Sunday, February 20, 2011


1 Samuel 17:26b (Message) "Who does he think he is, anyway, this uncircumcised Philistine, taunting the armies of God-Alive?"

When I was so trying to give my all to the Lord, there was one part of my heart that I was having a hard time letting Him in.  I so wanted to fling open the door, have my God come in and cleanse out that area of me, just that last part of me, hidden from all for so long. 

As I would gain courage and strength to open the door, the bully would show up and stand in front of me.  You know this bully, I don't think anyone has not had an encounter with him.  It is our old enemy, satan, you know the one that fills your mind with all his nastiness, all his doubt, fear, anxiety thoughts.  Every time I would begin to let the Lord in, he would show up, block the door and begin his assault on me. "Do you think God will forgive that, oooohhh, bad stuff in there.  Sure you want to give that up, don't you think you have given up enough already?"  Heard those words?  Yes, I am sure everyone who is trying to give their all to the Lord has heard those and many more.  And, for the longest time, I backed off the door, leaving it just as it was, closed, dark, wretched.

Then, on the day the Lord filled me with all His love, all His goodness, let me see that He loved me no matter what, that He was so happy with who I was becoming in Him; my God showed me that there was nothing in the world that could keep me from His love, from Him.  I began to look at my heart and the closed door.  I realized that my biggest battle was in my mind. It was not even a heart issue at all, it was a mind issue.  There is a constant battle going on in the mind between you, the child of the Living God, and the enemy, who hates God with all his being.  The enemy wants nothing more than to separate you from God, to cause a continual avenue for sin for you, knowing that sin keeps you from the presence of God.

I stood up.  I finally summoned all my army of scriptures that I had stored up in my heart and began to shoot them at satan.  The day following my wonderful infilling of my Lord's total love for me, I went for the forbidden door. I began the encounter as I knew it would draw satan's attention right away and here he came with his verbal assault.  I began with the scripture in 1 Samuel.  "Who do you think you are?", I said to him.  I told him, "Do you realize I am a beloved child of the King. There is nothing my God does not know about me, He knows what is in my heart. I am no longer going to fear a bully that picks on me just because he thinks I am weaker than he is."  I continued and told him that I had Almighty God on my side, and He would continue this fight for me, as this battle was not mine, it was Gods. Then I put my hand on that forbidden door and opened it and asked the Lord to please come inside and cleanse every part of my heart until it was pure before Him.  And, He did.  I am so happy to say that He came in and cleaned every spot of my heart until there was nothing in it but Him, love for Him.

Most of us try to fight the enemy on his terms, forgetting under the barrage of things he throws us, wearing us down, keeping us weak.  But we have the power of God to defeat any attack the enemy tries to put on us.  We are the strong ones.  It is a mind thing.  If satan can make you think he has the upper hand, well, then he does.  Read what the Word has to say about our power in the Lord. About what we should be doing every time the enemy comes around.  Stop letting satan rob you of God's presence, of becoming pure before Him, letting Him come in to your heart, behind every door and cleaning everything out so He can reside in you, so the precious Holy Spirit can come in and stay.

My bully has been defeated.  I have been rid of him for months now, and he no longer has a place in my mind.  I am not telling you that he does not try, for he certainly does not give up on those that choose to follow God, love and worship only Him.  To those who give up all earthly desires to belong to God alone, the enemy works overtime. But we also have the advantage over satan, we have God on our side, and as His Word tells us, this battle is His.  Just remember not to try to wage this battle yourself, just give it right up to God.  Ask the Lord daily to protect your mind, to keep your thoughts pure and righteous; to keep your heart only unto Him.  He is faithful to do what He has said.  He will not fail you.  He has not failed me. He is steadfast and true.

My Lord, how I love you.  How safe and protected I am in You.  I know whenever that bully begins to appear at my door, I will immediately open the door, I will not cower in a corner. I will open that door and let him see Who is standing beside me.  He cannot stay when he sees You next to me.  And I know You will always be there.  I fear the bully no more, as he is no longer a threat to me.  I know he can only threaten those who fear him and I have no fear as I know You are so much bigger than he is, not I, but You.  I am so aware of his tricks, his ways. You, my Lord, have given me the things to be watchful for, and You will continue to protect me. I trust You my God with all that is in me.

Thank you, precious Father, for Your love, Your wonderful love, the grace that abounds to me daily, and the joy that fills my soul constantly as I think of You.  You are so worthy my God, of all my worship, all my love, every moment of my life.  I give all to you, this 20th day of February, 2011.

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