John 2:5 "His mother said to the servants, "Do whatever he tells you."
The very first miracle ever, before, I believe Jesus was ready to show His power, His strength, was done at the bidding of His mother. I think that this was an example of respecting your parents, as He could have refused her, but He saw her faith in Him, He saw that she knew He had the power to change this situation and she looked to Him to satisfy the need. This miracle, so beautiful in itself, was only a prelude of what was to come. All the miracles of Jesus, from this wine to raising the dead, so miraculous, was only a taste of what would happen. The greatest miracle I believe was when my Lord and Savior went to that cross, endured such suffering and yet, still, walked up that hill to Calvary and was crucified in my place. That to me, that love, that beautiful love, to me is the greatest miracle of all.
Jesus turned the water into wine. I was driving home, listening to a beautiful song, "You do miracles so great...", and I began to think about the miracles that Jesus performed while He walked the earth. The Holy Spirit spoke to me, "Jesus turned the water into wine", and then He began to pour into my spirit the following:
The water, that beautiful flow of Living Water that was poured into my life when my Lord redeemed me, when He forgave my sins and took me from that pit of destruction I was in and gave me resurrection hope in Him. That healing Water flowed throughout my body, going into each and every door, pushing open those doors that had been sealed shut with shame, pride, horror of looking inside again, the Living Water went into each and every place and healed all the hurt, all the shame, all the fear that wasa trapped inside. Nothing was left inside me that was not washed first with the forgiving blood of the Lamb, and then rinsed with the Living Water of my Lord. Restoring me, giving me new life, a new heart that now had hope, and so much trust in my Savior, my precious Savior that gave so much for me, to bring me back to Him.
And then, after the Water had done it's work in me, letting the old man in me die, and bring forth the new, then He began another miracle. And it even greater than the last. My old self, dying like dead skin on my body, shedding off, never to return, just falling away from me; those old habits, old thoughts, old fears, all gone now; nothing left of them. Then now, at this time, I have a new body, a new wineskin in which to dwell with the Holy Spirit, my Lord's gift to me. A new heart, my spirit now new in the Lord, joined with His spirit to bring joy to my soul each day, all new. The Holy Spirit then told me that the Lord once again has turned the water into wine. The Living Water has now been turned into His Living Wine, a rich, bold wine from the Fruit of His Spirit giving me that Fruit, to enbrace my life, to bring glory to His life. The Fruit that is all the goodness of the Lord, all the characteristics of my Jesus being poured into me, into my new wineskin that He made possible, that Jesus made just for me. New Wine, His Wine, poured out fresh each day as I let His Wine flow through me to all those around me, sharing that Wine with love, mercy and grace that only abounds in me from the Lord. I am nothing on my own, it is that Wine flowing through me, the flow of my Lord in me that gives me the new life I have.
Miracles, the miracles of Jesus, some people only think of the in terms of illnesses, death situations, keeping accidents from happening, and they are, these are beautiful and precious miracles of my Lord. But you need to look deeper and see the most miraculous miracles of all....what He has done in me, what He has done in you, and what He continues to do in us each and everyday.
This miracle, my Lord, that You did in me, I am lost for words to tell You how much I love You, how much I thank You for loving me so much, Your sacrifice for me, such a miracle to me. And then love, forgiveness, favor.....miracles, all. But now the new wine flowing through me, bringing with it the fruit of Your Spirit, turning the water into wine in my new wineskin, given wholly to You for Your use, to bless You and to bring You glory. This 13th day of September, 2011, I am flowing in the spirit, my spirit that flows up and joins the Spirit of my Jesus as He continues to turn the water into wine.....turning me into His vessel....satisfying my every need as I yield to His need.
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