Matthew 6:11 "Give us today our daily bread."
The Lord's Prayer, I learned at an early age. I thought this was the way I was to pray until some years ago when I learned it was the example, the way prayer should be; and yet it is also to be prayed as in groups of people uniting their prayer together, lifting up their hearts to the Lord. But an example of how to put my offering of worship and prayer to my Lord.
Today, as I was singing and worshiping with the song of the Lord's Prayer, the Holy Spirit spoke to me of the "daily bread". Thinking always that this was a way of asking the Lord to provide food for me, the Holy Spirit's words truly touched my heart. The Word tells us that the Lord promises us food and rainment. We do not need to ask Him daily for food or clothes. These are promises to us and the Lord never breaks a promise.
Our daily bread. The bread is the body of Christ, "take and eat all of it". The body of Christ, our Savior, the Living Bread. This is not a physical bread, but it is the very Bread of Life that is needed daily, each day, as we, who are in the Lord, cannot survive a day without the Bread of Life. This precious gift, and it is a gift, paid for in full by the blood of the Lamb, our Savior, is what is necessary for each day's journey. When we ask "give us today" we are asking for that Portion of what is necessary for that day's work, that day's ministering that the Lord would have us do, our work for Him. It is His mercy, new each morning; His grace, given fresh each time we call to Him, needing more grace for the situation; His peace that needs to be present in us at all times and His love, that unconditional love that is unfailing, unfaltering, always poured out on us, in a constant rain from our Lord's throne room.
My Lord, I cannot live without the fresh Bread of life coming into me each day. There is battle raging against me each day, Lord, You know the battles that rage against me, You had them come against You. You showed me the way, You made a way for me to get through each day, no matter how difficult the journey, You have supplied the elements necessary for me to walk on that path that You set. You have supplied the fresh mercies each morning, all sins and failures of the previous day, forgiven, cast aside; You have cleansed me with Your precious blood, and I emerge each morning, righteousness flowing over me and allowing me to go before the Father. Grace flows down to me as I come into different circumstances during the day, grace needed for that moment, Your timing never wrong, just when it is needed, it flows through Your Holy Spirit to me. Your peace surrounds me as this grace abounds, that peace that I will never be able to understand, but all I know is that it gives me such rest, such rest in You. I can just lean back in my chair, the car, wherever I am when I need to have Your peace and just say Your precious Name......Jesus.....and the peace flows like a river over me. And Your love, O my Lord, Your love; that sweet essense of Your love, coming to me in waves, never ending, like the waves of the sea, controlled by the tide; Your love controlled by Your passion for me. And then it is all drawn together, Mercy, Grace, Peace, Love.....put together in an offering coming as a beautiful gift; above all the promises You gave me, these are a gift, from Your heart to me, filling my spirit, my entire being with the assurance that these gifts are mine forever. They will not end. I am Your worshiper, You are my adored Lord, who I love with all my heart.
And if this were not enough, if these blessings were not enough of a gift, You give me the most beautiful gift, the most precious "daily bread" of all......Your Presence. Your sweet Presence that transcends me from earth to heaven in a moment's time; that makes any place I am a beautiful garden when You and I sit, where we talk, where You tell me of Your love for me and I give You my heart, again and again. My Daily Bread, my Savior, my King.
This 12th day of September, 2011, I am filled, I am satisfied, I am blessed by the Daily Bread, the daily offering, the eternal gift of my beautiful Savior, my adored Lord, my Bridegroom.
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