Monday, June 27, 2011


1 Chronicles 16:28,29  "Ascribe to the Lord, O families of nations, ascribe to the Lord glory and strength, ascribe to the Lord the glory due his name.  Bring an offering and come before him; worship the Lord in the splendor of his holiness."

In John 4:2, Jesus tells us that there is a time coming and has come when true worshipers will worship the Father in spirit and truth, for they are the kind of worshipers that the Father seeks.  Throughout the Bible we are given instruction to worship the Lord.  Not when we feel like it, but through good or bad, sickness or health, happy or sad, on the mountain or in the valley; worship the Lord.  We were made to worship God.  The most important reason we are on earth is to worship our God.

Worship is the avenue to His presence.  An immediate transfer from our present state of mind and body into the Holy of Holies, a walk from darkness into beautiful light, moving from an earthly state of mind into the spiritual presence of the Lord.  There is not another thing you can do that has such an immediate effect to drawing the Lord's attention to you.  I pray, I seek the Lord in prayer, petitions for the needs of those I love, those who need the Lord's touch; I pray in intercession for those in the Lord's ministery, for those in His service that are looking to bring the Lord's presence into the lives of His children.  The Lord listens for my prayers as He does yours, but the most instantaeous result I have found to bring me into His presence is worship. 

My Lord loves to hear His children worship Him.  And worship Him in the highest form.  Worship Him not because we need something, not because we want Him to do something special for us, but to worship our Lord just because He is worthy, worthy of our worship.  Just pure worship because He is our Creator, because He is Holy, because He loves us with a passion indescribable and  because He is so good to us.  Worship the Lord, not because someone else is worshiping, or because you are expected to, but because it is what is in your heart.  Trust me, He will know the difference in your worship.  If you worship the Lord with thoughts other than because He is so worthy, He will not hear you; He will turn His ear from You and seek someone that is pouring their heart out to Him in sheer adoration, precious, pure worship.

Pure worship, that worship coming from your heart, from the deep recesses of your soul, rising up from your spirit to sing out your love for Him, simply because He is the Creator of all things, our Maker, our Redeemer, our Restorer, our Peace, our Joy, our Abba Father, my Pappa.  Not for anything I need, Pappa, but just because You are so worthy to receive all my worship, all my love.  Weeping sometimes accompanies this worship, this pure, heartfelt worship; as we worship and discover His perfect Holiness, the worthiness, the exalted worthiness of our God; how can I not weep as You come to me, and I find myself encased in Your warm embrace; as I enhale the sweet fragrance of Your love, of Your presence. 

Thus beginning a time of the most intimate time of one on one with the child, the Father, and the Spirit singing soft love songs as the child tells her Pappa how much she loves Him, how she can not live without His presence; how there is none like Him in the whole world.  Pappa, I so love You, I know You will never leave me, keep me in Your presence, the one place I feel so loved, so safe, so cherished.  I will worship You all my days, from beginning to end.  I know that this pleases You, Pappa and gives You joy.  I live to give You joy, to bless You.

This 27th day of June, I have found the key to my Father's presence.....Worship, it is my offering, my complete being totally given to You, my God.  Worship, it is what I do, it is who I am, my Father's, my Pappa's worshiper.

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