.  You can be a Christian and never know the heart of God, never see His plan for you, never feel His constant presence.  I have so much more now.  I have a contentment that cannot be bought, it has no price tag for me, as the price was paid by my Savior, Jesus, when He took my place on that rugged cross.  Jesus paid all my debts, He made the way possible for my encounter with my God in August, gave me the most cherished gift I could ever receive, the passionate love and presence of my God.

To say I am content is an understatement.  I am more than content.  I have no wants other than to be the vessel my God wants me to be, to be filled with His love to give away, His words to comfort and help another, and His joy, His joy that He brings to me because I am His.  I have no needs except that I need His annointing, for only by His annointing can I do what He has for me to do.  I have no desires except my desire to be with Him, for Him and in Him for the rest of my life.  I am nothing, and it is okay, because He is everything. This I know now is true meekness, content with what I have and who I am, for what I have is from Him, and who I am is who God made me to be.  I have everything that is important to my everlasting life.

My wonderful Master, my wonderful God, to You be all the honor, all the glory.  All my worship is only for You, this 9th day of February, 2011.

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