Thursday, June 23, 2011


2 Samuel 22:2  "The Lord is my rock, my fortress, and my deliverer;"

This does seem like an unusual thing to be writing about but the Lord dropped this old game into my spirit today.  As He does so often, He gives me such extraordinary titles and lets me ponder on them for awhile before He shows me what it is all about.  I think it pleases Him to see me try and work it out on my own only to look to Him and finally ask "Lord, what is this".

In 2 Samuel 22:32  the Word says "For who is God besides the Lord?  And who is the Rock except our God?"  There is none other than our God.  He is our Rock, the steadfast, constant, strength of our lives.  He is never leaving us, He is always ready to pick us up from the clay in which we are sinking and put us on the Rock, carrying us through our troubles.  I could understand what was meant by rock, as our God is our Rock, always.  But paper?

The Lord told me that paper was so important.  For one, the Word that we read today is written on paper.  Without the paper, the Bible could have not been transported to so many for reading, for giving their souls enlightenment, bringing them to know our Lord and love Him, bringing them to salvation. Then he showed me as in the game, paper covers, He said that it was an example of His covering over us.  He covers us; He covers our past sins with His unfailing love, forgiving us and discarding our sins from His sight forever.  Our sins, gone, and now covered by the blood of the Lamb.  Our past, forgiven, forgotten, our future covered by His grace. 

Then the Lord showed me that the scissors were part of this separation from our past to our future with Him.  Our past has been cut away from us.  The sinful things found in us by the Holy Spirit's search through our heart, through our minds and spirits have been cut out of us by the love of God.  He loves us so much that His Spirit constantly convicts us of sin, of thoughts not becoming a child of God and brings us to repentance.  Cutting away the chaff, the worthless things, and keeping only that which is good, which is pure.  Cutting away the dead, restoring life to us.  Our Lord loves us so much.

My Lord, my Rock, my Coverer, my Restorer of life, how I love You.  You are so faithful to me, so mericiful.  You are so worthy of my praise, of all my worship.  Jesus, how I love You.  You fill my heart with more and more of Yourself each day.  My mind is constantly on You, on what You would have for me to do, how You want me to live, the words You want me to speak.  You are returning to me, returning to us, to receive us unto Yourself, taking us, Your Bride to the eternal home You have prepared for us.  How I long for that day to come.

This 23rd day of June, 2011, I am leaning on my Rock, knowing that no matter what happens, I am covered by His blood, all things not of Him cut out of me, leaving me, cleansed, righteous, gloriously His Bride.

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