Friday, June 3, 2011


Psalm 3:3  (Message)  "But you, God, shield me on all sides; You ground my feet, you lift my head high"

This has been some day.  I am happy, Father, to say that Your peace sustained me all the day.  Even talking to the lady about my internet problems I was able to stay at peace.  They actually have someone coming on Sunday afternoon to fix it, thus saving me from trying to get someone to come stay here while they come during the week.  You take care of all my needs, Lord, every detail, you leave nothing lacking.  But this is not what You have for me, here.  You told me a few minutes ago, showed me something that was happening and took it to heights above me.

My little office is in a spare bedroom.  I have a bookshelf with many Bibles on it, different translations; my computer is on the desk, equipment needed nearby.  There is a 3 light lamp by the desk near a window.  The blinds are closed but enough light passes through that the bugs are attracted to the light.  A little while ago, there was quite an uproar out there as so many bugs were hitting the window, they were making a good bit of noise.  Just hitting the glass, not giving up, but not getting in.

The Lord spoke to me while these bugs were making so much noise.  He told me that the enemy was the same way.  The Lord said that the enemy was constantly coming against me trying to get to the Light, to do battle with the Light.  But the Lord said the enemy could not penetrate that shield that He, my Lord, has all around me, from top of my head to the bottom of my feet.  Like the bugs, satan will not give up but continue to hit and hit and hit.  But like the bugs, he is not getting in me just like the bugs will not get into the house.  My Lord told me that just as the glass kept the bugs out, His shield keeps the enemy out.  Like the glass windows, the Lord said that His shield is as glass.  The enemy can see me but he can not get me.  I can see where that would really stress him out a lot.  Just bouncing off the Lord's shield, while he could see me and not get to me.  The Lord also told me, as the enemy sees me, I can see him.  As I draw closer into the Lord's side, He said I would be able to see the enemy more clearly; I would be able to see the techniques he was employing to attempt to get to me.  I would also be able to discern his attempts to trick me using the things I love to do most, worship my Lord, sing to Him; the enemy tries to use what is dearest to us to trip us up.  But my Lord told me, as I slip deeper and deeper into Him, I will begin to see all attempts; I will see how my Shield wards them off, defeating the enemy time and again.  My Lord said, there is no way the enemy can get to you as long as you are tucked into my side.  No way.  The enemy is so attracted to the Light.  He cannot stand the Light within me and wants so to destroy the vessel that the Light dwells in.  But he cannot penetrate the shield that surrounds me.

Right now, the bugs are quiet ourside the window, but I know there will be a renewed attack towards the light soon.  And like the bugs, the enemy does not stay calm for long, just long enough to regain  determination to succeed.  But again the bugs and the enemy will be defeated.  I do not plan to leave my Lord's side, I am seeking His will, His ways, drawing myself closer and closer to Him through His Word.  I seek Him during the night as I wake, looking for my Beloved, longing to know He is near.  I am never disappointed.  He is my shield day and night.

This 3rd day of June, 2011, I am resting inside the shield of my Lord.  I am nestled in His side, cushioned against any attack of the enemy.  I am protected, loved, and cherished by my Lord, my Beloved.

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