Wednesday, September 14, 2011


2 Corinthians 13:5  "Examine yourselves to see whether you are in the faith; test yourselves.  Do you not realize that Christ Jesus is in you....unless, of course, you fail the test."

I was not the smartest kid in school.  I also wasn't the least smart kid, just not the smartest.  Not from any lack of brain power, as I had a lot of common sense (yes, there were times that  that was questionable also) but I was smart.  I was just lazy.  I did not have my mind on school, did not like to do homework and just did not do my best.  I have regretted that on numerous occasions, but that, also, cannot be gotten back.   So I failed a number of tests in school.  I also failed a number of life tests also, and those, too, cannot be redone.  At this time in my life, and what the Lord has brought me through, these things do not have to be redone.  I know now, at this time, it is the Lord that brings me through each day, not what I know, but that I know Him.  I am saying all this to get to this important point.

I refuse to fail the most important test I may ever have to take.  I refuse to come short when it comes to faith in my Lord.  I believe in Jesus.  I believe in the Work of the Cross.  I believe my Lord died on that cross, was buried and rose again three days later, just as it was prophesied before He was born by the prophets of God.  I believe, no I know, that no matter what comes across my path, my Father is more than able to take care of it; not only able, but willing and wanting to take care of it.  My Lord is for me, not against me.  He is my Rock, my Shield, my Salvation.  He will see to it that I am in perfect health, as I believe His Word that says He took the stripes on His back for my healing, for my sicknesses.  I will not confess to getting sick, you will not hear me say "I think I am catching a cold" or "I must be coming down with something, I feel terrible".  No, I won't be saying those things.  Do you know how many Christians I hear let those cursing words come out of their mouths.  Listen to what you are saying friends, do not call sickness upon yourself or your family.  Jesus did not die in vain, He died to take those things from us.  I will admit there are times when I do feel bad, but I will not let satan glorify himself hearing me say those things out loud.  He will wait a long time to hear me glorify him.  Instead he will hear me say, My Lord is God over my body, He is ruler over my heart, He is the Joy of my spirit, He is my Peace, He is my everlasting Love.

The testing is going to come when people wait to see me if I fail the test of who I am.  It is not necessary for me to remember who I was, what I had wanted to be or where I thought I would be at this age.  It is only important that I remember Who lives in me.  It is important that I remember who I am in Jesus, and Who lives in me.  Jesus lives in me.  When I surrendered my entire will to Him, then He began to live in me to the fullest extent.  He directs my comings and my goings.  He brings forth the words from my mouth.  He alone gives me the words to encourage and lift up those that He brings to me, people that so need Him, but are so down trodden they do not think He would take them back.  So part of my function for my Lord, is to encourage, to tell them of my Jesus and His great love for them; to tell of His forgiveness, of His mercy and His peace.  Then, when they begin to see beyond me, and into my heart that shows Jesus alone, and they see Him coming through the words that come from me, they will give their hearts to the Lord God Almighty.

He lives in me.  Remember the beautiful hymn, "You ask me how I know He lives...He lives within my heart".  How true these words are.  He lives in me.  "No, never alone, no, never alone, He walks with me and talks with me".  So many of the precious songs, written by people just like you and me, written through and after such battles, seeing what God can do and what He did do in their lives.  Not always the way they had wanted, but always bringing them through whatever battle they were in.  Living in the redeemed, Jesus stays close to those who give all to Him, who ask Him into their hearts to stay, loving Him so much.

My Lord, my Jesus, how I love You.  I can do nothing without You as I have learned to lean on You, I depend upon You for my every breath.  I can breath on my own but it is only a shallow life I would live without You, my Lord.  You in me, makes every breath I take, life victoriously lived.  This 14th day of September, 2011, I am pushing past all the old, I am rushing to take each test You give me, so I may continue the course, the race to the wonderful finish.  As I live in You my Lord, thank You for living in me, thank You for continuing Your life in me, for loving me so much that You would dwell with me in this earthen vessel, devoted to You alone.

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