Monday, January 31, 2011


John 13:37-38  "Peter asked, "Lord, why can't I follow you now? I will lay down my life for you. Then Jesus answered, "Will you really lay down your life for me?  I tell you the truth, before the rooster crows, you will disown me three times!"

"You will disown me three times", the Lord told Peter.  Peter would totally deny the Lord, the third time just done when he heard the crowing of the rooster and the Lords words coming back to him. Can you imagine how Peter felt, he loved the Lord so much, just knew he would stand by His side no matter what, yet denied Him three times, afraid for his life.

You are thinking now of threat of death being something that would be hard to decide, to deny Jesus to save your own life?  But this is not about a threat of death.  Do you realize how often our precious Lord is denied by us?  We go to church, we worship our Lord and we try our best to follow His principles.  Yet, there are those times, you just find yourself in the group of friends you haven't quite weaned yourself off of, talking that "cute" talk, throwing in a cuss word here and there for emphasis, laughing at off color jokes.  Did you realize when you do this, you are denying our Lord?  You go to a movie, know it is an "R" rated movie, but you have heard it was real good and you just love the actor in it.  You sit through a movie, salted with words they bleep on TV,  sexual scenes that should stay behind closed doors, get really into it and come out thinking what a great movie it was.  You just denied Him again.

When you give yourself completely to the Lord, give Him your life, dedicate yourself to following Him alone, you have to determine to live in Him.  No more stepping from one side to the other as you would will, no more thinking you can live one foot in the world and the other in Jesus.  It does not work.  Sooner or later, you will find that the world will overcome you as you are not completely sold out to God.  You will become so stressed, so fatigued at your life, and you actually will begin to think it is something the enemy is doing to you. You will not even recognize that the double life style you are in is causing your downfall.  Satan is so subtle, most often he just lets you do it yourself, lets you deny Christ on your own.  And here you are, blaming him for something he just sat around and laughed at you as you denied our Lord.

You must change everything.  If you are to seek after God, looking to be only His, you must change the things you were doing before.  I don't read the books I use to, there is not room for the scenerios they portray, the words used; TV shows I use to enjoy hit a chord with me that is not right, so off they go.  there is no room for them in the mind that is now focused only on my Father.  Giving up these things is not really a difficult thing to do.  It is a matter of what and who you love the most.  The what is the wonderful of the Lord, the who is my God.

To me, there is only one choice.  I chose God, my all in all, my everything.  He takes over so completely when you give your life to Him, filling every fiber of your being with Himself, pouring so much love into you....I tell you, you won't miss anything of this world.  What excitement He brings when He floods your room with His presence, with His love.  I chose God, the Father, the Holy Spirit and the precious Lamb, Jesus Christ.  I will not deny my Lord, whether it be for earthly things or for my life.  My life is worth nothing without Him.  If I deny Him, I cease to be what I am; His worshiper.  I can be nothing less than what He has made me, His child, His beloved.  He will never deny me and I will never deny Him.

What will you chose to do?  Will you chose to give up your worldly attractions?  There are plenty of movies and TV shows that are good shows, shows you don't have to flinch to watch, or feel shamed inside afterwards.  There is a lot of fun things to do, God made so many enjoyable things for His children. Chose them next time.  Step away from the worldly crowd that make you feel like you've just lost your best Friend when you get to joking with them.  Step into the life that God has made for you, one in which you are lifted above things of the world and into the realm of His Eternal Life.  A choice you will never regret.  One that will never have you denying the Lord again, only living for Him.

My precious Lord, if I have in the past denied You, I again ask Your forgiveness.  I am never again going to deny that I am a child of God.  You have cleansed my mind, my heart and my life from ungodly things and I refuse to take them up again.  I am Yours, now, this day, always.  I love you so much, Father, and I thank You for the beautiful life I now have in You.  This 31st day of January, 2011, I give you all my worship, all my love.

Sunday, January 30, 2011


Proverbs 28:1  "The wicked man flees though no one pursues, but the righteous are as bold as a lion."

When the enemy comes around, what do you do?  I think we have gotten so use to running and hiding behind the Lord, letting Him fight every little battle we have against the enemy, we are beginning to sound like babies again.  Always crying out when evil comes against us, striking out at us, causing us to lose our battles...why do we do this?  And yes, before I go any further, we can always go to the Lord for our help.  But have you forgotten some important lessons that God has taught us from His Word?

Why do you constantly let satan run all over you, steal from you, defeat you?  It is time to stand in victory and proclaim the Word of God.  When the enemy comes, stop running from him.  You know the Word of God, you know who you are in Him, you have been given the POWER of God.

It is time to stand up and show satan who you are.  You are the child of Almighty God, the Lord of Hosts, the Great I Am, the Creator of all heaven and earth, and the Creator of all within.  When you are santified through the blood of the Lamb, righteous in the sight of God, God gives you all the things you need to make it here on earth.  He has given you His Holy Word as instruction on how you are to live your life, how you are to handle things when they come against you.  You have been given His Holy Spirit to led and guide you.  The Lord, each day, as you thank and worship Him, restores and refreshes you.

You are strong in the Lord.  You have been given the power to defeat all the enemy's wiles, every arrow thrown at you can be cast down by the Word of God.  Speak the Word and be victorious over all evil that comes at you.  God wants you to grow in His Word, know who you are on this earth.  You are not some weakling, without strength or resources.  You have the greatest resources in the world, the Word of God.  Read the Word, know what the Lord says about your abilities in Him, know what can be accomplished in the Name of Jesus.  But, as a word of caution, remember whose Name it is that is giving you the power. It is Jesus, not yourself.  Humbly come and thank the Lord for His power and strength, His love and mercy.  With all love and thanksgiving, worship the Lord your God, thanking Him that you have victory in the Name of Jesus.  Not of yourself, but of Him.

So the next time the enemy comes against you, stand firm, your feet planted on the Rock of your salvation, Jesus; speak the Word of God, and rebute the enemy and cast him down in Jesus Name.  You have the power given to you by God to do so, start practicing what the Word of God tells you to do, live in victory, live in peace.

My God, how you have blessed me, your child.  I have the power to rebuke the enemy when he comes against me in any form he wants to present himself.  Illness, work, mind, what ever the attack, I will be bold and be offensive in the battle.  I will pursue him in my full armor of God.  My belt of truth will be around my waist, I will be wearing my breastplate of righteousness, my feet fitted with the readiness that comes from the gospel of peace, I will take up my shield of faith, my helmet of salvation will adorn my head and the sword of the spirit will cut through any words the enemy tries to attack me with.  I will be prayed up, knowing that communication between You, my God, and I is vital to my being able to have that boldness in You.  It is never something that I alone have, I have nothing but what is given to me through Your love of me, through Your wanting me to stand bold in You.  Everything has been done to give me this power in You.  Everything accomplished when my Savior went to the cross, took on all my sins, died for me and rose again in victory against the enemy.  There is nothing now that stands between You and me, my Lord.  Nothing.  You have given me all I need to do Your will, and now, my God, I will go out as You lead.

My love is stronger each day,  my Father.  Each day, when I think it would be impossible to love You more, You show me how to do so.  I love You so much. You are wonderful, glorious, the Light of my life.  No one can separate me from You.  I am Yours all my days.  This day, dedicated to my love, my God, this 30th day of January, 2011.

Saturday, January 29, 2011


Zephaniah 3:9  "Then will I purify the lips of the peoples, that all of them may call on the name of the Lord and serve Him shoulder to shoulder." 

All are called, but not all answer.  Why is that do you think?  Do you think it is just that they do not love the Lord enough to answer the call; what do you think the reason would be not to answer the call of the Lord.  I believe they love the Lord.  I think a lot of people do not realize they have been called.  I believe that so many times, some folks have their eyes on what someone else is doing and think that they would never be able to do something so wonderful, so beautiful for the Lord.  So when they are being called, they do not hear the voice of the Lord that is speaking just to them.  They have heard too many times that they are not a good speaker, not a good musician, can't sing.  The enemy lies so well.  God knows what you can do, He made you.  He knows you.  He knows His plan for you.

The Lord calls us to minister to His people, either by the Word, by music, sometimes just in love.  He calls, expecting us to answer.  When we answer God's call, He will get us ready for His ministry.  God will teach us His ways, giving us His words.  He will purify our hearts, our lips so that every word uttered are words of Him, by Him and for Him; nothing of us will come forth through the lips speaking for the Lord.  Purification of our hearts is necessary as out of the heart the mouth speaks.  Hearts must be  santified in the Lord. 

Once we have our hearts ready, the Lord will begin to give us messages to share with others.  Sharing the Word to those who may not know Jesus, or who have hesitated receiving Him in their hearts is such an important ministry.  It is a wonderful, blessed ministry as you see first hand what the touch of the Lord does in peoples lives.  Those who are called to minister in music, sharing songs that touch the Lord's heart, teaching people how to worship God, love Him with music, play an important role in the plan of God. To come into His presence during worship, God's children feel the touch of the Lord, know He is there, loving every moment of their worship.  So important...worship.  To draw the Lord....have Him there.  And love ministers, what a joy to be around them.  Their love for others shines off their faces with the light of the Lord.  There is no mistaking who they are, pure joy radiating from their eyes.  God's love being transferred from the throne to God's children.  Such a call, such a work for the Lord.

The Lord does not place you in His ministry and leave you.  He is always there, close, watching, listening to you.  Waiting in case you need to call on Him when you run into a rough spot, need special help or just want to visit with Him.  Your call will never go unanswered.  When you work for the Lord, you have a hot line direct to Him.  No call goes unanswered.  God will always be there for you, never leaving your side.

He calls, you call, He answers.  A constant line of communication, you and God, God and you.  Beautiful, wonderful words of God coming to you, aiding and blessing you as you do the Lord's will.  When He calls you, do not worry about what someone may say, or not say.  Some may want to tell you that God is probably not calling you, you are just feeling that way due to some song you heard, some sermon, but you know when God is calling.  All God's children are called to do one work or another for Him.  So stand on Holy Ground, and hold on tight to the Lord.  He knows what He is doing when He calls...and when you answer, He will teach you what you are to do.

My Lord, I am answering, to all Your calls.  I am ready to do Your will, do Your bidding.  Not ever turning away, Lord, I am never turning away from You.  You are my shield, my strength, and my substance.  I will love You and follow You wherever You lead.  You are my Lord, my wonderful friend.  I have a friend who loves me and will lead me, lead me in His Word, in His Light, with His presence surrounding me. 

I love You, my Lord, each day, more and more.  I love to worship You, I love to sing songs of love and praise to You.   You are so worthy of all my worship.  So worthy.  I want more of You, as I answer Your call, this 29th day of January, 2011.

Friday, January 28, 2011


1 Chronicles 16:11  "Look to the Lord and His strength; seek His face always."

Have you ever wondered what God will look like when you get to heaven and stand before Him?  I have, and often wondered what His appearance is like.  When Moses went up the mountain, the Lord protected Moses from seeing His face, so there are no accounts of what God looks like.  But I was thinking about it again today and today, the Lord spoke to me about it. 

I asked of my God, what will I see when I see You Lord, when I get to Heaven and I can see You, You will be there in front of me; no veils, no need of protecting me, it will be my time with You, finally, and I will see You.  What will I see?  And because He knows my heart was just not being curious but truly desiring Him, desiring to know Him more, He answered.

God said "You will see a spectrum of colors, for I am all colors, in a bright light; every number you ever knew and wondered about concerning me, I am all numbers.  I am all things to all people.  You will see what you are looking to see.  You will see love, you will see mercy.  You will see forgiveness and grace.  You will see eyes that will take in every part of  you in one glance, looking through you, seeking your purity, seeing if only I am in your heart and mind.  I will know if you are so excited at finally coming into My presence here to be with Me.  Then you will see My open arms; you will feel them close around you, you will feel My heart beating so close against yours as they become one.  Then you will hear me whisper so gently in your ear, "Welcome home, my precious child; my good and faithful servant", and as you begin to sing, Holy, Holy, Holy, Lord God Almighty, you will have seen my face."

I will have seen His face. 

Isn't that all we really want to do. Is to know our Lord.  We will have the opportunity to know everythiing when we get there into the Throne Room and see Him, see His face.  But now, we can know Him, here, on earth.  We can have that part of heaven here, where we are.  When you give yourself totally unto the Lord, call out for our God, when you hunger and thirst for only Him, longing for that relationship where you feel His presence with you daily, we can have Him here with us.  We don't see Him, as we will someday, but we can feel Him.  We can feel Him with us, know He is here. Do you know what His touch feels like, His gentle touch across your brow when you are tired; have you felt His hand brush the tears off your cheek, His breath blowing through you, restoring you with His strength when you are weary, so tired, needing His special touch.  How wonderful He is, how so very beautiful.  Beautiful in that touch, that breath, that love.  If you truly love the Lord, give all your worship to Him, give Him the thanks and praise He is so wanting to hear from you, He will come to you also.  He is waiting to give you all of Him here, if you truly desire Him more that anything, anyone else.

My God, how I worship You.  I pour out my heart to you, Lord, thoughts and love for you consume me daily. I have no other desire but to be with You, to have Your presence around me, staying with me constantly.  I know I will have to wait to see Your face, but now I want all of You I can have here with me.  I want more of You every day, Lord, more of You. I want You to replace all my thoughts with Your thoughts, take away my will and in it's place, put Your will; I want Your love to fill my heart so I can give it to others, so they can come to know You too.  All of You, my God, nothing of me left.  Just You.

I love You Lord, with all my heart I love You.  You are everything to me.  I will declare Your righteousness, glory and power forever, and I am yours this 28th day of January, 2011.

Thursday, January 27, 2011


John 10;30  "I and the Father are one."

How do you feel when you hear people wish they could be like someone other than themselves?  Do you think that is a grand dream or desire for them?  Something to be applauded or encouraged?  There are times I hear people say they want to be like some movie star, or ever a teacher, singer, preacher.  Now there are some excellent role models that we have.  Some wonderful people have passed through this land and made wonderful contributions to the quality of life and have changed thought processes for the good of so many.

I want you to know, role models are fine, but you need to be careful who you choose to emulate.  The only true choice for a role model is our Lord Jesus Christ.  If we must choose someone to want to be like, why would you want to choose someone with human frailties, faulty in ways we may never know, but their lives are controlled by human desires, disappointments, heartaches, illnesses, and some such lack of faith.  Even those whose faith was considered so great, are till subject to human qualities.  But Jesus, our precious Savior, was human but with no failures, no sins....even when subjected to the worse death imaginable, rose above it all in love.  You know how you feel when your parents were ashamed of something you had done and told you to leave the room, they did want to look at you right now?  Well, that was minor compared to our Lord having His Father turn His back on Him when He took the sins of the world on Himself, so we would be reunited with the Father.  The thougth of what He did for me hurts my heart so badly.  The love He showed, so great, so selfless, for me, for you.

Now that I told you why you should emulate our Savior, let me tell you what God says about you.  God wants you to be you.  No one else, just the person He had in mind when you were created.  Me, He just wants me to be Pat.  The person He cleaned up, forgave, and loved me until I had nothing in myself but Him.  Then He began to work in me His final plan.  The one plan He has had in mind for me for so long, but had to wait until I was completely His.  Well, He has a plan for you also.

God just wants you to be His creation.  If he wanted two Pats, He would just duplicate me.  But He wants only one like me, another to be just you. We all have a place in the body of Christ.  He wants you to be who He made you to be.  If you are not where you think you should be in Christ, and someone else is farther along in their walk, that is not a reason to wish to be someone other than who you are.  You are so special to God. He knows things are a little slower  in each of us at times, and He has reasons for the time table of your growth in Him.  Each of us need to be shown the special things He has for us, some things take a little more time to develop that others.  It doesn't mean that one of us is better than the other, just that some things are being done in a different manner.

You would not expect a cake to take as little time to bake as a cupcake would you?  Of course not. As well as we know it takes longer to sew a wedding dress than it does to make a blouse.  So different things take different times to complete.  The Lord will complete His good work in each of us, in the time it takes to make sure it is perfected in Him.  Just be happy in you.  In your skin.  You know the Lord loves you, He is delighted in you, loving you, grooming you to be just who He intended.  Once you are His, He doesn't want to work so fast that it would confuse you. He wants you to be comfortable in what you are, what you are becoming.  He does not make failures, He makes perfection.  You will be perfected in Him.

There is no failure in God's children.  Did you know that.  God made you, and He does not fail.  The enemy does a real work on us, doesn't he, convincing us that we are failures if we do not live up to the worlds standard of what they think or what we think we should be.  How foolish we are to listen to this foolishness.  And that is what it is.  We need to understand that satan is jealous of us.  He use to be with the Lord, so special to God, but he was not happy to be in God, he wanted to be God. And now that he sees the Lord perfecting us in every good work for Him, he wants to destroy that plan. What better way, the only way he has, is to destroy our concept of what we are and who we are in the Father.  And what better way for us to destroy his plan, just be happy in yourself.  Look in the mirror and tell yourself, "God loves me just the way I am, He designed me to be who I am, and He is pleased with His child".  Do this until it gets into your spirit.  This is the message the Lord wants you to understand this night. He loves who you are.....just who you are. His child, His child that He is working with so you will give away His love, spread His message, climb that mountain, and rest in that valley. Be you.  Just you.  A design unique and special, one created by God to

My precious Lord, I have learned to be content and happy with me.  I know You are pleased with me now that I have given all to You, all my life, complete control of who I am.  Your love for me keeps a permanent smile upon my lips, a song of worship in my heart and peace in my soul.  I am me, Your beloved child.  I worship and love you my God, I can hardly contain the love I have for You, it is so strong. I love You, I love You, I love You, my Lord, this 27th day of January, 2011.

Wednesday, January 26, 2011


Titus 3:4-8 (Message) But when God, our kind and loving Savior God, stepped in, he saved us from all that. It was all His doing; we had nothing to do with it.  He gave us a good bath, and we came out of it new people, washed inside and out by the Holy Spirit. Our Savior Jesus poured out new life so generously. God's gift has restored our relationship with Him and given us back our lives. And there's more life to enternity of life! You can count on this."

Have you ever wondered what the Lord saw in you?  I must honestly say, I did think of this so many times.  Being raised in church from childhood, you learn to think on the lessons you learned, at least in the church I was in, "once saved, always saved".  Ever heard that phrase?  Even as a teenager, I never thought too much of what I was doing, how I was living outside of church, because after all, I was saved forever. Nothing could change that.  But no one told me there was more, so much more to what God was about.  No one told me that when I would fall into a pit of sin, into an area of my life where I could not stand myself, and could not even bring myself to see myself in a mirror, that God still cared for me. 

I was drowning in muddy waters.  So mudded up with myself, living like I pleased, not with the life I had been raised to have, but one I fell into through hurts, disappointments, rejection.  There are so many things that happen to people in this life that if they are not keeping their eyes on the Lord, the enemy will jump in and take over in an instant.  As I had been out of church for some time, the enemy did not meet too much resistance.  There was no Christian friend to draw me aside and give me loving counseling on what I was doing, how I was living.  Just me, just friends that definitely did not know the Lord.  So I found myself drowning, waters so dirtied up by sin that it had such a foul stench to it.  But, I remembered my childhood, I remembered the day when I was eight years old going down front in church and accepting Jesus as my Savior; remembered being told, once saved, always saved.  This meant I could still ask the Lord to help me.  How could I have forgotten all this time, the most important lesson ever taught to me.  Jesus had died for me, for all my sins, He died because He loved me.  Perhaps, I thought, He loved me still.

So I cried out, dear Jesus, come and help me.  He came, He came into those muddy waters and drew me to Him, holding me as He lifted me out of the stench; He placed my feet on solid ground again and began to wash me, washing me gently with His healing waters, flooding my soul with a fresh cleansing of His spirit, pouring into my heart so much love; cleansing love; lifting my worn, trampled down spirit and breathing fresh life into it.  All for love.  He loved me still.  See, He told me that the Father had never left me alone, I was just so out of touch with Him, I thought He was not there.  The Lord never leaves us, always remains close to hear if we call, to be right there when we call.  He still looks over us, keeping us from harm, we just don't know, we are not seeing, our eyes too full of muddy water.

He cleaned me up, and as repentance left my lips in prayer to the Father, He dressed me with His righteousness, and reput that crown of life upon my head, establishing once again my relationship with my God.  Now I am right with my Lord, I am living the good life in my Father.  A life that is filled with His blessings, His strength, power and provision.  A life in Him.  This life is where I will stay until the day He takes me home to Him, I will never let go of His love again, never leave His presence.  I cannot live without my God. He is everything to me.  He is my very life.

My life is in You, Lord.  I never will leave You again and I know You will not leave me.  I was once saved, but now I now I am always saved.  As I am now always in You. You are my beautiful Savior, my love is only for You.  I worship Your Holy Name, and will continue to do so this 26th day of January, 2011.

Tuesday, January 25, 2011


Revelation 3:21  "To him who overcomes, I will give the right to sit with me on my throne, just as I overcame and sat down with my Father on His throne."

I am an overcomer, an overcomer in Christ.  There is nothing I can do on my own, I am nothing but flesh, bone, came from flesh of an earthly mother, life breathed into me by Almighty God.  As a child, knew nothing of the terrible world outside for so many years, protected by my parents from whatever there was that was bad in the world.  But they could not protect me as I grew. 

Things happened when I was growing up, I don't know if  my parents ever knew. You just sort of push it into a place no one ever looks in. Those deep recessed places of your mind, of your heart. As I became an adult, so many things went on, and I have to take the blame for a lot of it. I drifted away from church, left my Lord, left His protection, His Word, His direction.  So much time wasted, so much training in the life that God had for me, all left behind.  How He must have grieved.  So many lessons to come during those important growing years in my young adulthood.  Left unlearned.

Tears, heart broken sobs, grieving over what was going on, what had been lost.  No one to turn to, I could not tell anyone all those things that had happened to me, things I had done. Where could I go, what happens to me....then came...

The Invitation...."Come unto me and I will give you rest.  Give unto me the yoke of your transgressions and I will forgive you, and exchange it for My yoke, which is light.  I will love you, give you my peace if you repent now and return to your first love."  I know those are not the exact words, as it has been a while since my Lord and I had this conversation, but it was this invitation, come back to Him, He would forgive me, He would give me rest from my weary load I had been carrying so many years. I accepted His invitation, there was no questioning if this is what I should do or did I want to do this at that time. When you are so low, when you think all is lost to you, why would you even question or doubt what to do. When I said yes, He just took me into His arms and began to pour a cleansing, healing ointment over my entire being, all the while whispering His loving words into my ears, letting them heal my heart, comfort my soul, words of forgiveness, precious words of encouragement, words telling me that now things would be alright, I was in Him now, He would protect me.  He told me nothing from my past could ever come back and hurt me, as He would protect me from all harm, the enemy could not lay his hands on me again, for now I was back with my Father.  Oh, my God, how can I ever tell You what You mean to me.  I have no words to tell you, there are no words for what You have done for me, what You have given me.

And now I am what you see, a child of the Almighty God, an heir to the Kingdom, a friend of the Lord. I live for Him now, I pledge my vows of dedication of my life to His use, my love to Him, as long as I live, I am only His. 

I am an overcomer.  I have overcome the chains of the past, I have laid aside the claim the enemy had on my life, on my mind, he has no hold over me anymore.  My mind is clearly on my God, my heart is so full of His love for me and mine for Him, and my life is His. He touched me, made me whole again.  I am a complete person now, complete in His love, in His eyes.  He gives me life each morning, new life in Him with direction that only He controls.  And now I have received ...

Another an overcomer, I am invited to sit with the Lord on His throne.  A place reserved for those who overcome the enemy with victory in Jesus, overcoming temptation sent daily by the enemy, standing on the Word of God and the promises of resurrection, of victory, as we stand with the Risen Savior.  I am blessed.  I only wait now for the time to come. When He returns...

If you hear the invitation extended to you, don't wait, hurry to the Father.  There is nothing He does not know about you, and is ready to offer to you the same as He did to me.  Forgiveness, love, protection from what held you captive, His rest, His peace.......He waits for you...

So worthy is my God of all my worship, all my praise. I love you so much, Lord.  My life is Yours, the life You resurrected, the life You restored.  And now, I will go no where without my Lord, I go where He goes, if He won't go there, neither will I.  Washed clean, refreshed daily with love, such joy and peace is mine.  Such peace each day as He takes care of my life, guides me, leads me in His grace...

My Lord, all glory, all honor of everything I do, I give all of it to you, this 25th day of January, 2011.

Monday, January 24, 2011


Isaiah 54:5  "For your Maker is your husband...the Lord Almighty is His name...the Holy One of Israel is your Redeemer; He is called the God of all the earth."

Almost two years now, Lord, since my earthly husband went to the home You prepared for him.  For so long, I grieved, sadden by his leaving, thirty-five years is a long time.  But Your spirit never left me, He comforted me, gave me strength for each day.  And now in two weeks, it will be two years since that day, the day You gave me the courage to let him go, to give him into Your eternal care.  How happy I know he is, being with You, worshiping Your Name, and knowing him, talking with Peter. He always wanted to be able to visit with Peter. Thank you my Lord.

Now, You tell me, it is time for a new beginning.  You have stayed so close to me this last year.  Doing Your wondrous work in me, cleaning out every last drop of what was self, and making it all about you. I have to tell You, my God, I love what You have done.  I love the fact that when I look in the mirror, I see the glow of You on my face, Your smile on my lips and Your love shining out of my eyes.  I would have never dreamed You could take what had become almost a shell of a life and make it into something that even I could like.  I know You do, as You loved me so much to make me into a vessel for Your use, for Your glory. 

My Lord, You have become my husband.  My Bridegroom, whose very Name gives renewed life to the widow, to live again in You.  Your Name, Your precious Name brings joy and happiness to my heart. Your love for me touches my soul.  Your Name gives hope and moves away the clouds of emptiness. Your Name fills me to overflowing with anticipation of Your presence.  Your presence that fills my days and nights, time spent with You, my Lord, time spent with You.  You have filled every longing I had or will have with You.  More of You replaces what was once my own desires, my own wants, my own way. 

Now I desire only You, I want more of You, and I want only Your way.  Your way for me to become everything usable in You.  A vessel You have made, a vessel You fill again and again with Your love as I pour it out on others.  You, my God, give me wisdom and knowledge from Your Word so I can minister to those You send to me, those whose lives have paralleled my own, those I can understand where they came from, where they are, and leading them to the peace You offer.  The love You have for them.

I will be alright now, Lord, for You have made in me a new beginning.  A new life that can grow in You. I can walk in Your light, I can glow in Your glory, I can live a new life in You.  You, my Maker, made me once and now have remade me in Your image, for Your use, for Your glory.  I only want to please You, my God.  Let me love You, each day of my life, each moment in time, let me love You, my Lord.  I will worship You with every breath I have, for You alone, are my husband now, the one I adore, that I live for.

Joyously my Lord, I give You all the glory for what You have done in me, a new beginning, this 24th day of January, 2011.

Sunday, January 23, 2011


John 9:31 (Message) "It's well known that God isn't at the beck and call of sinners, but listens carefully to anyone who lives in reverence and does His will."

For as often as I call unto the Lord, He is here.  I cannot remember a time in the last two years that I have not known His presence when I call on the Lord. The majority of the time I call on Him just for His very precious presence and the fact that I just want to love Him, to tell Him how important He is to my life. He is so worthy of every word of reverence, every loving word in honor of Him.  I tell you, I do not know how people that do not love the Lord make it through the day. I could not get through the day without the Lord, nor do I want to. But I did not mean to talk about me tonight.

I want to tell you about the Listener.  Our God, listens...He listens to all that call Him through the Holy Spirit that He gave to His repentive children.  He hears the child's prayer at night, so simple, so tiny, seeing into the heart. Of course so often the child is afraid of not praying.  God is a great mystery to children and they work off the fact that their parents have been praying with them and this is what you do at night before bedtime.  This is what you do so God will send His angels to watch over you as you sleep. Nighttime prayer for them is a learned habit. This is a good habit, the shame of it being that, as we age, we often leave it in childhood. How many of you truly pray at night.  Do you take time to thank the Lord for the mercy and grace He showered on you that day?  What's changed?

It doesn't matter how old you get, prayer at nighttime is still a good idea.  First thing in the morning before you rise is a good time for prayer also.  Can you not tarry for just a little while to give God the worship and glory He so deserves.  To let Him know what He means to you, how you thank Him for all He has done.  Give Him glory, worship Him for a little while, you would be amazed how much better your day goes.

But still He listens.  God is listening to see if His children will take the time to offer a prayer of thanksgiving to Him; to offer up praise to Him for healing you; to send forth songs of worship just meant for Him from you.  Listening for His children to call out words of love, words of adoration.  Just for Him, just from them.  He waits and He listens.

He listens when you call on His name at the time of trouble; he listens when you call out in distress for an ill loved one; he listens when you cry.  He also listens when you are cursing Him because you got into problems when you did not ask His advice, He listens when couples are shouting hurtful words at each other, as they failed to include Him in their marriage. He listens when you are sick at heart and agonizing when your child has gotten in trouble once again, yes, that is right, you did not think it was necessary to take them to church and raise them in the Lord.  But God listens.

Now He is listening for your cry of repentance.  He is listening to see if you will turn from the your present walk and give Him your life, your heart.  He is listening to see if you want Him to be in control of your so out of control life.  He is listening....what will you tell Him.  He loves you, He wants to take all those burdens from you, all those troubles.  He wants to bring peace into your life, give you dreams that you thought were gone, and He wants to comfort you, love on you.  God wants to fill you with His spirit, His live giving spirit and Comforter.  Bless you totally.  He is listening....waiting and listening.

Why would you wait?  Is the walk you have now taking you anywhere?  Going around the same mountain again?  Cry out to God, He is listening, and He will not make you wait.  He has been waiting for this day a long time, and is so ready to receive you into His arms of love.

I thank you my Lord that you were listening when I cried out for You.  There was no hesitation on Your part, You just reached down and picked me up.  I praise You that You never let me go again. I am so content with You my Father. So content.  I am blessed beyond messure. There is not a moment I ever want to be apart from You.

I love you my God and I give You all my worship, all my songs of praise are for You, my Listener.  As You listen to my songs of love and worship, be blessed my Lord, I only sing them for You.  As I love you each day, my love grows stronger this 23rd day of January, 2011.

Saturday, January 22, 2011


1 Peter 1:7  (Message) "Pure gold put in fire comes out of it proved pure; genuine faith put through this suffering comes out proven genuine. When Jesus wraps this all up, it's your faith, not your gold, that God will have on display of evidence of His victory."

So many times in the past, yes, think about all the times, when trials and tribulations come, and the first thing you think of is why does this keep happening to me. Over and over, this goes on.  A lot of people actually look for things to happen, expect to get sick, expect to fail, expect, expect, expect. Why would you do this? Where is your faith that the Lord will take care of you?

Yes, faithful people get sick, and bad things happen to faithful people. People whose faith is strong just react differently to circumstances.  They walk in healing, they walk in prosperity and they walk in their blessings. They believe the Lord for everything. Because they suffer, their faith grows strong as they continue to lean on the Lord and trust Him to complete their healing, to come through with finances and know the Lord has everything in control.  This is genuine faith.  Faith that keeps rising up when things are going down.  Faith that keeps encouraging others while the enemy is on their doorstep.  Faith that keeps them singing worship songs to God and knowing His presence is with them. Genuine faith.  The kind of faith that the Lord rewards over and over.

This kind of faith, this genuine faith of His children, this faith is where the Lord can shine through the darkness of what the enemy has brought to them, and show His faithfulness to them.  God loves it when His children trust Him, believe in Him, and seek His face in the valleys of their walk.  There is not much to do when you are on the mountain with the Lord, everything is great and there are no problems. But it is in the valleys of our walk with the Lord when He proves Himself over and over again. That His Word is true, that He never leaves or forsakes us, that His love and grace is more than enough.

Gold, when put in the fire, refines itself to the purest value, and is truly worth a fortune.  But gold is not what the Lord is after, remember, it all belongs to Him.  He is looking at a more valuable commodity from us and that is the pure, geniune faith of His children.  When we truly trust our God, we are walking in complete faith, we are in step with what the Lord wants for His children, all of what He has to offer to them. See, if you don't have faith in the little things, how will you have faith that He will give unto you the finest that Heaven has to offer.  You can believe that God sent His son to die for your sins but have no faith that He can heal your disease, that He can lift you from the bondage you are in and put you safely in His care. O, ye of little faith.  Let your heart and mind come together.  Read the Word, let it sink into your spirit, let the Holy Spirit guide you, give you comfort from your day, rest in the Lord and learn of His faithfulness and desires for you. God so wants you to trust Him, for you to give yourself completely into His care.

My Lord, these have been a number of nights just on faith. I know the message is so important for Your children to truly have a heavenly life here on earth.  Genuine faith in God will produce a true peace in your life and you will find God's presence everywhere on earth, as He will be with you.

My God, how I love you.  You have proven Yourself to me over and over. I KNOW You love me, I KNOW You take care of every point of my life, all my days are numbered by You and You know exactly what I will need in each one of them, and I KNOW You will take care of me through it all. My faith, my Lord, is genuine, I have no doubts of who and what I am in You, nor do I have any doubts of WHO YOU ARE and WHAT YOU WILL DO FOR ME.  I love You, in the valleys or on the mountain tops, I know You are keeping me in Yourself, I know You love me, I love Your presence, and I am victorious in You.  You have given me the victory over unbelief. I am Yours.

This night, I worship You in beauty and truth, I give You all my worship, all my love, this 22nd day of January, 2011.

Friday, January 21, 2011


Hebrews 5:14 "But solid food is for the mature, who by constant use have trained themselves to distinguish good from evil."

For so long a time, new Christians are fed by God with milk.  Sweet, honey flavored milk, the gentle milk of the Word, the basics of Christianity.  God's uncomprimising love for His children, His laws, His desire that you be free of stress and worry.  But there comes a time when it is important that these newbies begin to leave the milk diet and began to eat the meat of the Word.  The true meanings of what God wants you to know. The revealing of the "secrets" He has kept for just a time when you have stepped out of the baby shoes and began to walk in His path.

You have finally come to the Boot Camp of the Lord. This is the place where instruction begins, a steady regiment of walking and talking the faith He has led you to.  No more leaning on the faith walk of older Christians, but standing on your own, your belief and trust in the Lord. 

It is time for discernment to begin. A time to let the Lord lead you in the knowledge of right and wrong, good and evil. A time for correct choices to be made.  No more of someone telling you what you should and should not do, but a time for you to step up and say, "This is not for me, I don't see my Lord in this, so I will leave this along".  No more having someone steer you away from these things, but for you to seek the Lord on your own as you walk, see Him for direction and grace to walk in His path. Time for you to begin to say "I will do this myself with the help of my Lord".  You can seek Him on your grounds, your own understanding of His love, His desire to lead you in His path of righteousness.  Eating of the meat of the Word, having your fill of the Holy words to guide you, give you direction.

You have to train yourself to study the Word of God.  You have to set guidelines for yourself to stay in the Word and seek the Lord's understanding.  There may be things you do not understand at first, but as you run the race, fight the good fight in the Lord, He will reveal more and more of His Word to you.  You will train yourself on the Lords Word as to what His plan is for you.  Shut yourself up in God's Boot Camp where you will do one on one training with Him to get yourself fit for His army.  His army that carries the Shield of Faith before it as it walks the path of the Lord.

An infilling of the Holy Spirit awaits all those upon graduation of the Boot Camp of the Lord.  Faith raised high, love of the Lord so strong, you will walk into the infilling of the Holy Spirit. You will get drenched with the sweet Spirit as it floods your soul, fills your entire being.  God's precious Spirit to lead you, guide you, comfort you and dwell within you drawing you to the Lord whenever you seek Him. Now that you have learned His voice, you will be listening for His commands, to do whatever He asks of you to do.

No one else but You my God, no one else could lead and guide Your children from milk into the meat of Your Word. To lead them into walk of righteousness, into eternal life with You, my Lord.  You're my one desire my Lord. I am a graduate of the Boot Camp of the Lord.  Thank you my God, for my infilling of Your Spirit. I worship You, I praise only You.  You, only you, satisfy my every desire this 21st day of January 2011.

Thursday, January 20, 2011


Romans 10:8  "But what does it say?  "The Word is near you; it is in your mouth and in your heart, that is, the word of faith we are proclaiming"

The Word, that precious Word of God, near you, in your mouth and in your heart?  Yes, it should be there always. But it will not get there by itself.  You must read God's Word, it does no good to you if it lays unread in the Book.  Seek the Lord for understanding and wisdom when reading His Word. Then begin to read, slowly, patiently going over the words, stopping and rereading a line when it speaks to you.  Yes, the Word will speak to you as you read it.  There is so much life giving knowledge in the Word of God. So much you never knew could be there.  Read and read it over again until it is locked into your heart.  Lock up each precious law of the Lord, each advising commandment for righteous living, and each lingering letter of the words spoken by Jesus - they'll be the ones written in red, the words given in love by the Savior of the world, who came, who died, who lives forever to intercede with the Father for us - those precious words, lock them in.

After spending time in the Word of God, you will no doubt be given instruction by God as to how He wants you to use those words.  You did not think, did you, that they would just stay locked in there?  No, they are not for you to leave dormant in your heart.  They are for edification, purification and the beginning of wisdom for you.  To give you cleansing, spiritually and physically.  To help rid your heart, your mind of all sin, all that should not be there.  To let you see where your help comes from.  To help you build FAITH in the Father, who wants to lift that burden from you and give you rest.

Faith, that is what the words of our Lord will give you.  His words will encourage you to give Him your burdens and let Him show you with His love and mercy, His grace and guidance, that He can and He will do whatever is necessary to give you peace.  His precious peace.  Building your faith in Him, that is what His words can do.

Once you have these words locked in, your faith building on the promises of God, you will need to load your mouth with these words.  I CAN should come forth instead of I don't think I can do this, I WILL instead of the normal hesitation to step out in faith, and I DO believe that God will take care of me each step of this walk with Him.  Not doubt, as it will wipe out those words so fast, and you will have to start the process all over again.  You have the Lord wanting to give you peace, you have His words to take you to that place in Him. What are you waiting for?  LOCK AND LOAD, let it be not a gun slogan, but a slogan for faith, faith in God and His promises.

My precious Lord, once again, I am amazed at what You give me.  This morning, all I heard was Lock and Load and had no idea of what it meant. Thank you Father, I love what it means.  I love everything You give me, You who supplies all my needs, You who loves me so dearly, and You, precious Lord, who gives me my heart's desire, Your presence.  I love you so much, You are everything to me, there is no one in my heart by you.  This day, I give You honor and glory, all my love, this 20th day of January, 2011.

Wednesday, January 19, 2011


Isaiah 25:8-9a  (Message) "We're in no hurry, God. We're content to linger in the path sign-posted with your decisions. Who you are and what you've done are all we'll ever want.  Through the night my soul longs for you.  Deep from within me my spirit reaches out to you." 

My God, all the earth is Yours and You choose to give to me, out of Your heart, You give to me, your child.   What you've done for me and others out of Your love for Your children, makes my heart swell to bursting.  I just stay inside the confines of Your love and wait for You.  Why would I be wanting to go from You my Lord. 

You have made all my paths so perfect, Your light shines so bright to show me the way. You have posted signs of warning for me to be on the look out for the enemy, waiting to deceive and mislead; like signs lit by neon, they flash warnings as I come upon them.  You want me to keep to the path You have set, stay within the guidelines You have written for me in Your Word.  No doubting Your plans, Your carefully drawn out map for my life.  I see the long, thought out plans You have made, the gentle, loving manner in which You wooed me to Your side; waiting until it was I that sought You this time, after so long of Your seeking me, You waited this time on me.  And I came, I came looking for the God that I had known for so long, the God who upheld me even when I was not aware of Him, the God that loved me for who He made me to be, not for what I always might have been.

Yes, I came seeking you, my God.  I did not have to look long.  All it took was my repentant heart, my total desire to be with You and You opened Your heart and let me in.  All I want is Who You are.  The Lover of my heart, my Peace Giver, my Comforter, my Shelter, my Rock, everything of You is what I desire.  In the night my soul longs for You with a longing so deep it shatters my sleep.  I awake to sing praises to You.  I worship You from my heart with words flowing from my lips, and I feel You here with me.  I feel Your arms encircle me as You hold me close and tell me of Your love.  I will never tire of seeking You my Lord, my Love.

People, some of them, will not understand, this love; but I know my Lord, there are those whose hearts are full of love for You and seek You as I do and I know they are rewarded as I am.  You are wonderful, so mighty, so worthy of all worship and praise.  You are so worthy of every part of my life.  You made me to be just this woman at just this time of life, just to seek You and love You.  I am Your creation, and I know I am beautiful and precious in Your eyes, in Your heart.  I am the love of the Great I AM, the Creator of all Heaven and earth, the Beginning and the End.  Be glorified in my life, O Lord, it is Yours always.

You are the Holy of Holies, the one I adore as I walk in Your ways, in the understanding that You have given to me, as I follow Your ordinances, Your laws, as I glory in You.  I do not weary walking in Your way, as I know You are refreshing me along the path, Your path of righteousness.  Your Spirit sustains me, restores me, Your breathe gives me new life each morning.  I worship only You, my God.  You never change Lord, You are always the same.  And You love me. I long for Your presence day and night.  I will seek You always, seek to do Your will, seek to worship only You.

You, my God, my Love, my constant Desire, I worship You this 19th day of January, 2011.

Tuesday, January 18, 2011


Exodus 3:2-5  "There the angel of the Lord appeared to him in flames of fire from within a bush. Moses saw that though the bush was on fire it did not burn up. So Moses thought, "I will go over and see this strange sight - why the bush does not burn up". When the Lord saw that he had gone over to look, God called to him from within the bush "Moses! Moses!"  and Moses said "Here I am". "Do not come any closer," God said. "Take off your sandals, for the place where you are standing is holy ground."

What Moses saw was something he had never witnessed before.  A bush on fire but it was not burning up. But he was actually seeing this. And when the Lord spoke to him from within the bush, you can tell he must have really looked to see into the bush. Wouldn't you, if you heard God's voice calling you from within. What you are seeing here is, God revealing himself to Moses into his spirit. But God was there, Moses just could not see Him with his eyes. "Holy Ground", the Lord said, "take off your sandals. This is Holy Ground." 

Where the Lord is, His very presence, whether He is speaking to you or you just feel His presence, it is Holy Ground.  Humble yourself unto the Lord, His very presence is upon you.  And no, you will probably never physically see Him until we reach Glory, but His presence is very real.

The things of the Lord are not always black and white.  God's Word reveals so many mysteries to us as we grow in the Lord, but you won't find the words spelling it out for you.  He keeps so much in His Word a mystery until you have totally given yourself to Him, until you are consumed by a desire for the Lord and His kingdom.  Then as He feels you can understand, as you are becoming more and more intimate with Him, He begins to open the verses up for you to see, with your spiritual eyes.  You begin to understand what He meant when He said in Romans 8:6 "The mind of sinful man is death, but the mind controlled by the Spirit is life and peace."  You must become spiritually minded, seeing with spiritual eyes, which gives you life and peace.

Only with spiritual eyes will you begin to see this earth through God's eyes.  You will see that the things you use to enjoy, certain books, movies, TV shows, and even people, are not of God's choosing for you.  Through spiritual eyes, you will not be able to read those words in those books, watch those movies that bleep so much, and most TV shows will become as distasteful to you as they are to God.  Some of the people that you use to like to hang with will become as clanging brass to your ears as you begin to have your spiritual eyes opened more by the Lord. It is so important to let the Lord guide you in making friends. Friends in the Lord should sound like beautiful wind chimes, softly blowing in the breeze, like a soft piano or violin playing, Holy, Holy, Holy are you Lord.  Friends you can worship Him with. Friends with spiritual eyes also.

You find yourself in a (and the Lord is telling me to use the word) cocoon, so tightly woven by God's spirit, to keep your eyes on Him until you are so completely wrapped up in Him and your eyes are fully focused on things only of God.  Then He will gently unwrap you, each turn showing you more and more of Him, your spiritual eyes growing stronger and stronger.  The you can see.  You will be able to see God in everything.  The earth that God so carefully created will become a visual playground for your spiritual eyes.  No longer will you see all the horrible things you once saw but now you will see the beauty God created.  You will see beauty in everything that is of God. Before you saw with natural eyes and the earthly things of the enemy, but now your spiritual eyes are developed and you see before you, the magnificent creations of God. You will be humbled as you realize that now you are truly standing on Holy Ground.

My God, how majestic are the wonders of Your earth.  How I treasure the spiritual eyes you gave to me when I gave You my all, You gave Your best gifts to me, one being spiritual eyes.  My eyes, both spiritual and natural eyes are focused on You my Lord, never to look to one side or the other, but straight ahead at You.  Your glory, Your beauty.  I am so in love with You, my God, totally and undeniably in love with You.

I worship You my Lord, each minute, as I only want to bring glory to Your Name. Let me be spiritually minded only in You my God as I cannot do anything on my own.  I rejoice in You, this 18th day of January, 2011.

Monday, January 17, 2011


Psalm 104:33 "I will sing to the Lord all my life; I will sing praise to my God as long as I live."

Earlier tonight, I posted a comment that I thought "I Sing Praises" was probably God's favorite song.  This song is sang around the world and used so beautifully to worship the Lord. But a while after I posted the comment, the Lord spoke softly to me and said "You are wrong. It is not my favorite song. It is probably one I enjoyed giving for worship a great deal, but not the favorite".  As I waited, I keep thinking about what the Lord said. Not His favorite. What song could possibly be His favorite. And, like you probably would have, began to think of all the beautiful songs we have, and wondering what was the favorite.

As the Lord began to speak to me again, He told me, "When you sing, lifting your voice up to Me, giving me your heartfelt expressions of love and worship, I love that song.  When any child of Mine lifts their voice up, singing praises to Me, showing their love and adoration for Me, I love their songs."  As the Lord continued to talk to me I began to fully understand what  His favorite song was.

God's favorite song has no one title, no one verse, no one melody.  His favorite song is the new song, the open declaration of love, the laid open heart of one desiring nothing but to give all love and worship to God, not caring who sees,  how they sound to earthly ears, but singing and worshiping God with everything they are.  God's favorite song is the one sang by His children in love to Him.  Not for man's ears, not for any fame to themselves, but just for Him, El Roi, their God who sees into their hearts and sees their pure love for Him alone.

His favorite song is from His children. I can just hear the Lord singing the words He hears from His beloved child, thinking on the words of love to Him, letting those words bring a glow to His heart as He considers how much this song, this new song from His love has pleased Him and touched His heart so deeply.  So precious a moment, thinking about it makes me want to do nothing but to worship all the more.

My Lord, oh precious, wonderful God. How magnificent You are above all, You stretch forth Your Hand and lift up your child to you, giving love, restoring soul, breathing fresh life into, kissing my forehead and releasing Your power and strength to me, giving me so much joy into my heart . I will sing to you a new song, old songs, constant songs of love will I sing to You my Lord.  You put new songs into my heart of love for You each day as You bless me with Your presence, with Your grace and mercy.  I cannot fail Lord because You will not allow me to be touched by harm, Your presence with me warding off the enemy, letting him know I belong to You and there will be no changing that.

My God, You know how much I love You.  You know my heart, know my life has been given over to You for Your will to be done in me.  No matter where You lead, I will follow behind singing my songs of worship and love to You. 

Let me begin again, Jesus, Name above all Names, Beautiful Savior......all my love, all my worship, all my songs to You my Lord, this 17th day of January, 2011.

Sunday, January 16, 2011


Psalm 25:14 (Amplified)  "The secret (of the sweet, satisfying companionship) of the Lord have they who fear - revere and worship - Him, and He will show them His covenant, and reveal to them its (deep, inner) meaning."

The Message says: "God-friendship is for God-worshipers; They are the ones he confides in".

Do you love secrets?  Something someone tells you because they trust you, they know you will keep their confidence, never fearing you will repeat it unless given permission to tell?  All of us appreciate being trusted by our friends to tell us things that are on their hearts, things not meant for everyone just at this moment; so many not being able to understand perhaps, or just not caring enough to keep it a secret.

God is no different.  He looks at His children, seeking to find the ones He can share His heart with, the children who have given their will over to His, children that have completely surrendered themselves to the Lord's keeping.  He searches their hearts, looking to see if they have been cleaned, washed by the blood of Jesus, now spotless and righteous and ready for whatever God has for them.  When this happens, the Lord can and will began to unfold His deepest thoughts to them.

I have been so blessed, as the Lord is now revealing more and more of the scriptures I read.  As I drive down the road, I see meaning in so many things. It is hard to see anything that I cannot see the Hand of the Lord in, see His Glory pouring out.  I suppose a lot of it is just for my benefit as I look to see Him at every turn, seek His heart with every breath, just wanting to be near Him and love Him.  But I am understanding more each day. The Lord talks to me, yes, just as if He were sitting next to me.  You see, when you worship and seek the Lord, He will be sitting next to you. There will not be a place you go that He is not with you. The Father so longs to have worshipers He can be with.

Friendship, the best kind you can have, is what is offered here.  When you worship and adore the Father, when He sees that you are not going to just love for a season, and that you are not going from Him ever again, He puts His trust in you.  He comes to spend time with you and tells you the secrets of His kingdom. As you can understand, He reveals His plans for your life.  He opens the door to so many scriptures, revealing their inner meanings, giving you new hope for your future.

Grace is given when you come into this trust.  More grace than you imagined. Yes, you had grace before, but now you can go about your life having no fear, as you know the Lord has gone before you and removed all obstacles and hazards from your path.  If you slip, He will catch you.  If you need forgiveness, yes, the Lord knows the enemy will have you on his top 10 list now that you carry His trust; the Father will forgive as He knows you immediately realized you failed and have repented so quickly, having recognized satan's handiwork.  So much more grace now.

His presence, always closer now, as you are so close, best friends.  You telling the Lord your secrets, telling Him how much you adore and love Him, how you are so blessed; and the Lord sharing His thoughts and secrets with you, knowing how you love to have Him near, and how you treasure His thoughts, His words.

My friends, it is no secret how to achieve this special friendship with God. How to become His most intimate friend.  Just do what I do.  Love. Love. Love. Worship. Worship. Worship.  Day and night, night and day, just worship and love on the Lord. He is so worthy of all our love and worship.  We were made by God to worship Him.  He wanted special friends, confidants He could share Himself with, children He could trust with His secrets.  Do you not want this relationship?  You can have it. Just give Him you all, release yourself into His care, love Him, worship Him.  Make Him the most important one in your life. He will reward you with His secrets.

My God, You are so holy, so worthy. How could I not want to always worship you, my King.  You are the only one whose secrets I long to hear.  Look inside, you will find a heart purified by the blood of the Lamb, and by Your precious love, waiting for You always.  I thank You my Lord, that You love me, You made me Your special friend, You gave me Your trust and yes, Your secrets.  I worship and adore you Lord, this 16th day of January, 2011.

Saturday, January 15, 2011


Psalm 1:3  "He is like a tree planted by streams of water, which yields its fruit in season and whose leaf does not wither. Whatever he does prospers."

Revelations 22: 1-3  "Then the angel showed me the river of the water of life, as clear as crystal, flowing from the throne of God and of the Lamb down the middle of the great street of the city. On each side of the river stood the tree of life, bearing twelve crops of fruit, yielding its fruit every month. And the leaves of the tree are for the healing of the nations."

A friend of mine was telling me of a revelation she had this morning as she woke up, with the Lord showing her she was like a tree planted by the water.  The Lord quickened my spirit when she said this and I knew He had something to tell me about this tree.

A tree planted by the water, yielding fruit, leaves not withering.  A tree, our spirits, roots going deep into the earth, continually being fed by the Word of God, with that spiritual food going up, feeding each limb with the necessary words from the Lord to keep our spirits healthy.  To see that His spirit planted so deep within us giving the life sustaining water from the throne of God to keep us continually abiding in the Father.  Roots so deep, that when the winds of satanic force are blowing across us, we will not waver but stand tall in the wake of destruction and not bend, not even an inch.  Limbs reaching high to the heavens where we know our God looks down, smiling, knowing that we are standing strong in His Word.

Yielding fruit each month, different kinds of fruit each month.  Fruit that is for sharing, sharing the Word of God.  Small, sweet fruit to begin with, as those we reach can learn first of love and forgiveness.  Then as time goes by, larger types of fruit, salvation, walking with the Lord; as months go by and more fruit is given, more witnessing progresses with the spirit leading, showing, sharing, God's plan for each life, helping to plant their roots by the water so they can begin to grow, begin to be fed direct from the Word of God, and begin to grow their own fruit.

The trees standing by the river, soaking up the life giving water, roots nourished by the Word, always yielding to the Lord for the fruit to be given, sweet spiritual fruit.  We are these trees, we are the ones with roots so deeply rooted in the Lord and His Word, we will never waver from Him. No forces of evil can destroy our roots, they are firmly planted.  The enemy will try every way to damage the roots as they are the foundation, but whatever touches the water of the river from the throne of Heaven will suffer no damage, it will heal over immediately, as everyone and everything that touches this water will have life.

The leaves of the tree, those are words, words that the Lord gives us to share.  Words of love, words of encouragement, faith building words for ourselves, for others all over the world.  Words that will begin to heal the nations as the love of God begins to build relationships between people, between countries, causing men to put away thoughts of war and fill their minds with thoughts of a God so great and so loving, that He alone can forgive all their sin.  A God who will fill them with knowledge, let them see how He loved them enough to send His Son, Jesus, to die for their sins so they might be able to come to the Father.  He will fill them with His Holy Spirit, to live within and guide, comfort, instruct. 

Nations will come forth and begin to worship and praise our God who has become their God. He who is worthy of all praise will see that His trees, trees that He planted by the water of life, have grown and produced fruit and their leaves that He kept from withering have spread His word and His love to all nations, healed all nations.  My God, what a plan you have for us, your trees you grew from saplings to giant firmly planted trees of righteousness, flowing in Your Spirit, flowing in Your river.

My Lord, what a wonderful life we have in You.  What a wonderful, exciting plan You have for each of us.  To love, to teach, to instruct others in Your Word until they can be planted by Your river and begin to grow. It goes on and on, Father, and soon there are forests and forests of trees along Your river, spreading out to heal Your earth with Your power and strength; Your love and grace.  Humbly Lord, we take our place as You release us to do Your will, as the seeds of the fruit You produce in us begins to fall and be spread across the world, making Your love known to all.

O, my God, my life is in You.  I, one of Your trees that You have planted by Your river, You giving life to me, showing me that I will never wither, until You call me home, I will have the energy and strength as from the beginning, I will have the power of Your love within me to do all You will me to do in Your Name.

I worship You my King, as You cause me to blossom at any age, for in You, I am ageless.  I love you my God, my Lord, I give you all my worship always, on this 15th day of January, 2011.

Friday, January 14, 2011


Luke 7:37-38  "When a woman who had lived a sinful life  in that town learned that Jesus was eating at the Pharisee's house, she brought an alabaster jar of perfume, and as she stood behind Him at His feet weeping, she began to wet His feet with her tears. Then she wiped them with her hair and poured perfume on them."

Today, at my lunch time, I had to go to the store to pick up a few things. Having to work until 7, I did not want to go after work.  When I went into the store, there was a large display of bags of food prepared for you just to pick up, pay for, and put them in the large container for the big food drive for the Houston Food Pantry.  I do this about every other time I am in the store, so today I picked a bag, it wasn't expensive, just a few dollars, and put it in my basket.  When I checked out they took it, and put it in the bin for the pantry. Been there, done that before, never thinking much about it other than thanking the Lord for blessing me so much, seeing to my needs and that I was grateful to be able to do this small thing to help others.  He supplies my every need and I love to give back when I can.

I took my purchases home and returned to work.  During the afternoon, I went to the bank. I know, this is always in the car. I also am amazed by this, but really shouldn't be. When I get in the car, I begin to sing with the CD I have playing and worship my Lord.  When I do this at home, He comes to me, so I don't know why the surprise that He does in the car as well. But I was worshiping and telling the Lord how all I wanted to do is sit at His feet.  Knowing how I am in His presence, I knew I would be crying and I thought of the woman washing His feet with her tears, and I was saying to the Lord, I would love to be able to wash your feet with my tears and dry them with my hair.  I would love to pour expensive perfume from an alabaster jar onto You to annoint You, to love You so much with my perfume, no matter the cost.

My precious Lord, poured love into my vehicle, flooded it all over me, and as I began to cry, He told me, "When you bought that bag of food to help someone else, it gave me as much joy as if you had poured expensive perfume over me to annoint me."  He told me that I had annointed Him with the love I had for others, wanting to return something as I was so blessed, just wanting to bless someone else.  He told me the joy of love I held for Him in my heart, and the desire to give the same love to others was like precious tears washing His feet and the spirit He put in me flowing out to others was like drying His feet with my hair.  So much love, so much caring for His children.

Do not think for a minute that I think I did any big thing. I did not. But just the small  gesture of giving to others, was annointing of the Lord, the touching of His heart, with what was in my alabaster jar (my heart).  See what we sees as such an expensive and priceless alabaster jar or box He sees as our hearts.  Our hearts hold such a priceless treasure to give if we will release it to others.  It contains the love that the Lord has put there.  So amazing that a feeling can be so treasured.  But as you know, when you give or receive love, it is the most enduring feeling a person can have.  God's treasure, unconditional love, He placed in our hearts like you would  an expensive perfume in an alabaster jar.  But the perfume does no one any good if it does not leave the jar, and love touches no one if it stays locked up inside our hearts.  This love that God gave us, so priceless as it was redeemed for us by His beloved Son's blood, given to us so freely.   I remember Lord, when I was a sinful woman who had lost her way, You redeemed me with forgiveness and this precious love.  Freely received, it should be freely given.

This is not to say you should run out and purchase bags of food for the local food pantry, but what a wonderful thing if you did.  We are so blessed, the blessings just multiple when you share them with others. But what I am trying to tell you, is that the precious love we received from the Lord, should be shared with others, given freely as we received it.  No strings.  A hand up to a stranger, a couple of dollars to a stranger needing help, a bag of food for a neighbor down on their luck, an invitation to church and lunch afterwards to a neighborhood widow.  Love spread around knows no end, it keeps traveling from one to another. Really how God intended it to go.

Father, You never cease to amaze me, how you give me these words to say. What a joy you place in my heart, loving me so much, giving to me Your presence, speaking to me....there are no words to tell You how very much I love You.  I am so glad You can see into my heart, so You know the true depth of my love.

My God, how I love being Your beloved child.  Let me sit at Your feet, Lord, let me wash them with my tears of sheer joy at being near You, let me pour the love of my alabaster jar over You annointing You with my devotion, my love, my total worship....just for who You are, my heart's Desire.

No one but You, Lord.  My God, my Everything, my Life.  I treasure my time with You, Lord. Let me sit in Your presence all my days until I reach the heights of Your Glory.  Thank you Father, this 14th day of January, 2011 for Your presence.

Thursday, January 13, 2011


Psalms 93:5  "Your statutes stand firm, holiness adorns your house for endless days, O Lord."

When weary and tired from a long day, I take myself home, to study, write, and actually, be ministered to by the Lord. I was going to say minister unto the Lord, but truth be told, when I am so tired, as last night, the Lord ministers to me.  He gives me comfort, He caresses my back with love, He heals my sore muscles.

I wonder, how long, Lord, will you put up with me. At times when I am tired, just don't think I have it in me to put one foot in front of the other.  How long will you put up with my feeling sorry for myself for working so hard, feeling so tired, excusing myself from study or housework because I am tired.  You must get so tired of listening to my tired spirit Lord.  Then I realize what I am doing.  I am falling into what I usually see as a trap, a cleverly designed trap of satan to get me out of step with my Lord.  That will not be happening Satan. Yes, I am tired, I get weary, at times even stoop to feeling sorry for myself, poor widow, all alone.  But you see, then I remember, MY GOD is bigger than any of my problems, and He can and He does take care of me. He will not tire of me, as His statutes never fade away, He is the same the first day He held me after Robert died and told me not to worry, He would take care of me, and He is the same each day now.  He expects me to get tired, weary, lonely.  I am human, with human frailties. 

My Lord has endless days to spend with me, He will not leave me for being human, He made me, He knows before I do what my days will be like.  He takes me as I am, He expects me to get tired as I get older and can no keep up the pace of years ago.  I am the one that feels like I am not up to speed because I cannot do like I did then.  The Lord just takes me as I am, each day a little older, and prayerfully, wiser in Him.

I know my Lord, and I know He loves me no matter what I am feeling, how tired I get because He sees my heart, which never lets go of His love or stops loving Him.  Each day, no matter what happens, He will see to it that I am lifted up from whatever weariness, loneliness, dispare I may feel, into His arms to comfort me, see to all my needs and give me total rest and peace in Him.  Beauty for ashes He has given me, refreshing my soul day after day. Nothing can keep Him from me because His Word said He would never leave me nor forsake me.  Endless days He will love and protect me, His loving kindness never ending.  His blessings continuing to shower over me as He wakes me in the morning with His gentle guiding hand, leading me through my day and giving me His sweet rest at night.

Endless days will His statutes be upheld, for He never lies, He does not change His mind, my God is the same yesterday, today and tomorrow.  Knowing Him as I do, His presence never leaving me, I am never alone.  He fills me up with love, breathing into me His sweet, sweet spirit that restores me completely.

My God and King, to You I give all my worship.  I sing praises to You my Lord, as I give You my love, my will, my heart, totally, everything to You.  I live for You my Father, and look to give You all the honor, all the glory, and all my worship this 13th day of January, 2011.

Wednesday, January 12, 2011


Psalm 63: 1-5 "O God, You are my God; Early will I seek You; My soul thirsts for You; My flesh longs for You. In a dry and thirsy land where there is no water. So I have looked for You in the sanctuary, to see Your power and Your glory.  Because Your lovingkindness is better than life, My lips shall praise You, Thus I will bless You while I live; I will lift up my hands in Your name. My soul shall be satisfied as with the riches of foods and my mouth shall praise You with joyful lips."

My God, how I thirst for more of You.  All I can think of is how can I love You more, I don't know if it is possible to love You more.  My heart is full of love for only You.  I am devastated when I hear someone say something disrespectful of You or use Your name in vain.  I want to shout at them, all the while hearing You tell me, "No, my child, I will recompense. You just show love."  So often I stay quiet, sometimes I cannot help myself and let my emotions rule my head. It is  hard to stand by and let people disrespect and dishonor You my God.  I love You so much, Your Word rings in my head of Your devotion to Your children. You are so worthy of all my praise.

Father, as I thirst for You, I am thinking of when the Lord said "I thirst", and was given sour wine to taste. How cruel my Lord was treated, Father. I feel Your heart as it hurt You  to see Your beloved Son, beaten, hated, mocked, hung on a cross.....and all so Your children would have a way back to You. You took us back, forgave us, loved on us so much.  And then sometimes out of disobedience, we walked away, once again crucifying the Lord, each time we sin. Oh, my God, my God, hold on to me, let not anything draw me to sin, I cannot crucify my Lord again, it is like piercing my heart to remember the times I have in the past. I cannot go from Your presence. I have found true love, true peace as You drew me to You and forgave me of everything past, present, future and made me Your dwelling place.  I never want to leave Your embrace again. Lord, keep my eyes and ears open to every attack of the enemy, so I will be aware of all his tricks to draw me away.  I want nothing of him, need nothing of the world, will not go there again.

Lord, only You.  Only You are what I want, what I need, You are the joy of my song, the words of my praise, and the heart of my worship.  You, Lord, You.  There is only one God, no one can even begin to call themself God, as they do not live.  You are a living God, the Maker of all life, and the Salvation of all souls. There is no one like my God, Who sees and knows all, past, present, future.  You alone see what is coming on me tomorrow, and prepares my way so it will not harm me.  You took my past and threw away all records of it when You forgave me.  You make my present like a gift each day, loving me, showering me with all Your blessings, and my future....You have plans for me to be with You.  You will not let me go from You, You have kept me unto Yourself, and will someday, take me up to You where eternity lies. 

Precious Father, tonight, tomorrow and the future holds my love and life I give to You.  Just to be with You, is all I desire, I have a heart that longs for only You, my soul thirsts for only You.  This is my declaration of love to You, my God, this 12th day of January, 2011.

Tuesday, January 11, 2011


Isaiah 55:3 (Message)  "Pay attention, come close now, listen carefully to my life-giving, life-nourishing words. I'm making a lasting covenant commitment with you, the same that I made with David; sure, solid, enduring love."

Beautiful, unrestrained, unashamed love I pour out to you, my Lord.  Your words are life to my soul, Your love warmth to my heart.  I give you all my love Father, as I read Your words to me.  Your life-giving, life-nourishing words.  You so want me to understand exactly what You mean.  You are not just saying these words because I want so badly to hear them. You are telling me what Your Word says.  What the meaning behind these words are.  You want me to know You, to know You will take care of me, always.  You are telling me not to worry about food or drink, not to be concerned about what I will have to wear, how I will maintain my household, don't worry about the vehicle, don't worry about a thing.  I have You.  I have Your Word which tells me not to be concerned for tomorrow.  You know what tomorrow holds and You have already gone there and prepared the way for me.

You will set me up on high places, places where we can be as One, together, as You pour Your love on me, and as I sing songs of worship to You, honoring You with my love, my attention, my affection, my everything in exchange for Your presence.

You have made a covenant commitment to me, You have promised me that You would see to all my needs, nothing will be overlooked as You complete what I have lack of, You fulfill every thing necessary for my livlihood, for maintaining of my life here.  You bless my work, you bless my time at home, so much with Your presence.  You see that whatever I put my hand to is blessed.  You keep me from harm, keeping my body well from disease, from illnesses.  You have been so faithful, Father. 

You give me words of wisdom, You use me to comfort and encourage Your children, You bless me by letting me be used of You.  I am awestruck at times, my God, at what wisdom I hear coming from my lips, knowing that it is surely not of me, but words from You.  I am humbled by Your goodness in using me.  I only want to be Your vessel, Your willing vessel, to be used in whatever You need.

Your covenant, Your enduring love, endless, to eternity.  Father, I so love You.  I commit myself always to You, loving only You, looking only to You for guidance, for deliverance from the enemy that would attempt to put thoughts in my mind not of You.  I know You are keeping me unto Yourself, keeping my mind renewed with Your Word.  You refresh my soul, my spirit knows Your voice, and I listen for it always.  I know the difference between the enemy's lies and Your voice of assurance that I am in Your Light, in Your love.

I am listening quietly my God, to hear Your voice at all times.  When I worship You, and You come to me, lifting me up to You, in Your presence, I will hear Your words, gently whispering Your thoughts to me, what You would have me say, what You would have me do, and the sweet, loving words of Your mightly enduring, endless love for me.  My God, how I desire more of You, less of me.  Take all of me, Lord, entwine my will, my life, so into Yours that I can no longer tell the difference of where I end and You begin.  I want to be only of You, Your love, Your thoughts...just You.  Bind me unto You, my Lord.

My Father, to You be all the glory, all the honor; receive my love, my adoration, my everything, this 11th day of January, 2011.

Monday, January 10, 2011


Romans 8:11 (Message) "When God lives and breathes in you (and He does, as surely as He did in Jesus), you are delivered from that dead life. With His spirit living in you, your body will be as alive as Christ's!"

The Lord has been riding with me again.  This morning on the way to the bank I was praising and worshiping my Father, and then began to thank Him for His presence in my life, in my heart, in my very being.  He spoke to me and said "It is a matter of life and death".  In my spirit I could hear, "without my presence, your spirit cannot survive, cannot breathe, for I am the breath of life, my presence vital to your life".

I knew that the presence of the Lord was so important to me, never do I want to be without Him here with me, but I had not thought of it as He showed it to me.  When the Lord is present with me, such peace settles over my spirit, such joy in my heart.  And I so love when His presence is with me.  I think what He was showing me means that when we know what the presence of the Lord does to our life, our spirits, our hearts, if we should turn away from the Lord, fall into sin, it brings a death.  Death to our spirit, our mind will be taken over by the enemy and eventually, could very well bring death to our bodies.  Without that love, that protective covering that His presence brings to us, there is no controlling the enemy.  No keeping him away from ruining what was God's.  My Lord will never turn away, but He cannot stop you from turning away.  You have a free will.

You see, it is far more damaging when a child of God's turns away, gets lured away by the sounds and lights of the World.  When you step into the things of earth, even for a short while, death to the spirit begins to take place.  Your mind opens to the things of the world, and you begin to make excuses, well, it perhaps won't matter if I do this just once; what will the harm be; no one will know.  Perhaps no one from your circle of family, your friends, your church will find out; but the One that is the most important, the One you really should be concerned with, our God, our Father, He knows.  He knew from the first thought you had, and so lovingly held you, trying to shield you from yourself, but to no avail.  You turned, just for  a moment the first time, then as it didn't seem to hurt anyone or anything, longer the next time. Before you know it, you are gone.  Gone from the place held so dear by God's children, His presence.

People that have not known the salvation of the Lord, that have not experienced His presence, will not die from this type of spiritual death.  He never dwelled within their hearts, their spirit as He did yours.  They will not know the anguish you will feel as soon as the enemy gets you completely turned away from the Father, then he will open your eyes so you see where you are.  Better yet, where you are not!  It will be cold there, no warmth of the Father's arms around you, the sweet smell of His breath will no longer be near your cheek as when he would lean over to hug you, no beautiful words of love coming into your heart, no lift of your spirit when you would hear Him coming.  Nothing. It 's gone. 

I don't want you to think you cannot be redeemed from this, you can.  The Lord loves us so much, He will hear your cry, your words of repentance, your words of love for Him.  He will know how sorry you are, He will be compassionate towards you.  And you shall once again be redeemed.

But what I do not know is if you will be invited into that Holy of Holies, His precious presence, again.  That I cannot say, as once I found myself here, I am not leaving.  I will not allow myself a chance to be deceived by the enemy, I will not fall into his traps as I am watching, being aware of his tricks.  I will not be turning away from my Lord, my Father, my GOD!

The presence of my God, bringing me into the Holy of Holies, is my life.  It has given me such a life, one I never knew could exist. It is life.  It has begun for me a walk, so wonderful, so blessed.  I do not have riches as man would consider riches, but I have wealth beyond measure in the presence of my Lord.  How rich I feel when I wake up in the morning, so loved, so surrounded by His presence.  There is not enough money in the world that could buy this.  It was purchased by the BLOOD, the precious blood of my Savior.  He died in order that I might be saved, that my sins be forgiven, forgotten by the Father, and that I would have the saving grace of God.  And when I grew in Him, gave my all to Him, and He saw that I had opened my heart, purified it for Him, He entered into the dwelling place I had lovingly prepared for Him, and made His presence known to me.  His presence, with me.

Your presence, my Lord, is life to me.  Death cannot harm me, as my spirit will stay alive in my Father.  I will not allow death to enter into this life again.  Death gone, life with the presence of God forever.  I live my life to glorify my Father, whose very presence gives me that life. 

I worship you, my God, to You all the glory and honor, I bring only to You, this 10th day of January, 2011.

Sunday, January 9, 2011


Psalm 3:4  "I cried out to the Lord with my voice, and He heard me from His holy hill."

My God, how you have held me so many times while I cried tears of sorrow, tears of anguish, tears of helplessness.  You gave me comfort, understanding, forgiveness while you wiped my tears.  You told me how You loved me,  You were just there always when I cried.  I did not always know or recognize the fact that You were there, but now I see how You never left me alone during these times.  But now....

My tears are tears of joy.  And they are because of You, my Lord.  You have me weeping tears of joy.  It is because of Your presence.  When You come to me, when You flood my being with Your presence, joy fills my heart to overflowing and tears begin to flow.  Tears of joy.  Tears of completeness as You are here with me.  I feel so complete, there is nothing missing from me in Your presence.  I have all I need, all I desire, all I could ever want, when You are here.

You come to me at all times day and night.  I am always expecting You when I am driving down the road, as You have come to me so many times now in the car.  I begin to sing worship to You and there You are, sometimes for a while, sometimes just long enough to whisper something to me, and then You are gone.  Those times I can maintain composure, but it is when you literally sit down beside me in the car, when You begin to talk with me, those are the times I am a complete mess.  There is no other way to explain it Father, you know I just begin to weep.  I am so overwhelmed by Your glory, Your gentleness.  So beautiful...

You spend days with me when I am off work.  As I read Your word, sing and worship You, play worship music and pray, You come.  You come and you stay.  You make me aware of Your presence and then You just have a seat and tell me to go along with my day, You just keep me company.  The sheer joy of it.  No one would probably believe me, but I don't care.  I know You are here, I know You will be back. Last Wednesday was wonderful.  We visited, You watched as I did my lessons, did my housework, You listened as I sang songs worshiping You for Your love and goodness to me.  You watched me cry for joy because You were here.  It was the most amazing day. Then I left to go to church and when I got there, You sat in the back and watched.  I don't know if anyone else knew You were there.  But I did.

At night, when I awake, worship music is playing in the room, and out of my mouth rise sounds of worship to You.  My heart begins to pour out the love I feel for You in song and praise.  You come in.  I don't know how long You stay, but I know You are there when I fall asleep and You are usually there when I wake up again.  Always loving, watching over me, keeping me in Your care.  Tears spring to my eyes as I realize You are looking after me as I rest.

Tears of joy.  My Father, tears of joy that flood my eyes, joy unspeakable filling my heart, my mind wanting to ask so much but my spirit bursting with so much joy, I can only weep.  I sing praises to my King, my precious Lord, praises to my Father, My God.  I love You so much Lord, what can I say to tell You how much You mean to me.  You are my everything, there is noone else, noone that can satisfy my soul like You, my God.  Thank You for Your holy presence with me.  I treasure Your presence Lord, treasure Your love.  There is no place I would rather be, ever, but in Your presence.

I give myself to You, I give You all my worship, all my love this 9th day of January, 2011.