Wednesday, February 16, 2011


Jeremiah 33:3  "Call to Me, and I will answer you, and show you great and mighty things, which you do not know."

The Lord speaks so sweetly at times, so softly.  You need to be listening intently at all times for His voice.  I wasn't sure I understood quite right. Show and Tell.  Immediately I thought of going to school with your pet or something special you had.  And then I realized that this was exactly what He wanted.  He wanted me to show something special that I had.  He wants us all to do this.  Special we have, something special....surely you are not wondering what this is.

The Something Special we have, is the Someone Special.  We have Jesus.  Jesus, our Redeemer, our Savior, our King of Kings.  Are you hiding this, this special gift we were given from God, and if you are, why?  Are you you fear what people might say.....afraid you might be left out of the "in" crowd?  Surely you know that this fear is man-made.  And what do Christians care about the "in" crowd anyway.  The only  IN  CROWD  I want to be in is the crowd around the throne of God worshiping Him.  That is the crowd to desire to be in.  But, I will get off that, as I will be praying that the Holy Spirit will convict you of those thoughts and fears and lead you back onto the right path to the Father's throne room.

Here we have our special gift, our Lord, freely given to us, complete with all the love, peace and joy you could ever imagine.  What are you going to do?  Will you begin to show everyone the difference He has made in your life, will your talk be about the joy and the peace you have since Jesus came into your life, will your walk be according to His commandments and teachings?  What will you show others of Jesus.

Now here is the second part of that experience; Tell.  We are instructed to go into the world and tell others about Jesus, about His sacrifice He made for us; how He died to save us from our sins, and how forgiven, gave us the way to the Father.  Tell all, yes, that means those people you work with also.  If they do not know you are a Christian, isn't it time they knew?  There may be someone you are working with that needs prayer, but has no one to ask.  Let your light shine before men; great will be your reward in Heaven.  The Lord will bless you here on earth when you bless His children; when you take time to step out and tell of His great love, give of yourself and love others through the Lord, sharing the Lord's Word with all those around you.

Show and Tell, just a quick summary of what it can mean to be a Christian in a world that is ruled by the enemy.  Just a short guide to what is expected of us here, work to be done, the gospel to be shared, all to glorify our God.  We are not saved, cleansed and santified by the blood of the Lamb, to sit and wait for the Lord's return for us.  If that were the case, and there was nothing else for us to do, He would lift us up the minute we surrendered our lives to His.  No, there is work to do.  We have a purpose on earth as children of the Most High.  We are to show who we are in Him and tell others how they can have the same wonderful blessings of salvation, forgiveness and mercy of God.   Show and Tell, and we all get to show and tell of our wonderful Lord. It is for everyone that has been redeemed by the Lord.

Once again, my God, You have led this in a direction unexpected from where I thought it would go. But I know where ever it goes, You lead there and it is what You wanted said.  Perhaps another time, You will show me those other things.....

My precious Father, thank You again for Your words.  I cannot do this without Your guidance, Lord, without Your annointing.  This day has been so special as I was able to spend it with You, worshiping and loving on You, ministering to You.  And You came, You came and spent time with me.  You never fail to reward me with Your presence when I worship You, when I pour my love on You.  Thank You, Lord, for Your blessing me today.  I need Your presence all the time, Lord as it is my only desire, Your presence.

I love you my God, with all my heart.  You know my heart Lord, You know how I love You.  Stay with me, I pray, throughout each day and night, lead me in Your ways, let me enter into Your presence with worship to bless You.  This 16th day of February, 2011, I give You all honor and glory.

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