Sunday, September 4, 2011


1 Corinthians 4:20  "For the kingdom of God is not a matter of talk but of power."

I know I speak of our church services a lot, but each one is more wonderful and blessed than the one before.  When you have a service totally dedicated to the presence of the Lord and the worship and praise to God alone, you have to know that there will be a flowing of the Holy Spirit.  The Spirit of my precious Lord flowed throughout the sanctuaray that was created by His children there, seeking His face, glorifying His Holy Name.  I joined the ladies in the Intercessory Prayer room before services and, well, you would have to join with them to know the Glory Cloud that penetrated that room as prayer was lifted up for the Glory Cloud of God to surround that church and fall upon the worshipers inside.

As I was worshiping the Lord, His presence was so heavy.  The children of God in that building making up the church of God were crying out to their Lord with their hearts, worshiping and loving the Lord.  I was lifted up into the arms of the Holy Spirit and He momentarily took me outside of the building where he showed me the outside of the building, relating my mind to that of a Jiffy Pop popcorn skillet, and as the heat inside rose, and the kernals began to pop the sides of the little skillet began to swell and get bigger and bigger until the top bursts open letting out all that fragrance.  The Lord showed me how the building was swelling at the seams and then as the worship and praise rose higher and higher the roof exploded open letting that beautiful fragrance of love and worship rise up to the throne room of our God, giving Him such pleasure and happiness hearing the love and adoration of His children that He began to pour back into the children His joy and peace, health and contentment, satisfying their heart's desires.

Another rabbit trail, Father, but it was so beautiful, so wonderful, Your presence, Your joy that I felt in my heart; my joy at hearing such worship and praise rising up to You.  I love to worship You, my God and I love to hear Your children worship You with such love, such devotion.

When pastor mentioned Kingdom mentality, You began to speak to me about it.  It was so difficult, Lord, wanting to sit and write down what you were telling me, but not wanting to stop worshiping You; praying that You would give me the grace to remember all You were saying.  You began to pour into me, as the words Kingdom mentality were said, that so many of Your children wish to live in the Kingdom realm but they continue to have a earthly mentality.  They want the blessings that come in living in You, but they are being overshadowed by their earthly mentality.  They read, they study the Word, they know the Word, it is in their hearts; but still, allow the things of the earth to over take what they know in their hearts; letting their minds rule what their hearts can do.  Faith comes from your heart, from your most inner being, your soul, your spirit.  Faith is not a head or mind thing as the mind usually functions by what it hears and what it sees.  Faith, real faith is the knowledge of God's love and promise to us that He will take care of all our needs as we give ourselves over to Him and simply trust Him to do what He has said He would do.  This is Kingdom mentality.  Kingdom mentality also takes what you know in your heart from the Word of God and puts it into action,  You will lay hands on the sick, pray for them in Jesus Name and they will recover.  Earthly mentality tells you you will lay hands on the sick and if it is God's will they will recover.  That is not what the Word tells us.  It is God's will for His children to not be sick, not to suffer.  Jesus died that we would be well, the stripes on His back were for our sicknesses, all kinds.  We need to take the Kingdom mentality that we have and turn it into Kingdom authority that our Lord has placed in us.  We need to let the Kingdom mentality over rule the earthly mentality of our minds and step up and begin to do the things that the Lord has put on us to do.  We are His hands, His love and His mercy to those we meet.  We have the ability to pray and change circumstances; we have the faith to move mountains if we just use the right mentality, the Kingdom one and not the one that abides in our minds.

I thank You my Lord God for this beautiful day.  I thank You that You have given me, and Your other children the Kingdom mentality to do the things You have given us to do.  I thank You for Your faithfulness that causes faith to rise up in me daily, building more each day.  I have no doubt that if You tell me to lay hands on someone and pray for their healing, that they will indeed recover.  Thank You, Father.

This 4th day of September, 2011, I am still basking in Your presence that has never left from this mornings service.  I pray each person there this morning also has felt Your Holy Presence with them all this day.  I love You my Lord, I give You all the glory and all the honor for every word I write this night and all nights for I know it is not of me that this comes but from You.  I thank You my Savior for Your Holiness that brings me such joy and peace.

1 comment:

  1. ...and then, I was led to this one. Words could never express just how much I needed to be reminded of this ...and on this very night. Thanks again my friend--Pat Penn!!!
