Friday, September 16, 2011


Isaiah 41:1  "So do not fear, for I am with you, do not be dismayed, for I am your God."

What wonder and joy water from the sky produces.  I saw the rain coming down as I was working this evening.  Thought for a minute that I would have wished it could have waited till I had gone home, but we so need the rain, I really couldn't complain.  When I left work, it was raining harder and I was getting on the interstate.  The clouds were so low, it seemed like they were sitting on the interstate with rain inside them.  And of course, there was a lot of traffic. 

For an instant, Lord, there came that old anxiety, the one that would park me on the side of the road until it stopped raining.  And of course, along came that crafty devil warning me that I must be specially careful, for you know how people drive when it rains; suggesting to me that perhaps I should not go the interstate home, perhaps I should take the back road.  I guess I listened to this for a couple of miles until if I were going to go the back road, I needed to get over, and so I moved into the outside lane.  Then......then, I remembered, I did not have to fear any longer about the traffic.  I had left all that behind me, I did not have to let it rise up in me, let that fear and anxiety cause me to question who I was in You again.  I know without any doubt I am Your child, I am Your beloved child and I do not have to fear anything.  That devil is so good at this, causing dismay, trying to get me to look away from You.  But no more, I keep telling him, no more.  I will keep my eyes on my Lord, I will look not to the left or the right, but straight ahead where Your Light shines bright so I can see the path, straight ahead where my Help comes from.

I stayed on the interstate, all the way to my turnoff as I usually go in the evenings to come home.  I just did my part to be safe, lowered my speed as did so many other drivers and kept right on coming home the way that is normal for me.  I kept my faith, I know I can trust You, my Lord.  You have proved that to me so many times, and this day was no different.  This is what it is, to be loved so by You, Lord, that no matter what seems to be, what the enemy will tell me, it is only what You tell me it is; what You lead me to do or not to do.  Trust and obey.  Complete faith that You will keep me in any situation, that I am safe in You always.  And should something I don't expect happen, You will be there with me also, taking me through it too. 

I love You, my Lord, there is none I love more than You.  You are my life, my everything.  I don't know how to thank You, this peace You have given me over my life, in my entire being, that I can just lean into You and know You have me covered with grace, grace that abounds more and more each day.  Such grace, such mercy, such love; all from the Lord that is my Rock, my Salvation, my Love.

This 16th day of September, 2011, I thank You, Lord, for the rain, for the much needed rain.  And my Father, I thank You that once again, You have shown me that through whatever storm life might bring to me, You are there with me in the midst of it, You are there holding me with Your peace, Your joy and Your beautiful love.

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