Friday, February 4, 2011


Ephesians 4:30   (Message)  Don't grieve God.  Don't break His heart.  His Holy Spirit, moving and breathing in you, is the most intimate part of your life, making you fit for Himself.  Don't take such a gift for granted."

There was a post today, rather innocent actually, but the question asked "Why color is Jesus?"  As I read this, and began to read the comments below the post, my heart was seared with that of the Lords.  Some time back I kept praying to feel the heart of God and there are occasions when He has shown me His heart.  Once before I mentioned it when He was searching for those who would life to worship Him. 

My God showed me His heart again today as I read these comments.  He was hurt, dismayed, and disappointed in His children.  "How long" He said, "How long until they finally get it".  He could not get over the fact that people are still hung up on race, color, religion and basically, the difference in people.  As He went on to explain, it broke my heart to feel His in this way.  Do you think that God does not feel hurt, rejection, disappointment?  He gave us emotions, have you no thought to where He came up with them.  He has suffered rejection and disappointment from the days of Adam and Eve.  Again with Cain and Abel, and so many others, coming all the way down the family tree to us. 

The Lord is no respecter of persons.  To Him they fall into two categories; those that have accepted Jesus as their Savior, and those who have not.  One group following Jesus and loving their Lord; the other, He is still waiting on, waiting to give them blessings from His heart.  You see, He loves them all, and that hurt lingers daily, as He wants so for them to come to Him, love Him, let Him give them all He has for them, all the blessings of Heaven.

But color, race, religion....He said we just don't get it.  He did not tell me why there are different races, colors of people.  Perhaps He just likes things different, like we do.  He is God. He made all kinds of animals, birds, trees, flowers; each one special on their own.  Why would He just make one color man, one race of people, make them all fall into one religions category. Each race of people, whatever color their skin is, they are unique, special to Him.   He does not care what religion you are as long as the religion preaches Jesus, loves each other and worships Him.  As long as the religion leads you in the ways of God, He doesn't hold one over the other.

He told me that we are still hung up on such unimportant things.  None of this matters in His plan for us, His redemption of us, His love for us.  The only thing He desires of His children is that we put Him first in our lives, worship Him with all our hearts and love Him passionately. All these things that so many put importance on does nothing but hold us back from receiving the total blessings from His throne room.  These prejudices, if I may call them that, I believe in being completely frank, are keeping the body of Christ from becoming that united throng of children that could become so powerful on this earth.  Can't you see satan's hold on us, keeping us divided over matters of color and race.  He strives to keep us at odds with each other, knowing if we get over ourselves and become blinded by the love of God towards each other, that he will lose his hold on us, lose his hold on this earth.  We would be able to overcome all  evil that drags down God's children just by uniting together as God intended for us to be. One church, one body, united in our pursuit of our God, united in worshiping Him, united in seeking His presence.

God will not be sending the Son to return for us until we become that ONE UNITED BODY of believers. He is still waiting for us to get the message.  ONE.  Not different races or colors of people, not different religions, just ONE.

Now, I want you to know, we need to begin to see every one with the eyes of God.  We are all people, no one of us better than the other, no one of us more special because of how we were born, or where we were born.  The only thing that graduates us from just ordinary people is when we are born again in Jesus, filled with the Holy Spirit, and become one with our God.  Then, friends, we become someone very special.  We are given Life Everlasting with the Father.  I do not want to grieve my God, hurt His heart.  I only want to love all His children as He loves me, I want to bless them with whatever the Lord gives me to bless them with.  Just love and more love.  It is all our Father wants us to do. Just get it right.  Start now.  Ask our God to forgive our ways, ask Him to make each of us important to each other, start giving the love of God to all.  Let the Father guide you in your ways, do not be of yourself any longer, but of Him.  No more grieving the Lord, but honoring Him with our changed hearts, hearts that reflect His.

My Lord, I love You so much.  I love when You show me Your heart.  I don't ever want to do anything that will hurt You, my Father. I love you so much.  Show me how I can spread Your message of love, forgiveness and acceptance to all my brothers and sisters in Christ.  I will love them as You do, and Lord, I ask that they accept me also into their hearts.  As we love each other for just the individual You made and created, let us become the ONE united body in Christ.  Let us become ready for our Lord's return, ready to join You in Glory.

And the answer to the question posted earlier....there is no answer.  Do not ever expect to know that. For when you finally see the Lord Jesus Christ, all our bodies will have been changed and you will not even remember how you began, what color, race, religion....our spirits will know each other.  All these things that are so unimportant, so trivial, to God will by then have become the same for you.

My precious Father, as I finish this tonight, I want You to know how much I love You, how very much I long to spend each moment in Your presence, my heart cries out for more of You, just You.  I am Your daughter, so in love with You, my Father, this 4th day of February, 2011.

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