Tuesday, September 6, 2011


Revelation 3:11  "I am coming soon. Hold on to what you have, so that no one will take your crown."

How soon, my Lord, how soon are You coming.  I know You cannot tell me the answer to that question so many ask, and I don't mean to ask again, but I long for Your return.  My heart cries out for you, softly whispering Your name, all day, each night. Jesus, my Jesus, come, dear Lord, come.  My hope is in Your promise that You are returning, You are coming for me, Your Bride.  I know that Your Bride is so many but I look at Your return so personal, that it is for me, that I look for You constantly.

How great You are, my God.  How wonderful You are, how beautiful Your promises to me.  It is those promises I hold on to, that I will not let go of.  Letting go of Your promises, of Your Word, will be letting my crown be taken from me.  My crown is Your Word, Your promises, my redemption in You, all these encased in the crown You have given me.  To wear this crown, this beautiful crown on my head, shining with so many jewels, each one You have given to me for loving You, for worshiping You alone, for giving my complete life to You, my King.  But I gladly give it back to You, my Jesus, I lay my crown at Your feet for only You are worthy of such beauty, such honor, just You, my Lord.

As I whisper Your beautiful Name, sweet Name of Jesus, my heart fills with such love, such expectation.  I expect Your return my Lord.  As I see others around me, living their lives as though Your Word is just a book of some future they will not see in their time, it saddens me that they are losing so much, losing the wonderful life in You they could be having.  They are missing out on the blessings You bestow on those that love You so much.  At the whisper of Your Name, peace surrounds me like a cloud, Your presence pouring peace and love over me like a tidal wave, heavy enough to saturate me but soft enough to hold me steady in its waves of color, radiating off the crown of life You have given me.  Darkness tries to come over me and once again, I whisper Jesus, and Your Light pushes out the heavy veil of darkness that the enemy tries to put over me like a shroud.  It cannot hold me as Your Light comes piercing like an arrow through the veil, releasing my spirit into Your joy, into Your Glory, Your Presence.

I stopped writing for a little while, my Lord, just to worship You, how great You are my Lord.  How worthy You are.  So worthy to receive all my praise, all my worship.  You are a great, great God.  No where can I find a love that thrills my soul, fills my heart with such joy and contentment. Great is my Lord, my King, my Jesus.  I will never stop worshiping You my Lord, that would be releasing that hold on my crown of life.  You are the reason for the crown I wear, the crown You have given me, it is all of You, my crown is.  My crown is Your loveliness, Your goodness, Your love for me.  My crown shines with the reflection of Your glory, the purity of Your Word, and the essense of Your love.  The sweet, fragrance of Your love filling my crown.  And this crown You place on me, literally, each time I whisper Jesus, my Beloved.  I know joy fills Your heart when You hear me whisper Your Name with love and adoration.  I will always love You, my Lord.

When I whisper Your Name, crying Holy are You my Lord, I feel Your arms surround me.  I will always whisper Your Name in our intimate times when it is just You and I, when I know You are here to share love with me, visit with me, walk with me.  This 6th day of September, 2011, I am whispering the Name of my precious Bridegroom.....Jesus.....Jesus.....Jesus.....come, Lord Jesus, come.

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