Saturday, June 18, 2011


Psalm 2:7b  "He said to me, "You are my Son; today I have become your Father."

Tomorrow is the day we celebrate Father's Day.  My earthly daddy has been gone a number of years now, since 1983.  He and mama both gone in the flash of an instant.  My daddy loved me and I was always his little girl, no matter how old I got.  I miss he and mama both so much, but my Father in Heaven has poured His soothing, healing balm of mercy and love over me and I have been able to let them rest with Him, I have been able to stop grieving knowing they are having the most beautiful life we can every wish for our parents. 

Tonight, I want to wish my Heavenly Father, my Papa, Happy Father's Day.  You, my Lord, my Father, my Papa, have been so wonderful to me.  You have taken my life, returned me to the child when I had fond memories of trust and love for my earthly daddy, and turned me to trust and love only You.  You have given me the best present I could ever have, ever wish for, a Father that lives, that is present in my daily life, a Papa that will never let go of my hand no matter where I go or what I do.  My daddy here on earth was always there for me, and then he was gone.  I remember for so long not caring about anything, missing he and mama so much, not understanding why, why all this had to happen; but that is not for me to wonder about.  I am just to trust You, Father, for Your wisdom, for Your plan.  And I do trust You.  I know there is a reason for things that happen, You know the complete picture, of what things are going to be, of what is going to happen tomorrow.  I lean onto Your understanding Father for all things, past and to come.

Papa, I wonder how many will take the time tomorrow to remember to call out greetings, a Happy Father's Day, to You, our Heavenly Father.  I believe it is a wonderful time to recognize fathers everywhere.  I feel also it is sad that there has to be a special day for so many to take the time to do so, as I think things like Mother's Day and Father's Day should be an everyday thing.  But as this is true for so many, marking this day as so much more special that other days, at least those folks that limit their time with their parents will do something to acknowledge them here.

Reminds me, Papa, of how You wait all week long for Sunday to come, the Sabbath to arrive.  Waiting for Your children to go to church and acknowledge You, to praise You for a little while during service.  Then they leave, and leave You there, waiting for the next Sunday.  No thoughts of You during the week, unless something happens that quickens them to prayer for Your help.  It hurts me, Papa, that this is so, but I know it is.  It hurts me because I know it hurts Your heart, it grieves You, grieves You to see the very children that You love so much, give so little thought to You each day.  Makes me think of those precious folks in nursing homes waiting for that one day of the week when their children may or may not show up to visit them for an hour.  Kind of sounds familiar doesn't it, my Lord.  The same kind of neglect for their earthly parents is what they show You also.  The only difference being, the neglecting of their parents might affect their heart one day, whereas neglecting You will affect their soul.  Papa, this is going so much deeper than I thought it would, I know You are so grieved by the way the earthly parents are treated and again by the way you are treated.

I can only worship You for me, my wonderful Papa.  I can only love You for myself.  If I could love for all, to shower You with praises for everyone, how I would do this, anything not for Your heart to be hurt, not for You to be sad.  But, I cannot.  I love You so much, Papa, but I know it does not make up for those that do not love You enough to worship You, to thank You for being so very good to them.  You are so good to me.  I do not go through a day without seeing so many things You are doing for me, so many ways You are blessing me, continually showering me with Your precious grace and sweet peace.  Your joy that fills my life.

Tomorrow, Papa, I will go to church to worship You.  I will worship You before I go to church, during church, and when I return home.  I will worship You day and night with all my heart, all my soul.  Everything that is within me will worship You continually. I will do everything I can to see that my life glorifies You, honors You, and shows everyone around me, just how important You are to me, to my life.  I love You so much.  Your presence in my life is my very breath.

This 18th day of June, 2011, I am remembering my earthly daddy with love for tomorrow, for each day, and I am daily thanking and loving, giving glory and honor to my Heavenly Father, my Papa.  Happy Father's Day, Papa.

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