Matthew 24:36 "No one knows about that day, not even the angels in heaven, nor the Son, but only the Father."
The scripture continues in this part of Matthew describing how two will be in the field, one will be taken, the other left; two women grinding with a hand mill, one will be taken, the other left. Have you given much thought to why, one here, one there, some taken, some left? The Lord began to put these things on my heart today and I know how important it is to Him that we understand His Words.
I don't believe that the scripture meant to indicate that one would be a Christian and the other, not saved. I believe when you have people working together, so closely in the field, in the home they are usually of a like mind. I see these people working together, living in a community, going to church together; Christian people. The difference comes in another manner.
One in the field will have no one on his mind and heart but the Father, his beloved God. This one will have no other thoughts but of God, having sold out completely, becoming a vessel for the Lord's use. He will be a family man, a hard working man who has found true peace and joy in the Lord. There is no mistaking him for anyone but a child of God. This man or this woman, in the home, will have given their all to the Lord for His keeping. They will have surrendered their family first, parents, brothers and sisters and their precious children into God's hands for His guidance, His protection and His love. They trust God to fulfil His promises that as they surrender all to Him, He will keep their families unto that day, all their households will be saved. They do not doubt His word. Faith unwavering.
The other man in the field, the other woman in the home, they love the Lord. They praise His Name, they help their neighbors, they go to church, they tithe, they follow His commandments. But they are pulled by the drawing of their families, their homes, land, their things, just stuff that fills their minds, pulls their heart strings, separates them from totally commiting to God. They believe they are doing what they are suppose to and feel it is their responsibility to do all the things they are doing. These people are totally unaware of the mistake they are making. It looks good, to be a devoted family man or woman and it is a good thing, but only if it is placed in the right order in the Lord. God comes first, foremost, before all others. The only way you can put God first in your life is to surrender everything you have, every concern you have, all family, property, things to Him. If you give your children to the Lord, into His care, He will care for them in ways you have no way of doing. He can guide them, protect them, love them with a love that is totally unconditional. He will forgive them, and draw them back to Him every time. You cannot always protect your children, God can. You cannot always forgive hurts totally like God can, He forgets them, can you?
I know you are thinking, well Pat has lost her husband, her stepson, all gone now, it is easy for her. And while I understand what you are saying, I have to let you know, I had released them to the Lords care long before they passed. I have no doubt as to where they are because I know my God is faithful to His word, to His promises. I have given Him control over my life, my finances, my stuff - it is just stuff. And money, well no matter whether you have a lot or a little like me, you will not be taking it with you when you die. It is so much better to put it into the kingdom of God now while you know it is in good hands (the Lords) than to wonder what will happen to your stuff when you die. Plain talk, this is.
So there you have it, one in the field will go, they have their eyes totally on the Lord, they will know they do not have to worry about their family. The other will have their mind on earthly things, on their families, their they will stay. This doesn't mean they will not be in heaven with the Father one day, but not on that day. One mother will go, the other will be listening to the cry of the child, not quite trusting the Lord with their care, thinking that they have to be the one. And while I am talking on this subject, do you not realize that if your child is unsaved, you will not be the one that can accomplish this for your child. The only real thing you can do is to give them to the Lord, let Him have complete control over that child, no matter whether 1 or 51 or older. Only with complete control released from you will God be able to truly work in that heart.
On that day, whenever it is, tomorrow, next week, and I pray, Lord it is soon, when He calls, when you hear that trumpet sound, those clouds roll back and King Jesus coming through on that beautiful white horse, the heavens rejoicing, words of glory ringing out from every being in heaven and on earth, will you have your eyes on your prize, your Jesus, or will you look back? Don't look back....not when God is calling you to Him....keep your eyes forward; trust Him, He will keep your families safe, just go with Him... you have a, I chose my God, my wonderful Lord, no turning back.
My Father, what a word You have shared with me today. I will not look back, my King, my beloved Lord. I will be coming to You as soon as You call. I can hardly wait to see my Jesus come back, knowing You sent Him for His bride. I wait for that day, I wait for You.
I love You, my Lord, and I give You all my worship, this day and always. This beautiful day you gave to me, I rejoice in You, I give You all the glory and all the honor, this 5th day of February, 2011.
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