Monday, June 6, 2011


Matthew 18:3-4  (Message) "I'm telling you, once and for all, that unless you return to square one and start over like children, you're not even going to get a look at the kingdom, let alone get in.  Whoever becomes simple and elemental again, like this child, will rank high in God's kingdom."

As I thought about the scripture that tells us "unless we become like little children", the Lord began to show me the depth of this scripture.   A little child...become a little child; not that we should literally become children again, but mindful as a child.  Of the simplicity of a child's thoughts.

When I was a child, I never worried about what I was going to eat, there was always food.  As I became an adult and saw all the hunger in our country, in the world, I realized how extremely blessed I had been.  I never went to bed hungry.  I never was concerned about what I was going to wear.  We were what you would consider middle class, mama made a good many of our clothes when I was small. I can remember as I grew older though, I would have liked more store bought clothes; funny, now I wish I could sew well and make my own. But I always had clothes; in this also, I see how very blessed I was.

I never spent a moment worrying about the vital things of living, I was just a child.  I had food, I had clothes, I was loved, I was just a secure child, never fearful or worried.  My parents loved me dearly.  I can remember getting hurt and my daddy holding me while I cried and would tell me it would get better and it did; I never doubted what my daddy told me.  I would wake up in the morning and know that mama would have breakfast ready and I would have clean clothes to wear.  I knew at night I would be kissed goodnight and tucked into bed; resting well knowing that they were there, I would not be left alone.  This is childhood.  This is the trust of a child in her mama, in her daddy.

This is what my heavenly Father is talking about.  The pure trust of a child for her daddy.  My pure trust in Him, my Daddy.  It took me a good while to develop this relationship with my Heavenly Daddy.  In fact it was hard for me to think of Him as Daddy.  It seemed a little, well, please don't misunderstand me, but it felt almost disrespectful to refer to Him as Daddy.  Just seemed like Father, Lord, God was more fitting His Holiness.  I did not want to take His Name lightly.  But as I have gotten closer, as I have been drawn into such an intimate relationship with Him, as He has taken me to places I had never been, shown me such wonders in His Kingdom, I have become so close, where now Father almost seems so formal.  It is still a newness for me to call Him Daddy and as I am writing this I can feel His pleasure at my finally becoming free to use that sweet name to call upon Him.  Daddy, my Daddy.  I can feel His arms around me drawing me to Him, just pleased with me, that I finally get it.  He wants to be my Daddy.  I trust Him completely, but He wanted that childlike trust that I had not been able to understand, been able to just abandon all my grown up ways and just throw myself into His arms, put my arms around His neck and say "I love you, Daddy".

I am a little off track it seems.  Just got lost in the midst of loving my Daddy.  But the Lord wants us to completely give Him that childlike trust, love Him with all our hearts and depend on Him for everything, as if we were children again depending on our parents for our needs, He wants us to depend upon Him for all those things.  Daddy does not want us to worry about anything; He has everything all planned for our good, He has everything set aside for us; He will protect us in all, and He has promised us that one day, one day soon, we would be with Him.

When we worry about things here on this earth, I feel my Daddy gets frustrated with us.  It makes Him feel that He has done so much to show His love, show His faithfulness, His trustworthyness, but still so many are hesitant to give up control of their lives to the Lord.  I have given all of me to my Daddy, and He has not one time disappointed me.  He has showered me with His love, His grace and wonderful peace.  He wants to do the same for you.  He wants you to come to Him, let Him take care of you.

Daddy, I love You.  You are my Rock, my Strength, my Peace, my Joy.  Without You, I cannot think of one thing on the earth I live for.  You are who I live for, my precious Lord.  This 6th day of June, 2011, I am like a child; I am like a child holding the hand of her Daddy, looking into His eyes with complete childlike faith and trust.

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