Sunday, June 5, 2011


Psalm 40:4 "Blessed is the man who makes the Lord his trust, who does not look to the proud, to those who turn aside to false gods."

One of the questions I usually ask an applicant that I am interviewing is "would you go against your ethics or values in order to fit in better?".  The only answer to that question I am looking for is "Never, no, would not do it, etc."  You would be amazed at how many stop to think it over and some have even answered and given me case senerios where this had happened.  I always ask them "why would you do that" and tell them that under no circumstances should that ever be an option.

This should never be an option whether it is for work or play.  I could not do this, it would no longer enter my mind to be someone I am not to gain favor or enter into someone's circle.  If they do not respect the same values I have, it is not a place I want to be.

The Lord has shown me that I am who He designed me to be.  This is the life He has made for me.  I believe I took some turns here and there, well I know I did, that were not on the original path, but the Lord is still in control of this earth, of our lives, and He took me back, through His forgiveness and love, to the path I was made to walk on.  I often wonder where I would be now if I had never strayed off the path to begin with.  Would I be further along in His work for me to do, would I be different that I am.  I do know one thing, I know that because of almost losing what He had for me, I am deeper in in love with Him than before.  The loss of this precious relationship with my Lord, of the peace and joy I have in Him.  A deeper revelation of my Lord has been born in me, one that cannot be shaken.  Although trust me, the enemy has tried time and time again to rob what I have, but I will not let go of my God.  There is nothing that can beset me, whether it is illness, loss of worldly possessions, nothing can turn me from my precious Lord.  He is so worthy of all my love, just for Who He is.  He has to do nothing for my love.  He has loved me so much all these years, whether I was being true to who I was in Him or not, the love never changed, never stopped.

I have found that trying to be someone's idea of one thing or another is a worthless act.  You will never be exactly what or who someone wants you to be.  Their idea of a perfected you is not possible.  Only God's perfection reflected in you is possible.  If you try to please man, you will disappoint them and yourself. Them as you can never be exactly what they want, for if they are trying to redo you, they do not understand what it is they are looking for.   It is usually something inside of them that is lacking, not in you.  As they do not understand this, they will try to make over someone else instead of surrendering to the Lord and asking Him to heal their brokenness.  I have through the years at several times tried to please man.  I found that I could not do so, and ended up very unhappy and heartbroken. 

The day I began to look and desire to please my Lord was the turning point in my life.  The day I began to worship Him, worship His Holiness, from my heart and soul, was the day I found true worth in myself.  I began to feel like I was worthy of being loved, I was a person that was liked and loved for who I was, not for what someone wanted to make me.  I am a beloved child of the King.  I am blessed, not cursed.  I am standing on the solid rock, not on loose sand.  The Lord does lift me up, He does not put me down.  I am loved and cherished, I am no longer ashamed of who I am, what I am.  I am who my Lord has made, who He has loved since before I was thought of by my parents, I am being led by Him into His ministry, to encourage others, to speak His love to, show His love to, and to minister in every way He leads. 

Pure joy, true peace reigns in me, never ending, never fading, always bright and shining with the Light of the Lord.  I love You so much my Lord, You have given me favor, You have blessed me beyond any thing I could have thought; You have given me new life, in myself, who I am, just who I am in You.  This 5th day of June, I am being true to myself, the person I am in Jesus, my Lord.

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