Thursday, June 30, 2011


Jeremiah 33:11  "the sounds of joy and gladness, the voices of bride and bridegroom, and the voices of those who bring thank offerings to the house of the Lord, saying, "Give thanks to the Lord Almighty, for the Lord is good; his love endures forever."  For I will restore the fortunes of the land as they were before, says the Lord."

Many years ago, our ancestors left their home countries and came to America looking for freedom, freedom of religion, freedom from ungodly governments.  They came in masses to the "new" land, sacrificing so much, many dying trying to get to the land where they could have a new life.  It was hard, but these people were use to hard work.  Some came here already indentured, they had no money for the passage and sold themselves into slavery, still a better life than they had.

Father, I see now where this is going.  Yes, I feel Your Spirit leading me here.  Many years ago, a king left His home and came to earth, only He was not looking for freedom, He was looking to give freedom.  He sacrificed so much, and He died so He could give "new" life to those who would believe on Him, that He was the Son of God; love Him and trust Him.    He had what some today would call a hard life.  But Jesus showed us what little money had to do with freedom.  He saw how people would sell themselves into a type of bondange just to have the "good" life, better than what they had before.  It would cause people to work hard, work all the time, so they have very little time to enjoy the good life they sold themselves to acquire.

The good life is not a matter of ownership of things, how much money you can earn to buy so many things that you do not need; the good life is returning to the simple things of life.  Our God, family, friends.  The things that cost so little but time.   This is time well spent, so much more than the extra time you spend in earning more money that you have little time left for your family.  Then on weekneds you are so tired, time you should be spending with your family you are too tired for and Sunday, well, you use that day to catch up on things you were too tired to do the day before.  So worshiping the Lord on His day, in His house is a fleeting thought; forgotten quickly.  As you begin the week to work again, you remember your Lord, remember that you did not thank Him for getting you through the week before and here you are starting another one.  Wondering if He will help you this week, get through it again.

The answer to that is yes.  The Father does not hold what you did yesterday over your head to make you act one way or another.  Jesus died for past, present, future sins.  Each day we rise, there are new mercies applied to us by the blood of Jesus.  Jesus died so we could be free.  Free from the things of the earth, from the enemy's clutches.  One of the enemy's most delightful lies is that you need everything others have, that there is no happiness unless you have all the new, exciting things.  Bigger this, better that.....the list could be long when you stop to think about it.  But have you noticed, that when you get them, you are not happy like you thought you would be.  Instead, there is that uneasiness in you, that sadness that you have once again paid a price that is costing you dearly of the important things in life.

The Lord is not saying you should not work hard or have things.  But what He is saying is that you should take a look at just what is really needed, put your priorities in order, and re-evaluate what you are doing with your life.  God, family, friends.....God and family.  Spend time with God, spend time with your family, stay in touch with friends, incorporate them into your lifes in a positive way.    Free yourself from the stress of your life, reduce your intake of costly items and make your output of time for your family, for your Lord a priority.  Spend time in the presence of the Lord and seek His will for your life.  He is wanting His children to come back to Him, give Him thanks for what He had done for you, what He wants to do for you.  He is a good God, He will never stop loving you.  He will restore the fortune you have, not money...the time you have lost with Him, with your families.  The important things of life. 

The Lord wants us all to be free, free from the worldly ideas of what is important; take us back to the true meaning of the good life.  A life in Him, the life He so wants us to have in Him.  A freedom of sin that was paid for by His Beloved Son.  A life free to have time for families; to share Him with your family, show them what the Lord means to you, let them see Jesus in you.  Give them Jesus, give them freedom in Him.

Thank you my Lord.  I receive this message as well.  You are so faithful to me Lord, Your mercies are new to me each morning, Your love fills me with joy.  I bless Your Holy Name, I worship You my Lord.  I am free, in You, I am free.   This 30th day of June, 2011, I am free from sin, free from fear, free from the bands of sin that the enemy would try to tie me down with.  My hands free to raise and worship You.  My God, my Father, I am free in You.

Wednesday, June 29, 2011


Psalm 142:5  "I cry to you, O Lord; I say, "You are my refuge, my portion in the land of the living."

Indulge me for a few days, Lord, as I near my birthday, the birth also of our nation, as I come to You in prayer asking for Your touch once again on our nation.  This is the country I grew up in and I love my country.  I love the freedom that has been given to us, by You, in this land.  You drew people to this land to settle, to develop the land, to live in peace.  Your hand has been on our land, on our country for so long.  But, Lord, it is so grievous to me, and I know it as well to You, the things that are going on.  Our land is taking on the properties of Sodom and Gomorrah.  The people are living for today, no thoughts of eternity, no thoughts of their souls.

I turn older on the 4th dear Lord. You know how old I am, You have reassured me that my age has nothing to do with what the plans are for me, what You have desired for me in the coming years.  I feel wonderful, dear Lord, as I know Your hand is on me.  My health is good, my heart is joyful and at peace and my spirit so content in You, so complete in Your Spirit.  What joy fills me each day as I go my way knowing You are controlling each aspect of my day.

This country also turns older on the 4th.  My country, Lord, is not doing as well as I am.  There is unrest, drought, floods, death and disease.  The prince of darkness has been having a field day.  What is so sad, is that he is the one I see so many welcoming into their lives.  Sin, sin, sin.  In every facet of life, there is so much sin.  And the horrible thing Father, is that they make it look right.  They actually try to make wrong, right and right, wrong.  Just as Your Word says it will be in the end times.  They want to completely erase You, Your Name from all aspects of our government, our schools, and it will soon be in our churches.  How long, Lord, will You allow these things to take place before You return to wipe out sin, to wipe out those who curse Your Holy Name? 

My God, I cry out to You to heal this land, to bring back justice to our land.  I ask You to establish Your kingdom, Your laws back in our land.  Let Your law be the law of our country again.  This land was established in Your Name, nothing was done without including You in the process.  I want that again.  I include You in all I do, and I am blessed.  I want my country to be blessed and I know that this will not happen without it's people turning back to You.  Coming back to worship and praise You, to give You all the glory for their prosperity, the blessings they have enjoyed living in America.

My country, 'tis of Thee, 'tis of You, my God.  But for You, this country would be another third world country.  But You have blessed this land, You have given us freedom, kept us safe.  But for how long....I know just like You do with individuals, You give freedom of choice to countries' peoples.  And if this country peoples do not repent and turn back to You, .....I don't like to think of what will happen.

I do know, that no matter what happens, You will keep Your children safe.  I do not have to fear as I am hidden in the deepness of You.  You will protect me as well as Your other children.  We will keep worshiping You, thanking You, lifting Your Name high above all others.  I give You the glory, my God, for You are so worthy of all praise, all honor, all my worship.  I love You, Father, I will always love You and I will always tell of Your greatness, of Your mercy and grace.

This 29th day of June, 2011, I am singing Your praises, I am thanking You for Your hand on this land, my country, coming soon to celebrate it's birthday, with me.  I pray my country will be as blessed as I am, blessed by my Beloved Pappa.

Tuesday, June 28, 2011


Matthew 25:35  "For I was hungry and you gave me something to eat, I was thirsty and you gave me something to drink, I was a stranger and you invited me in."

When you have guests, don't you go to special trouble making everything so nice, making sure there are things done to make your guest feel so welcome?  You plan activities so your guest will know that you have gone beyond the norm to see that they enjoyed their stay and felt so welcome each day; made sure they knew you were glad they were with you.

I accepted the Lord as my Savior when I was about 8 years old.  Pretty young, but I had been in church for many years at that time and knew I loved Jesus and that He loved me.  And at that age, it stays pretty basic.  There is not much other than that understanding, being raised in a denominational church.  I did not know much about the Holy Spirit other than what I knew about the Trinity, Three in One.  As I grew up, I am sad to say that my understanding stayed pretty stagnant concerning the Trinity.  In the mid 1980's I began to get my first real grasp of the true relationship between myself and the Lord.  I began to see the importance of the Holy Spirit, His role in my life.  I rededicated my life to the Lord and basically, what that meant, was that I invited Him into my life, into my heart to stay.  I asked my Lord "Come live with me, I invite You to be my guest." 

My Lord has forgiven me for my lack of host manners.  I have forgiven myself, after many attempts and with many discussions with the Father over it.  It was hard.  I invited my Lord into my life, my heart and then after a while, ignored my Guest.  He was left to just sit, alone; see, He never left me, He just waited for me, for my heart to return to Him.  He was there all the time.  I was not.  But He waited, He actually saw me through all the things that went on, had His arms around me through so much pain, hurt, disappointment, and I just never treated Him like the precious Guest He was.

Isn't that just like the Lord?  Waiting for our return; patiently waiting, knowing the true heart we have, not leaving us alone even though He knows I deserved it.  But I did not get what I deserved, instead I got forgiveness, mercy, and so much grace.  One day, I fell in love.  I opened my eyes and saw my Lord standing there, just standing there and smiling at me, so much love showing in His face.  I looked into His eyes and was immediately drawn inside His love.  I fell helplessly, overwhelmingly in love with my Savior.  There was no doubting now, I was in a relationship I knew I had no intention of leaving.  The love that filled my heart that day will never be extinguished, like a fire that will not go out, that is how my love is, burning inside me for my Lord, for my Jesus, my God, my precious Holy Spirit.  Sweet, gentle Spirit, patiently wooing me, showing me little by little how I could trust my God, how He would take me over the mountains, through the valleys, through deep waters and dusty roads.  And He did, He brought me out of some horribly dark places, emerging in the Light of His love, His strength.  Holding me up, supporting me, drawing me into His arms and carrying me when I did not feel I could walk this road any longer.  Yes, I fell in love, so in love.  My sweet Spirit, you knew just what to do, to draw me to the Shepherd who would no longer let me stray, but would bring me back home, back to where He, my Guest waited to be served.

I have learned how to provide for my Guest, how to treat Him as I should have always.  I don't try to make up for what I did not do, as that is not His desire.  He doesn't remember what I did not do, He works with what I am now, what I do now.  I make His days bright by living a life totally dedicated to Him, letting the love light He gives me shine for all to see; giving encouragement to others that are down, that need to know of His great love for them, sharing what I know, who I love with them.  Evenings, my evenings are filled with words and songs of love that I sing out to my Lord, sharing my heart with Him, making Him smile as I dance around Him with joy.  Nights, o my nights, are spent in the arms of my Beloved, with my head on His shoulder, my hand on His cheek, loving Him with my heart, my soul, resting peacefully, knowing that He will be there holding me as I sleep, keeping me safe, knowing I trust Him completely.  In the night when I awaken for a little while, I sing softly songs of love, adoration, and I worship Him, sweetly as He gently lulls me back to my sleep.  In the morning, I wake up, refreshed by His grace, His strength.  I begin the day in worship to Him alone, in prayer and reading of His Word.  I listen for His plans for the day, seeing what I need to do to make His day beautiful, to please Him.

Invited He was years ago, the Guest, ignored for so long, but patient; and now the Honored....I can no longer call Him a guest.  My Lord, my Beloved, I do not want You to be a guest with me any longer.  Please, be my.....I don't know how to say this; just stay with me.  Please make me Your permanent home.  Not as a guest because I never want You to leave.  This is Your home, Lord, my Lord.  My heart, my soul, my spirit belong to You.  You belong here, with me, my constant Companion.  Your dwelling place forever.

This 28th day of June, 2011, my Beloved Bridegroom, I invite you to stay.....never to leave me; until such a day as You take me home with You for eternity.

Monday, June 27, 2011


1 Chronicles 16:28,29  "Ascribe to the Lord, O families of nations, ascribe to the Lord glory and strength, ascribe to the Lord the glory due his name.  Bring an offering and come before him; worship the Lord in the splendor of his holiness."

In John 4:2, Jesus tells us that there is a time coming and has come when true worshipers will worship the Father in spirit and truth, for they are the kind of worshipers that the Father seeks.  Throughout the Bible we are given instruction to worship the Lord.  Not when we feel like it, but through good or bad, sickness or health, happy or sad, on the mountain or in the valley; worship the Lord.  We were made to worship God.  The most important reason we are on earth is to worship our God.

Worship is the avenue to His presence.  An immediate transfer from our present state of mind and body into the Holy of Holies, a walk from darkness into beautiful light, moving from an earthly state of mind into the spiritual presence of the Lord.  There is not another thing you can do that has such an immediate effect to drawing the Lord's attention to you.  I pray, I seek the Lord in prayer, petitions for the needs of those I love, those who need the Lord's touch; I pray in intercession for those in the Lord's ministery, for those in His service that are looking to bring the Lord's presence into the lives of His children.  The Lord listens for my prayers as He does yours, but the most instantaeous result I have found to bring me into His presence is worship. 

My Lord loves to hear His children worship Him.  And worship Him in the highest form.  Worship Him not because we need something, not because we want Him to do something special for us, but to worship our Lord just because He is worthy, worthy of our worship.  Just pure worship because He is our Creator, because He is Holy, because He loves us with a passion indescribable and  because He is so good to us.  Worship the Lord, not because someone else is worshiping, or because you are expected to, but because it is what is in your heart.  Trust me, He will know the difference in your worship.  If you worship the Lord with thoughts other than because He is so worthy, He will not hear you; He will turn His ear from You and seek someone that is pouring their heart out to Him in sheer adoration, precious, pure worship.

Pure worship, that worship coming from your heart, from the deep recesses of your soul, rising up from your spirit to sing out your love for Him, simply because He is the Creator of all things, our Maker, our Redeemer, our Restorer, our Peace, our Joy, our Abba Father, my Pappa.  Not for anything I need, Pappa, but just because You are so worthy to receive all my worship, all my love.  Weeping sometimes accompanies this worship, this pure, heartfelt worship; as we worship and discover His perfect Holiness, the worthiness, the exalted worthiness of our God; how can I not weep as You come to me, and I find myself encased in Your warm embrace; as I enhale the sweet fragrance of Your love, of Your presence. 

Thus beginning a time of the most intimate time of one on one with the child, the Father, and the Spirit singing soft love songs as the child tells her Pappa how much she loves Him, how she can not live without His presence; how there is none like Him in the whole world.  Pappa, I so love You, I know You will never leave me, keep me in Your presence, the one place I feel so loved, so safe, so cherished.  I will worship You all my days, from beginning to end.  I know that this pleases You, Pappa and gives You joy.  I live to give You joy, to bless You.

This 27th day of June, I have found the key to my Father's presence.....Worship, it is my offering, my complete being totally given to You, my God.  Worship, it is what I do, it is who I am, my Father's, my Pappa's worshiper.

Sunday, June 26, 2011


Psalm 91:9,10  "If you make the Most High your dwelling, even the Lord, who is my refuge, then no harm will befall you, no disaster will come near your tent."

This is one of my favorite Psalms.  There are so many that truly touch my heart but this one tells me what will happen when I make the Most High  my dwelling; when I place my heart in His hands, when I lean on Him.  My Father promises so many things in this one chapter.  Just for dwelling in the shelter of the Most High, Almighty God, He will keep me from harm.  He will not let anything harm me, nothing will hurt me.  The Word says that His faithfulness will be my shield and I will not fear in the night.  I know people that are so fearful in the night.  The enemy tried to do that to me after Robert died.  But I had spent so many nights alone while he was in the hospital, not resting well, fearful of what might happen, but not fearful for myself.  And since then, I lock the doors at night, climb into bed, spend time with the Lord and go to sleep.  I know that my Pappa will be keeping watch over me as I rest.  What have I to fear?  I trust Him completely.

Because I love Him, the Lord says, He will rescue me, protect me; if I call, He will answer me.  Do you know what it is like to call out for the Lord and know deep in your heart He will answer you.  I know He will answer me, I know He knows my name, who I am; He knows I am His worshiper.  He knows my voice, listens for it to call His name, He loves it now that I am comfortable calling Him Pappa.  It draws me so close to Him when I whisper Pappa, calling to Him with love, in adoration of Him, knowing He will come.  He loves knowing we are confident in Him, that we know Him, that I know when I call His name, He will come.  The Lord wants us to be assured that when we call, He will come.  He does not want a half hearted call to Him, not knowing if He will answer or not.  That is a sign of little faith; the Lord rewards those that have complete faith in Him; that acknowledgement of knowing that He loves us so much and He is waiting to bless us, if we will but call on Him.

Because I love Him, my Lord will be with me in trouble, He will deliver me and He will honor me.  Me, the Word says, He will honor me.  Then at the last, Pappa says He will satisfy me with long life and show me His salvation.  He is not done with me.  At my age, He is moving me to begin a new adventure with Him.  He has work for me to do, ministering to do in His name, touching lifes as I did here, showing them the love of the God who wants them to come to Him, call to Him, love Him.  He wants me to share His compassion, His grace with those in need.  I know He has special assignments for me just waiting for me to get there.  It will be soon, so soon.  Thank You, Pappa.

I love you so much.  I want my life to bless You, Lord.  I want to give You praise, I want to give worship only unto You, I adore You.  I have nothing in my life that is more important than worshiping You, my God.  I live for Your presence, for Your touch.  There is not a day or night that goes by that I do not seek Your face, that I do not want to sit with You.  This 26th day of June, 2011, I know that my dwelling place is with You, Lord; in You, sheltered by You.  In my life, be glorified, in my life, be blessed.  Pappa, I love you.

Saturday, June 25, 2011


Psalm 150:6  "Let everything that has breath praise the Lord.  Praise the Lord."

I love the Psalms.  I don't think there is one sentence that doesn't touch me.  As I read the story of David from the time Samuel annointed him at an early age to the end of his life, to the songs of worship he sang to the Lord in Psalm.  David was more than a king on earth.  He was a man who loved the Lord.  Yes, David sinned, greatly at times, but the Lord loved David because although he sinned, his heart never changed toward the Lord.  He always loved God. 

I can see David shepherding his sheep, laying at night under a tree on the cool grass, looking into the sky at the stars, wondering about His God, loving Him so much that songs rising from his spirit lifted up to the heavens to the Lord.  Singing of his love for Him, singing praises, giving glory and honor to the true God of his heart.  Can you see David, running for his life from Saul, so confused as to what he had done wrong but be faithful to his king, but knowing that the king wanted to kill him.  Looking to God for his protection, looking to the Lord for vindication.  But never did he stop praising the Lord; no matter how things turned from bad to worse, David still praised the Lord, worshiped with spirit and truth, a heart wholly seeking the Lord.

What David did, in his writings of his music, the singing of his songs, the playing of his instruments to the Lord, continual worship no matter what his life was going through, David left a message to us, he left us a legacy to follow.  It doesn't matter what we are going through, God never changes.  Our Heavenly Father never distances Himself from us, He is always right by our side; it is we that move away.  It is we that let situations of life, circumstances of self, distract us from our Lord's leadings, His calling to us, "Walk this way, Follow Me".  We stop listening, we stop seeking His face, we begin to fear, have doubt, confusion. 

The legacy of David shows us that if we continue to worship and praise our Lord during the good times, never forgetting to thank Him for all He blesses us with, if we will do this when things are good, always, then when things begin to come on us, when the enemy begins to pour out his vats of pain, doubt, confusion and frustration, our spirits will be so in tune with worshp and praise to our God, that it will automatically rise from the depths of our souls singing out to the Lord, louder and louder till it returns to us through our ears and begins to calm those uneasy thoughts and feelings within.  There will never be a time when we should not worship, when we should not be praising and thanking our Lord.  He waits to see what we will do when the enemy is pressuring us with greater and greater trials; will we begin to wail and criticize our God?  Do we blame Him for what is going on?  Or do we look to Him, seeking His face, calling out to Him in love and thanksgiving.  Singing to Him a new song from our hearts.   This is what David did.  David knew the way to the Lord's heart, what was sweet to the ear of our Father, were the songs of worship, the expressions of love to Him alone, the never ending words of love, of thanks for His faithfulness to him.

My Lord, how I love You.  I thank You for David's legacy; I thank You that it is a part of the Holy Word given to us for example, showing us that You never leave those that love You, You are always intuned to the songs of worship and praise from those children that love You so much.  Your blessings are ready to be poured out on those that worship You.  You have a very special place in Your heart for those of us that are Your worshipers, that have decided to make it their life, worshiping You.  You have called us out to be set aside for You, special children that will worship You no matter what happens in their lives, no matter how tired they are, how weary or beat down by the enemy, we will worship You, day, night, continually.

I worship You my Lord, I worship You Pappa.  I love to sing songs of love to You, You never fail to come to spend time with me when You hear my voice rise up to You in love and song.  I would wish that everyone would worship You, my Lord.  I know that is Your desire, Your heart, to hear worship rise up from the earth from all Your children.  I will keep showing others how to worship You my Lord as I know Your other worshipers will also.  We will be an example of worship to You for all to see.  Never will I fail to worship You.  This 25th day of June, 2011, I am worshiping You in spirit and truth; from my heart, my soul, my spirit, I sing songs of love to only You, my King, my Beloved Lord.

Friday, June 24, 2011


Mark 9:23b  "Everything is possible for him who believes."

The Message Bible translates this as "There are no "if" among believers.  Anything can happen."  If there were days I needed this verse, this is one of them.  I am beginning to feel as though I have been put on a raft by my "family" and set to drift all alone.  It is so strange that people that are always there for you seem so distant once you make a move to follow the Lord, and it is not what they would have liked to see you do.  It does hurt, and I guess today was just a day for licking my wounds.  Rough, although my assistant did her best to encourage.  And yes, I know it is probably self defense on their parts, to not let it hurt so much, but it still affects me, more because I love them so much.  They should know it is hard for me also, as I do love them so, to leave, but they should know that unless you are in God's will, you are not happy, not content; just lost.  So follow my Lord I will, I must, there is no other way.

When things seem difficult, Lord, You are here.  You are here with me, holding me, lifting me from despair, heartache, showing me bit by bit the plans You have for me.  I know this is no longer my home, as You have made me feel at home five hours from here.  I am so excited about my new home, well the area, as there is no home yet. But You will have just the right house for me.  I know there will be a prayer closet in it as it is my desire to have a room that only You and I abide in.  A room where I can be in total communication with You through prayer, through worship.  A place for You to abide with me in such a precious peace, such a presence You will bring there to me, the sweet fragrance of Your love, the joy You shed everywhere You go.  I know there will be such a room in the house You pick for me.

Never have I loved as I do now.  I would not have thought it possible to fall in love with You.  Love You, fear You, follow You, yes; but to passionately fall in love with You, adore You, think of You constantly, desiring so to be with You, to spend all my time in Your presence, I would have never dreamed it would be so.  To be truly one with You.  Before now, I never understood that phrase.  But I am now and more so each day, one with You.  How I love You, Jesus.  My beautiful Savior, my glorious Lord.  You give so much more than it is possible to give back to You.  You give me hope for each new day, Your mercies are new each morning; I don't have to depend on what was yesterday, for each day is new in You.  Your blessings on me, amazing blessings; You take care of all my needs, You provide for me completely.  And Your love, my Lord, my Beloved, Your love so unconditional, so unfailing, it gives me such joy, such peace, such contentment. 

How can I not love You so much.  I want to worship You with all of my being, everything I am rejoices in worship to You.  You deserve all the glory, all the praise of my heart, my soul.  I will sing praises to You each morning, I will go through each day making my life, my ways as worship to You.  I will live to worship You.  O, Holy Lord, truly You see my heart, surely You see how very much I adore You alone.  I thank You for loving me and drawing me to You in such a special, blessed way.  To be Your worshiper, to be Your love and to love You.

This 24th day of June, 2011, I know that anything is possible in You.  That nothing is out of reach for those who love You, who worship and adore You.  To know You is to have complete trust in You, to believe in what You tell me, to follow where You lead me.  There are no "ifs", only endless possibilities in You, all is possible in my Jesus, my Love.

Thursday, June 23, 2011


2 Samuel 22:2  "The Lord is my rock, my fortress, and my deliverer;"

This does seem like an unusual thing to be writing about but the Lord dropped this old game into my spirit today.  As He does so often, He gives me such extraordinary titles and lets me ponder on them for awhile before He shows me what it is all about.  I think it pleases Him to see me try and work it out on my own only to look to Him and finally ask "Lord, what is this".

In 2 Samuel 22:32  the Word says "For who is God besides the Lord?  And who is the Rock except our God?"  There is none other than our God.  He is our Rock, the steadfast, constant, strength of our lives.  He is never leaving us, He is always ready to pick us up from the clay in which we are sinking and put us on the Rock, carrying us through our troubles.  I could understand what was meant by rock, as our God is our Rock, always.  But paper?

The Lord told me that paper was so important.  For one, the Word that we read today is written on paper.  Without the paper, the Bible could have not been transported to so many for reading, for giving their souls enlightenment, bringing them to know our Lord and love Him, bringing them to salvation. Then he showed me as in the game, paper covers, He said that it was an example of His covering over us.  He covers us; He covers our past sins with His unfailing love, forgiving us and discarding our sins from His sight forever.  Our sins, gone, and now covered by the blood of the Lamb.  Our past, forgiven, forgotten, our future covered by His grace. 

Then the Lord showed me that the scissors were part of this separation from our past to our future with Him.  Our past has been cut away from us.  The sinful things found in us by the Holy Spirit's search through our heart, through our minds and spirits have been cut out of us by the love of God.  He loves us so much that His Spirit constantly convicts us of sin, of thoughts not becoming a child of God and brings us to repentance.  Cutting away the chaff, the worthless things, and keeping only that which is good, which is pure.  Cutting away the dead, restoring life to us.  Our Lord loves us so much.

My Lord, my Rock, my Coverer, my Restorer of life, how I love You.  You are so faithful to me, so mericiful.  You are so worthy of my praise, of all my worship.  Jesus, how I love You.  You fill my heart with more and more of Yourself each day.  My mind is constantly on You, on what You would have for me to do, how You want me to live, the words You want me to speak.  You are returning to me, returning to us, to receive us unto Yourself, taking us, Your Bride to the eternal home You have prepared for us.  How I long for that day to come.

This 23rd day of June, 2011, I am leaning on my Rock, knowing that no matter what happens, I am covered by His blood, all things not of Him cut out of me, leaving me, cleansed, righteous, gloriously His Bride.

Wednesday, June 22, 2011


Jeremiah 7:23b  "Walk in all the ways I command you, that it may go well with you."

Each morning, I pray and ask the Lord to take control of my day, that I speak His words, not mine, and that I do His will, not mine.  I have done this for some time now, prayed these thoughts, desires that I reflect just Him and not me.  And today, I read I am commanded to do this.  To walk in the ways He plans for me, the ways that He gives me to walk, not my way, but His alone.  As I have done just that, my life has become smoother.  Not to say that the enemy still does not work on me overtime some days, but I find it easier to not get dismayed when these attacks come.  Last night, I must confess the enemy had me going for a while.  You know how it can be, when the Lord is directing you to do something, as with me, to move to Dallas.  He has arranged my job transfer, solidified that complete with so many blessings on top of it, like icing on a cake.  Such blessings. 

So much involved though, packing; been doing that now for days.  I gave away about half or more of my material today, all the time telling myself, I will not cry, I will not cry....but I know I will not be using it as I once was and it will be used for the benefit of so many now.  More will be given away on Saturday until the bulk of it is gone.   I cannot keep all this stuff as the Lord desires for me to move on to what He has planned for me now, in this season  of my life.  But with packing, there will also be truck rental, someone to drive it to Dallas, still a house to find....well, you can see how much is still to be done by the end of July.  So to get back to where this started, the enemy was dealing me blow after blow, trying to put worry and stress on me.  For a while, he was succeeding until the Lord drew me back to His side, pouring His peace and grace upon me.  Once again, telling me, "give Me this burden, I will take care of it, I will handle things".  I know the Lord never leads you to a door that He does not open and walk you through it, with everything necessary to accomplish what He wants you to do.    His ways, not mine.

Since my Father has commanded my ways, my life has become less complicated.  I know that all I need to do each day is prepare myself in His Word, gird myself with His righteousness, cloak myself in His love, and set out on my way, looking forward to whatever He puts in my day.  I know that all the things in my day will have been looked over, set right, and secured for me.  I know there will be nothing that will surprise my Lord, He knows everything that will happen and is prepared to take me through what ever it is. No surprises, nothing to upset the plan for that day.  I just have to willingly follow Him and let Him take care of what comes to me.

My Lord, my precious Lord, I have nothing to fear; I know You never leave me alone, and that Your Holy Spirit is residing in me, drawing me to You, wooing me into Your presence with my worship, my love for You.  I love You so much, Lord.  Sometimes I feel my heart will not be able to contain all that I feel for You, like it will burst.  You deserve so much honor, my Jesus, so much glory.  You are so worthy of all my praise, all my worship.  I am so thankful each day for all You do for me, all the blessings You give me.  I am so thankful for Your love, Your precious presence. 

Just Your presence, my Lord, gives me such a desire to always follow you commands.  I cannot live without Your presence, Your touch on my life.  I will follow You wherever You lead me.  I will follow the commands You put forth for me each day.  I know You will give me wisdom to understand, perhaps not all at once, but as You feel I will be able to contain things.  Thank You for such wisdom, such guidance. 

This 22nd day of June, 2011, I just want to give You all my love, my life and thanksgiving that You, my Lord, command my ways.

Tuesday, June 21, 2011


Psalm 19:14  "May the words of my mouth and the meditation of my heart be pleasing in your sight, O Lord, my Rock and my Redeemer."

I was moving fabric Sunday afternoon, placing it in boxes and a roll of fabric (so heavy) dropped and hit my toe.  Now my feet are so sensitive, I cannot stand for any one to touch them.  So this roll hit my big toe and nothing....I felt pain, but nothing came out of my mouth for a minute, and then I said, Oh, Lord in a soft voice.  I just needed His touch just then and He was there.  The next thing I said, well, devil, that was a lost cause.  I knew he meant it for harm to me, not so much in the physical but was hoping I would say something ugly that would hurt my witness to my sister-in-law.  The enemy, so busy in his efforts, has not even noticed that none of those words ever come from me.  I don't even think in those kind of words.  My Father, none of this would be possible if not for Your patience, Your kind and gentle Spirit that has worked on patience in me, humbleness and love.  He has washed me from the inside out, cleansing me and removing every unclean spirit that was residing in me. 

My Lord, day and night I meditate on You, on Your Words.  I sing praises to You out loud and in my heart.  I know that You know these things.  You have shown me the way to Your heart, leaning on You, separating myself from the things of the world that would produce the opposite characteristics from what You want for me.  I have learned if I watch things that have bad language in them, any type of vulgarity, these things tend to reside in my heart.  You cannot let such things into your spirit and not expect them to flow out of you mouth.  What goes in, will come out; you may not think it will, that you can control what comes out of your mouth, but when unexpected, unforseen things happen, those things will come flying out.  And pictures that the enemy would try and put into your head.  He tried it with me this afternoon to inject some scenes that I did not want there.  I had to stop and ask you Lord, to put a guard around my mind, around my eyes that I could not see, hear, or imagine anything that the enemy was trying to press on me.  And thank You,  my Lord, You came, You protected me.  Your Name, Jesus, puts all enemy to flight.

I worship You my Lord.  I know that my worship blesses You.   I believe it blesses You even more as You know I am doing everything I can to keep my heart pure, my spirit in tune with You alone.  I need daily cleansing, Lord, as we all do.  As we walk in this world, all kinds of spirits come after us, to infiltrate the protective wall You have placed around us, around me.  You gird me up with Your righteousness daily, place upon me a helmet of salvation, make me fit for battle.  You never leave me defenseless, giving me the Name to call that is above all names.  The precious Name of Jesus, a cry pealing out that Name puts fear in demonic forces.  They can go after me, but when I call upon the Name of Jesus, they run, they run from me, from the Name that is above the highest authority known to man's earth, the heavens.  And I have the authority to speak that Name, the Name of Jesus.  To speak the Name of Jesus effectively, you cannot speak profanities, taking the Name of our Lord in vain.  Your mouth which speaks what is in your heart must not be divided.  If you are not certain if your calling on our Lord will bring destruction to the enemy forces attacking you, then it is time you searched your heart for what is lying there.  What is hidden inside your heart that brings doubt to your effectiveness in using the precious Name of Jesus.

My Lord, My Savior, how I love You.  You have touched my heart with Your love and given me what I needed most....You.  I will never let go of You, my Lord.  My Jesus, You are everything I have ever wanted....You are my dearest friend, You are my healer, my Comforter, my Love, my Bridegroom.

This 21st day of June, 2010, I sit at Your feet, loving you, knowing that I am pleasing to you, as I speak; as I tell You of my love.

Monday, June 20, 2011


2 Corinthians 4:18  "So we fix our eyes not on what is seen, but on what is unseen. For what is seen is temporary, but what is unseen is eternal."

The Lord showed me today that we each have two pairs of eyes.  First we have the physical eyes.  What we see with this pair of eyes are the earthly things, mostly as shown to us by worldly attitudes, controlled by television media, and other things the enemy uses to control our thoughts and actions.

Then He said, you have spiritual eyes.  These are the eyes given you when you come to me, repenting and receive forgiveness and mercy, new life.  Your spiritual eyes are the eyes I wish that you would always use, seeing things as I would have you see them, through My eyes, the Lord said.

If we give heed to our earthly eyes more than our spiritual eyes, we will not be able to stand in these last days.  We would have a steady stream of  earthly news resulting in depression, oppression and fear.  The news from television and newspapers are greatly used by the enemy to control our thought process and views.

Why, my Lord wonders, would we choose to look at the world as it is shown and ruled by the powers of darkness.  We know these things are the things that cause such anxiety to everyone as we watch news of destruction caused by weather, wars, evilness that moves over the face of the earth.  The Lord wants us to look above these things, see what He is showing us, trying to get us to see, through and in Him.  Look at things through His eyes, our spiritual eyes, then we can walk in all things here on earth in peace, His peace.

Father told me that He would prefer we wore blinders, like those a race horse wears when racing that keeps the horses eyes straight ahead on the track, trusting the jockey to steer his course, not seeing what danger may be coming from the sides.  He said that it would keep our eyes fixed on Jesus, on Jesus who wants to guide us, show us the way along life's path, staying our course to finish the race that is before us.  With our eyes constantly on Jesus, we would not become dismayed or discouraged by what we see all around us; we would be trusting our Lord, our Savior, our Redeemer.  On track to win our race as we would only see what was in front of us and that would be the King of Kings, our Lord of Lords, the One giving His strength to hold us up, His power to overcome all in the world, and His joy to know we were in His Will.

There is no way we can get distracted by the wiles of the world when we have our eyes fixed on our precious Lord and Savior, Jesus.  Eyes need to be trained.  Just like when we were babies, our eyes needed to learn how to focus and let things become clear.  So it is now, as we train our eyes to stay on what is good, what is holy, what is of the Lord.  The only way to do that is to stay in the Light He sheds on us, not giving way to what we see in the world.  If we are seeing too much of the world, we are sliding away from what the Lord is calling us to.  Pull those eyes into submission of the Will of the Father.  Keep them focused.  Keep them on Jesus.

Precious Lord, I have my eyes focused on You.  The Holy Spirit, my gentle guiding Spirit, has taught me to submit my eyes to Your Will, training them to look on the things that You would have me see, to keep them from worldly sights.  I am training my physical eyes to see exactly as my spiritual eyes do, it is not always easy, but the more I determine that I will keep my eyes on Jesus, the easier it becomes.  I will see through Your eyes, Lord, Your eyes that see the good in people, the beauty on earth, the love that You pour out on me and Your children, and the blessings given in Your Word.

I will run this race Father, by keeping my eyes on Jesus, I will run and I will win my race.  The race that takes me from this life into eternal life with You.  And there I will see with my spiritual eyes, the face I have hungered to see for so long.  You allow me to see so much of Your beauty now, just as You have put on earth for us to see, but I know there is so much more beauty to behold.  This 20th day of June, 2011, I am focusing my eyes on You, my Lord, anxious for the day I will see the eyes of my precious Bridegroom.

Sunday, June 19, 2011


1 Chronicles 16:34b   "His love endures for ever."

There was a song that came from a movie many years ago, "Where do I begin to tell the story of how great a love can be, the sweet love story that is older than the sea....".  I was actually sitting in church this morning when the words Love Story dropped into my spirit, and the words of the song began to play in my mind. 

The only way I would even know to begin to tell of Your love for me, my Lord, is at the beginning.  You were there at the beginning of creation and You will always be.  There will never be a time when You are not present or not seeing over Your creation and Your children.  Your Word tells me that You have loved me from before I was born and that love will never change.  No matter what I do, or fail to do, Your love will remain the same; steadfast and true. 

You, my Lord, gave the ultimate gift of love when You gave Your life to redeem mine, all the children of God; lives redeemed because You took all our sins upon Yourself at Calvary.  That love, such a great love.  The story of Your love is so old, hundreds and hundreds of years old, but it is as real and new today as it was back then.  The story never changes, You never change, Your love never changes.  It is given without reservation from You, Lord.  You give everyone the same opportunity to receive Your love, to love You in return and to receive Your gifts; Your many blessings. 

The wonderful part of this love story is that it is passed down from generation to generation, people witnessing to the love of the Father, the sacrifice of the Son and the beautiful Holy Spirit that never leaves us.  Each generation gaining insight to the love, the beautiful love and finding out for themselves how the Lord loves them.  Their own story beginning, fresh, individual knowledge of this love, not some tale from years back, but a love that is now, present, flowing through them from the Father above.  Individual experiences of ones that have felt Your presence on their lives, healing, restoring, loving them.

My Lord, I know You love me.  To me the greatest love story begins when the realization of what real love is comes to us.  Finding out what happens when everything seems lost, when you feel so all alone and so unloved.  Then the warmth of a special love begins to penetrate your body, a glow comes all over you and you realize that you are loved with a love that will never stop, a love that is lasting, a love that brings joy with it.  Your love, O God, is the love that is real; love that gives real hope and promise to all, I have felt it so many times.  Your love comes on me when I get weary, giving me strength; it comes on me at night when lonliness would appear, wrapping Your arms around me, giving me comfort; Your love comes on me when I worship You, telling me how pleased You are with me, how I have blessed You with my song, with my heart of love.

You, my Lord, my Bridegroom, are the most romantic love I have ever known.  You know exactly what to say, what feelings to give me; You let me feel Your heart, You surround me with Your presence and sing to me reaching inside my soul to give me such warmth, such a glow of love, of contentment, of joy.  Have I told You how much You mean to me?  Have I told You that I cannot live, do not want to live, without Your love, without Your presence in my life, every day, every minute.  You mean everything to me; not a moment goes by that I do not think of You.  It doesn't matter what I am doing, You are constantly on my mind, edging everything out, pressing me to draw near to You, to come wherever You are, to stay with You.  We do spend such wonderful moments together, Lord Jesus.  You take me to such heights of glory showing me how much You love me, explaining things of the kingdom to me, blessing me with Your gentleness, Your beauty.  How I love You.  How I adore You.

This 19th day of June, 2011, I am living in the greatest love story every told, every known to man; it is available to all who would listen, who would live it, who would receive it.

Saturday, June 18, 2011


Psalm 2:7b  "He said to me, "You are my Son; today I have become your Father."

Tomorrow is the day we celebrate Father's Day.  My earthly daddy has been gone a number of years now, since 1983.  He and mama both gone in the flash of an instant.  My daddy loved me and I was always his little girl, no matter how old I got.  I miss he and mama both so much, but my Father in Heaven has poured His soothing, healing balm of mercy and love over me and I have been able to let them rest with Him, I have been able to stop grieving knowing they are having the most beautiful life we can every wish for our parents. 

Tonight, I want to wish my Heavenly Father, my Papa, Happy Father's Day.  You, my Lord, my Father, my Papa, have been so wonderful to me.  You have taken my life, returned me to the child when I had fond memories of trust and love for my earthly daddy, and turned me to trust and love only You.  You have given me the best present I could ever have, ever wish for, a Father that lives, that is present in my daily life, a Papa that will never let go of my hand no matter where I go or what I do.  My daddy here on earth was always there for me, and then he was gone.  I remember for so long not caring about anything, missing he and mama so much, not understanding why, why all this had to happen; but that is not for me to wonder about.  I am just to trust You, Father, for Your wisdom, for Your plan.  And I do trust You.  I know there is a reason for things that happen, You know the complete picture, of what things are going to be, of what is going to happen tomorrow.  I lean onto Your understanding Father for all things, past and to come.

Papa, I wonder how many will take the time tomorrow to remember to call out greetings, a Happy Father's Day, to You, our Heavenly Father.  I believe it is a wonderful time to recognize fathers everywhere.  I feel also it is sad that there has to be a special day for so many to take the time to do so, as I think things like Mother's Day and Father's Day should be an everyday thing.  But as this is true for so many, marking this day as so much more special that other days, at least those folks that limit their time with their parents will do something to acknowledge them here.

Reminds me, Papa, of how You wait all week long for Sunday to come, the Sabbath to arrive.  Waiting for Your children to go to church and acknowledge You, to praise You for a little while during service.  Then they leave, and leave You there, waiting for the next Sunday.  No thoughts of You during the week, unless something happens that quickens them to prayer for Your help.  It hurts me, Papa, that this is so, but I know it is.  It hurts me because I know it hurts Your heart, it grieves You, grieves You to see the very children that You love so much, give so little thought to You each day.  Makes me think of those precious folks in nursing homes waiting for that one day of the week when their children may or may not show up to visit them for an hour.  Kind of sounds familiar doesn't it, my Lord.  The same kind of neglect for their earthly parents is what they show You also.  The only difference being, the neglecting of their parents might affect their heart one day, whereas neglecting You will affect their soul.  Papa, this is going so much deeper than I thought it would, I know You are so grieved by the way the earthly parents are treated and again by the way you are treated.

I can only worship You for me, my wonderful Papa.  I can only love You for myself.  If I could love for all, to shower You with praises for everyone, how I would do this, anything not for Your heart to be hurt, not for You to be sad.  But, I cannot.  I love You so much, Papa, but I know it does not make up for those that do not love You enough to worship You, to thank You for being so very good to them.  You are so good to me.  I do not go through a day without seeing so many things You are doing for me, so many ways You are blessing me, continually showering me with Your precious grace and sweet peace.  Your joy that fills my life.

Tomorrow, Papa, I will go to church to worship You.  I will worship You before I go to church, during church, and when I return home.  I will worship You day and night with all my heart, all my soul.  Everything that is within me will worship You continually. I will do everything I can to see that my life glorifies You, honors You, and shows everyone around me, just how important You are to me, to my life.  I love You so much.  Your presence in my life is my very breath.

This 18th day of June, 2011, I am remembering my earthly daddy with love for tomorrow, for each day, and I am daily thanking and loving, giving glory and honor to my Heavenly Father, my Papa.  Happy Father's Day, Papa.

Friday, June 17, 2011


Psalm 57:7  "My heart is steadfast, O God, my heart is steadfast; I will sing and make music."

I would truly love to play the piano.  The keyboard, something to sing along to.  Years ago, when I lived in Louisiana, I took piano lessons for about six months.  Learning chords.  I could always pick out music by ear with my right hand, the melody, but did not know what to do with the left hand.  So I took lessons. I had found a lady two blocks from my house and it was easy to go there after work one night a week.  I actually was able to play some nice pieces, but then she quit private teaching; she went back to teaching in schools and no longer had the time.  I was very disappointed; and things were not such as I had quiet time at home to truly practice and learn on my own.

So I sing.  No, that is a mis-statement.  I worship.  I make music to my Lord, to my Papa.  Majestic songs of praise and worship in church, as that is what is led.  So often I find them too fast, asking if we could possibly slow them down some to make them into true worship, and sometimes we do.  But I do my part, Lord, so trying to get Your children to give You their hearts through worship; some get it, some don't.  But in my home, in my car, I worship to you from my heart.  During the night when I awake, I sing to you songs of love, songs of adoration.  It will not stop.  My heart is steadfast as I am secure in Your love for me, I am secure in my love for You.  I am secure in my salvation given me by my Jesus, Your Son.  Jesus, Jesus, Jesus, how I love Your Name, Jesus.  I will worship You, all my days.

Your heart is my desire Lord.  I want to feel Your heart intwined with mine.  I want to know Your thoughts if you care to share then with me.  I pray so, if only those thoughts for me.  But if not, I am content to let You weave the pieces of my life together in Your plans for me.  I will flow with the tides of Your oceans of love, the waves of peace that roll over me as I feel Your presence all around.  How can I ever be discontent with my life, with You so evident in all aspects of it.  You not only fill my live with Your love, with Your joy, but You orchestrate every day of it and let me see Your glory shining through.  You never fail to let me see Your hand in my days, to show  me, "Look my child, my beloved, I have done this, rest in this for it is I moving it around for you".  How many times I have heard that voice in my spirit telling me, "walk this way, it is the way I have prepared for you".

Trust and obey.  There is no other way.  So many people love You Lord, and I am always surprised when they don't seem to trust You.  They still worry, they fret.  How sad I find this Papa, that they are missing out on all the benefits of Your love.  You love us, but there are benefits of that love that is given when we completely trust You, truthfully obey You, and give our lives over to Your control.  I am benefiting in the most wonderful life I have ever known, just because I have completely given You my life, I trust You with every part of it and I will obey Your Word; Your commands to me.  I can only pray for them and be witness to Your goodness and mercy.

My heart, my steadfast heart, is centered on You, it is anchored in Your love.  I love You so much my Lord, You give me so much happiness, so much peace.  I have a calmness that surpasses everything I have every known.  You, my Lord, my sweet Papa, are all I want, all I need.  This 17th day of June, 2011, I am leaning on You, the Solid Rock of my life, the Foundation of my steadfast heart. 

Thursday, June 16, 2011


Isaiah 62:4  "No longer will they call you Deserted, or name your land Desolate.  But you will be called Hephzibah, and your land Beulah; for the Lord will take delight in you, and your land will be married."

All day this song Beulah Land has been playing in my spirit.  I knew it was something for this writing; I thought it would be a message for me about my heavenly home, as I so long to be with my Lord.  But tonight as I looked up the scripture, the only one that I could find mentioning Beulah, and knew the Lord meant this scripture for me; not my heavenly home, but He was trying to give me a message, a word directly from His heart to mine.  I looked up the meaning of Hephzibah, I began weeping as I read what the Lord was telling me.  "My delight in You", He is calling me His delight.  Beulah means the land of peace, my land being married meaning my relationship with Him completely restored. 

Do you know, my Lord, how this touches me deeply.  I was not expecting this word.  I have been trying so hard to do everything in my power to restore what has been lost those years before this last one.  Those years when I went through the motions, trying to find my way back to you, to be within Your will again; finding the stress and loss of life hard to overcome.  Loss seems to be able to completely take you out of what you would will for yourself and put you out of control in other's lives and situations.  I got so busy, although praying that you would heal, restore, that I lost sight of You in it all.  I just did what I had learned to do when needing Your help; I did not see You for who You are.  And I have so asked forgiveness, so repented, Lord, this is so hard; so difficult to write.  You know how I tried so fruitlessly.  What a waste of all that time.  All I should have done as I found out this past year is just love You so much, completely give myself unto You in worship, adoration.  This last year has been the best I can ever remember, just being in Your presence, drowning in Your healing balm of mercy and grace; resting in Your tender arms of love.  And for this past year, You have blessed me so much, Your goodness bringing me to tears so often as I see how You have love me.

Tonight, as I once again see Your precious love flowing out to me, Your hand extended with one more touch of Your grace, giving me the song Beulah Land to stir my spirit to write tonight; and then the verse, showing me what You wanted me to know.  You wanted me to find You in Your beautiful Word, find that message so pure and simple, but so spiritually perfect.  I will no longer be deserted as You will never leave me, I won't be desolate as Your grace is always sufficient for me.  You are calling me Hephzibah, Your delight.  My God, my God, how I love You.  I worship You.  I adore You, my Lord.  Your delight, what....I have no words, me, never lost for words and I can find none to truly express my love for you, for what You are telling me, You delight in me.  Papa, how I love You.  The land of peace, I will walk in peace, I will dwell in peace, Your perfect peace.  I am so rich, so very rich.  I have felt that way for so long, so rich in Your blessings to me; tonight I find myself above any wealth I could imagine.

Completely restored with You.  Married with You.  I will never be lost from You again, my Lord.  Never will I feel abandoned by You, or by myself, as You will keep me in perfect peace joined to you. Restored into You, knowing that You are with me always, guiding me, guarding me, giving me life, breathing fresh life into me each moment.  This life will come from You, not anything the world has to offer, but just from You.  This means to me that my life can never be taken from me, nothing You give me will ever be taken from me.  The world cannot harm me, cannot steal from me the gifts You have given to me.  They are mine, poured out on a daily basis from Your throne, from Your heart, directed by Your Holy Spirit for my life, my abundant life.

I love You, my Lord.  I adore every part of You, what You have become to me.  I enhale Your sweet love, the fragrant sweet love that You give to me.  I will worship You with my entire being all my life.  You are so worthy of all worship my God.  All worship.  This 16th day of June, 2011, my Beloved Papa, I am holding Your hand as I walk into Beulah Land.

Wednesday, June 15, 2011


Isaiah 45:18  "For this is what the Lord says, he who created the heavens, he is God; he who fashioned and made the earth, he founded it; he did not create it to be empty, but formed it to be inhabited -- he says:  I am the Lord and there is no other."

Finally, there is a fullness to my life.  A difference I can feel, more and more as each day passes.  I have sought the Lord, longing for Him to grant me access to His most inner room.  At first it was just a small taste of what could be, almost Father, as if You were testing me to see how badly I wanted You, how much I loved You.  How long could I go seeking and not give up if You did not come to me.  But I did not give up, I pressed on, I called and called upon Your precious Name until You took me in, gave me access to Your presence, Your heart.

You, my Lord, created me.  You gave me life, gave me a heart to feel, to desire; You gave me a soul that could reach into the depths of dispair, or the heights of glory; and You gave me a spirit.  You gave me a spirit that could touch your heart, once I gave my spirit over to Your spirit.  Before You ever brought me along side, You drew my spirit from me and let it be wrapped into Your spirit, leaving me with no other desire but You.  How can one survive this earth, the things of this earth when their spirit has been wooed and won by Almighty God.  There is no way.  The body, the mind, the heart and soul of one must follow the spirit.  The spirit rules the body, if it is sick, the body will not be well, if the spirit is sad, the heart is devastated, the soul in darkness.  I must follow my spirit's leading, my Love and it leads to You.  You have left no place in me for anyone, anything but You.

I remember when I was so caught up in the world, all the earthly things invading my thoughts, my mind, tearing at my heart with fears, worry and discord.  So many years not knowing that I did not have to live like that; that I did not need to fear.  I always knew, Daddy, that You loved me.  But it was what I knew, not what I felt, not what penetrated into my inner being, into my spirit.  Now I know, I feel You in me, with me, loving me.  You loved me beyond what I thought humanly possible to be loved.  And then You began to draw my spirit to You, giving knowledge to be fed into me from Your Holy Spirit, enfolding my spirit so that I would only feel what You wanted me to feel.  Blocking out the cares and concerns of the world, You fed my spirit a steady diet of love, peace and Your wonderful joy.  The Holy Spirit leading me, showing me the way to Your heart, opening the way for me to be drawn into Your presence, the most satisfying feeling I have ever known.  Complete in You without any thought other than You and Your sweet presence all around me.  So content to sit, to wait, to drink in Your presence; listening for Your words to me, longing for Your touch.  All available to me in Your presence.  It is all about Your presence.  There is no desire in me for anything more than Your presence.  I worship You, Lord.  I give You all the glory and honor, You are so worthy of all my worship.  Daddy, there is that soft touch I have begun to experience when I call you Daddy, my Daddy.  You do love the gentleness and love behind that name, when I call You Daddy, I know You can sense still the hesitation wanting never to be anything but reverent in Your presence, but also wanting to call You the most dearest of names.

Your eyes are upon me, Your child; I know they are filled with love.  Can You feel the love and adoration coming from my heart, my soul, Daddy, just for You.  You have filled me with Your spirit, I am filled with the Holy Spirit, I am filled with Your love, knowing that there is no way You will let go of me or I will let go of You.  I love You so much, all my heart longs for You day and night.  Never will I be satisfied with just the knowing of who You are; I must have Your presence; I must have the completeness inside that only You can bring to me.  This 15th day of June, 2011, all the love You are pouring into me, all the mercy, grace, the joy and Your precious peace;  Your presence marking me, telling me, showing me, that I am empty no more.

Tuesday, June 14, 2011


Isaiah 32:17  "The fruit of righteousness will be called peace; the effect of righteousness will be quietness and confidence forever."

What a weekend I have had.  So filled with the Lord's blessings, it would be difficult to express from my heart the blessings that have flooded over me this past weekend.  Work, worship, friends, all blessings from my Lord.  The only thing that I was hoping for was to get the living situation done before returning home, well, home for a while.  But even in this, even in the jabs of the enemy trying to push his same old message of doubt, confusion, there is peace in my spirit, in my soul; my entire being is resounding with the peace of my Daddy.  There, I said it again, and it is coming from me so natural now.  My Daddy, my heavenly Father.  I was told over the weekend that He wants to be my Daddy, to be that One that I look to for everything, Whom I love more than life, Who is that one constant in my soul, in my heart.  My Daddy, Daddy, who has everything planned for me and knows just which house will be mine.  He will show it at just the right time before I need to move, the timing that will be perfect for what I need.

My spirit is quiet, my confidence soaring high in my spirit, while the underlying of my soul has such a quietness about it.  No concern or worry; nothing that would take the beautiful peace from me.  Why do we say that we are trusting the Lord only to have doubts and fears when things do not add up to what we think they should be.  I know so many people that  love the Lord, but are constantly worrying about today, about tomorrow.  This worry robs them of the precious peace that the Lord gives.  You cannot have both in your spirits.  Either you trust the Lord with every concern, every part of yourself and your life, or you worry.  Which will it be?  Trust - perfect peace; worry - fear and anxiety.  It comes down to a choice.  Do not tell me I don't know how hard it is.....widow, remember?  I know it is hard, have had many years of hard, and I want to tell you once again, there is nothing my Daddy, my precious Father, cannot do for His children that love Him and give Him complete control of their lives.  When you put all your trust in Him, when You worship Him with all your heart, all your soul; when you tell Him out of the depths of your being how much you love Him, how you do not want to live without Him being the most important One in your life; He will never let you down.  He wants so for all His children to trust Him, to love Him.  He loves us all so deeply.

When His peace comes upon you, it is like total saturation.  Every part of you will be at complete ease.  A quietness will penetrate your soul that will fill your life with such wonder.  People will take note that you seem so different.  They will be so comfortable in your presence.  You will have a peace that flows in and out of you that will attract so many; they will want to have that peace as you do.  This will be the perfect opportunity to share with them where this peace came from and how they can obtain it for themselves.  Just imagine; you share, they receive from the Lord, they share, someone else receives the Lord's peace.  It will spread and spread.  And worship will rise from the bellies of men and women who have been saturated with the peace of the Lord.  Worship will rise to praise and thank the God who has loved them for so long, the God who has wanted to give His peace, His blessings to them, to us all.

Daddy, I am so thankful to have You.  I don't want ever to have a moment that You are not it....that You are not a part of.  You are so holy, so worthy of all of my praise and worship.  I serve a Holy God, I serve a Majestic God.  I serve....that is the word, I serve You my Lord.  I will spend my life, all the days You bless me with, serving You.  I will spend all my days worshiping You, only You.   I will spend all the rest of my life loving You with every fiber of myself.  Loving only You.

This 14th day of June, 2011, I am filled with quietness; I have confidence in You, my Lord, all my trust is in You.  My beloved Daddy, I am saturated in Your peace; I am saturated in Your presence.

Monday, June 13, 2011


Psalm 116:2  "Because He turned His ear to me, I will call on Him as long as I live."

I looked at houses this weekend looking for just the one that the Lord would have for me to lease.  Job secured, but needed a house to live in.  Decided on the area to be close to dear friends, and then the looking began.  Today, the Lord led us to a house not far away with good access to  my job, only about 15 miles away.  Not bad, and with back roads to go most of the way.  Looks good.  The house will work well for me, Lord.  It looks like You, once again, have me covered all the way. 

Christian boss, Christian realtor, definitely Your hand moving things for me; providing as You always do.  Your ear entuned to me, my heart entuned to You, to Your Spirit. You never cease to amaze me, dear Lord.  Perfect peace, knowing that You love me and will take care of all the details of Your plans for me.

As I began thinking about the walls, inside the walls of the house I looked at, thinking how cozy this home would be; the enemy again came to remind me that I would be living there alone. But he is so wrong.  I am never alone.  Within the walls, the confines of any place that I am, You are there with me.  Walls only stand to form structure, as Your Word forms structure for my life.  Your Word is the frame work for my life, as walls are the frame work for a house.  Without the frame, nothing can stand; nothing is secure.

Within Your Word, everything is found to formulate a well framed vessel for Your sanctuary.  I find forgiveness and mercy, the foundation of love.  I stand on the foundation of Your love.  The ceiling of grace, my covering I stand under, Your hand sheltering me from all harm.  Free flowing peace, the air moved around by fans of understanding and freedom; and sunshine flowing through the windows of Your precious words to me, pouring joy throughout my being. And then, the life of this vessel You have made of me, for Your indwelling, the very life, Your breath giving completeness.  From the foundation to the very top, You, my Lord, have  made me complete in You.  I am a complete vessel, a complete dwelling for You.

I trust my Lord, that as I complete preparations to follow You here, everything will fall into place as You have ordained it.  I know that if this house is the one, everything will work out for it.  I only want Your complete will for my life, including where I live and which house.  Did you think it nice, my King?  It will never be what You have planned for me in Your eternal kingdom, but I do believe we, You and I, can be happy there.  I know, we will be happy wherever it is though, as I am always so blessed wherever You are.  As long as I am in Your presence, I am never alone.

This 13th day of June, 2011, I am within the walls of my Beloved's will for me, and I plan never to stray from my Lord.  I love You, my King, my Lord, how I love You.  My heart rejoices in Your love for me.....I know You love me.....I am so blessed by You.

Sunday, June 12, 2011


Revelation 22:20  "He who testifies to these things says,"Yes, I am coming soon."

Today, after church, I was driving across Dallas and for some reason (I have it fixed now) my I-Phone Ipod kept repeating the song.  It was playing "I Hear Him, I hear Him, I hear Him coming".  I listened to this play for a good twenty minutes. As I listened, it began to resound in my entire being with it's message, I hear Him coming.  I hear Him coming. 

My Lord, thank You for Your sweet message to me.  You are coming and You are telling me if I listen closely, attune my ears to my faith, I can hear You coming.  It perhaps won't be tomorrow, oh, Lord that it would be, but it will be soon.  I feel it in my heart that it will be in my time, while I am here on this earth.  I have such a strong desire to see my Savior burst through the darkened clouds and descend upon this earth to catch us up to Him.  A heart's desire.

I can remember when I never really thought about Your return, my Lord.  You know what my mind was like.  Just did my best day by day without giving much thought to how soon, how long, or when Your return would be.  Now my days are filled with longing for Your return, filled with anticipation to be drawn up to You.  How I long to be with my Bridegroom.  I am not longing for Your return because I am devastated with life, or because things are going badly for me.  You, my King, have given me such a blessed life, You provide for all my needs.  No, my Beloved, I am longing for Your return because I love you so passionately, I desire so to be with You, in Your presence for eternity, to be where You are, to sit with You, touch Your face, look into Your eyes.  The only reason, my King, is because I love you so much and long to be with You.

The music played and played today, with the words of the song penetrating my mind, soaking into my spirit and giving my heart new hope and life.  Yes, You are coming.  Are you as anxious, my Lord, to come, as I am for Your return?  I know Your Bride is still lacking, I can see it, I can feel it.  But I also know You will not wait forever, You will come on the appointed day.  I truly believe as my God knows each day in the future, He also knows exactly what day He will send You for us.  And on that day, there will be no more time for those that want to be part of Your Bride to prepare.  It will be too late.  We are given every opportunity to prepare.  You send Your word to Your chosen ministers to tell us, to warn us to get ready, and yet, so many just play the role, they are not being.  They can act so well but You know the heart.  You'd think they would realize it doesn't matter what man thinks about their readiness, You still know their hearts.  Man will not get them ready, only the precious Holy Spirit can help ready us.  He will bring conviction to our hearts, He then will cause you to call upon our Lord for forgiveness; then He will show you the unconditional love of the Father, the beauty of His grace to you.  The precious Spirit of the Lord will help you prepare, but you must give Him a yielded heart, a contrite heart, a willing vessel.

I hear Him, I hear Him, I hear Him coming....Hallelujah.  My Lord is coming. There is nothing to keep me from Him.  I will not allow anything to separate me from my Lord.  I have been there and it is a lonely, dark place.  Never again will I leave the encompassing arms of my Lord.  Never again.  I will stay in His presence as long as He will stay with me.  I will wait upon my Lord, I will not stray from listening for His words, for His return.  This 12th day of June, 2011, I am listening, I am watching, I am expecting my Jesus, for I hear Him coming in my soul.

Saturday, June 11, 2011


Psalm 57:5  "Be exalted, O God, above the heavens, let your glory be over all the earth."

What a blessing this night was.  I went to the Glory Explosion 2011 downtown Dallas.  The session began with intercession.  Strong warriors of prayer sent up praise and honor unto our Lord.  I know, Lord, you were blessed by these people, joined together in one accord, to come before you asking that You come into the presence of the people assembled there.  To come, be a part of the evening; to show Yourself, magnificent and beautiful, in the presence of so many there. 

The evening then took on an urgent sound from a fairly young group of men that took the platform to bring exalted praise to the Lord.  Calling on everyone to praise the Lord, the message loud and strong, praise...praise....praise.  These young men loved the Lord and gave Him the glory and honor.

Then the psalmist, the Lord's present day David, took the platform to worship the Lord. To lead the people in pure, heartfelt, truthful worship to the Lord.  From the beginning of his session of worship, his ministry to the Lord, the people fell into worshiping the Lord.  You could feel the honest emotion of everyone worshiping and honoring God.  I got so caught up in the spirit I went from laughing to crying.  The flow of the Holy Spirit was so strong; the Lord's presence so evident, and The Glory Fell.  It fell across everyone that was there.  People were singing, they were shouting, crying, laughing, because the Glory of the Lord was there.  His time was done, but the people cried for more as they needed, they could not let go of the presence of the Lord that was there.  The presence, so strong, the Glory falling on each one.  Then the psalmist was done; the Glory was not.

The speaker rose to begin to speak and the Lord's words flowed from her like a river; the river sometimes hitting walls of the enemy's oppression, but the river splashed over the sides of the walls and the Glory fell.  Inparting words that were giving life, giving direction, giving new hope to ministries; defying and defeating satan.  He has no power over what God has ordained; no power at all.  The days of enemy control and deflation is over.  There is a new day here, a day that the Lord has ordained and it will not be changed.  The Lord is beginning to move, like a mighty rushing flow over this nation, over this earth.  People will begin to see movement after movement; it will not stop until all see the Lord's glory.

This night, the 11th day of June, 2011, the young praisers; the Lord's psalmist, and the Word delivering prophet rose up together to ascribe honor, praise, and worship to our King, our Lord, our God.  And the Glory fell.

Friday, June 10, 2011


Psalm 90:17  "May the favor of the Lord our God rest upon us; establish the work of our hands for us..., yes, establish the work of our hands."

What an amazing day this has been, my Lord.  You do not leave one thing undone.  You have seen to everything that I needed this day, and gave me such a blessed time.  Such a blessed time.  Church tonight at Destiny was wonderful; total worship for most of the night and then the sanctuary breaking loose in praise and shouts of glory unto You.  How great it was.  I know You were blessed, Lord, as I was so blessed worshiping You. 

Meeting my friend, the one You have placed in my life was so special.  Just as if we had met in person long before now, You already had placed us in each other's hearts.  When there are people so in love with You, that love just transcends to each other.  So special the time was my Lord.  I just wanted to take time before anything else to thank You, Lord, to thank You for the blessings of this trip, the specialness of this day.   You make everything special to me Lord, but today You made it amazing.  And I haven't even gone to Glory Explosion yet.  The joy is just beginning to flow.

The work of our hands, Lord.  You have responsibilities that You assign to Your children, once they open their hearts to You and give their will unto Yours.  You have given me certain work to do, and I love to do my work for You.  You have  made me a worshipper; it is what I love to do most, as I love to give You praise, I love to worship You, to sing songs to You, my Beloved.  You also have put a burden of intercession on my heart.  To pray for those You give to me.  You give me and other intercessors certain people, certain things to pray for.  These people are ours, they are the ones we cover in prayer, Your children that You want protected from the enemy's snares; we pray for them continually.

The work You put us to is important.  The enemy of course, will come and try to belittle the things we do; try to make us feel that we are getting it wrong; anything to unsettle and disrupt the work.  Father, we are in agreeement that we will bind the enemy from letting his words disrupt our thoughts, to try and separate us from the work You have give us to do.  Strengthen us Lord, let us not be concerned with how it might be perceived by men, but just do our work unto You.  You will make it completely correct and right when we do it with a pure heart unto you.

I thank You for the trust You have in me to give me such an important job.  Prayer, intercession, worship; so important.  I know I don't always have the stamina, the strength to do what I need.  I thank You for the precious Holy Spirit that You sent to me, that leads, guides, encourages and gives me wisdom, strength to carry out my assignments.  Holy Spirit, thank You for not letting me go, for giving me what I need to finish the race, give it my all.

I am truly highly favored, Lord.  I thank You for this.  Today, once again, You gave me favor in the eyes of man, giving me blessings untold, abundance blessings.  Just for being Your child, for loving you, You have blessed me.  I love You so much.  I am in total awe at Your goodness to me.  I know the rest of the things needed for my move will fall into place, as You are leaving nothing undone.  I ask that I chose just the place You want me to be in, that You show me what Your will is. I am not concerned about the details as You are in charge, and You have blessed me thus far and I have no doubts everything else will fall into place.  In Your plan, all I have to do is follow.

This 10th day of June, 2011, I am highly favored.  My Lord loves me, and I love Him.  Precious Lord, You are everything to me.  I love You with all my heart.

Thursday, June 9, 2011


Hebrews 1:3 (Message) "The Son perfectly mirrors God and is stamped with God's nature.  He holds everything together by what he says - powerful words!

Jesus is the centerpiece of everything.  He makes all things come together in the Father.  We were made in God's image.  When we walk in the way of the Lord we are striving to be the image of Jesus, that our lives reflect Him; that people see Jesus in us. 

That is why I have such battles, why you have them.  How a seemingly perfect day can turn into horror by noon time.  Why all the powers of the enemy hit you with all the forces of earth.  The enemy sees the Light coming from us, radiating from our eyes that show so openly the love of our hearts, the desire of our soul for our Lord.  No way will the enemy not try and stop us from drawing others to that Light. 

I really believe that satan is not so interested in me anymore, as he knows I am not going to allow him to take me from my Lord.  I feel he is more concerned about my witness to others.  It is the others he wants to keep from the Light.  If he can put calamity in my day, in your day, distract us from our goal, put stress wrinkles across our forehead instead of that glow we normally have, he has succeeded.  When we allow the stresses and burdens that the enemy puts on us; our Lord does not put these things on us; our light begins to diminish, as worry does that.  That is why it is so important that we give all these worries and concerns right to our Lord.  The only way we can show, produce that image reflection of our Lord is to let those things go to the One, our Lord, who is capable of handling these spiritual attacks.  He tells us to cast all our burdens on Him.  He knew it would be necessary as we would become so burdened we would lose sight of His purpose for our lives.  We would be too caught up in the cares of the day.  Almost like a "catch and release" thing, that instantaeous movement as we get caught up in the troubles of our lives that the enemy puts on us, the snares he sets for us, immediately release those things to the Lord for His taking care of.  He is so eager to take care of all our cares, all our concerns.  Our Lord wants us free to worship Him, to spend our time ministering to those He puts in our care, to those He sends our way.  He want those people to see the Light of His love, His peace and His joy coming from us.  This is the image that He desires for us.  He wants His image to be what people see when they look at us.

My Jesus, my Savior, there is none like You. You mean everything to me, You are my life, You reside in my heart, my soul.  My spirit longs for You every moment.  I love You, Lord.  This 9th day of June, 2011, I give You all the honor, all the glory.  I pray Lord, each day, I begin more and more to be a reflection of Your Image.

Wednesday, June 8, 2011


Colossians 2:2-3  "My purpose is that they may be encouraged in heart and united in love, so that they may have the full riches of complete understanding, in order that they may know the mystery of God, namely, Christ.  In whom are hidden all the treasures of wisdom and knowledge."

It is beginning to seem that I cannot read the Word without tears welling up in my eyes.  This precious book that holds the words of my Lord, pouring out into my spirit as I read it, touching my heart with the realization that long before I ever came to be, my Lord, my wonderful Lord, knew just what I would need to know, just the encouragement I would need to walk with Him each day.  Father knew that we could not possibly walk through the valleys we would find before us, not being able to lay eyes on the One that loves us so much, the One that we worship and love with all our hearts, without having words of encouragement to give us strength.  We would need to have faith grow inside our hearts, our minds and our spirits to know that although we can not see Him, He is never away from us, He is always just waiting for us to call on Him.  A song that I like says "He is just a prayer away".  I love that thought, knowing that when I speak His name, He is there.

Through the Word, we gain wisdom, but that wisdom will only come after giving ourselves wholly unto the Lord, keeping nothing back for ourselves, but pledging our total love and commitment unto Him.  Commit our lives to Him, giving Him total access to our hearts, our minds to cleanse us from any unrighteousness, any sin that may reside within; repenting daily when sinful thoughts or actions come upon us, in mind or deed, asking forgiveness and restoration.  Failing to do so immediately will result in a failure to totally understand the will of the Lord for our lives.  It will cause a blur to come over our eyes where we cannot see Him clearly until we do repent and ask His forgiveness.  Bowing before Him, asking for His restoration of our lives will bring the clarity of His Word back to us, opening that channel between the Father and our spirits once again.  When we fail to respond immediately in repentance we leave the door open for the enemy to enter in and begin his dirty work against us.  Thank you my Lord, that You come just when we call out to you.  When we need You, You are always with us.

The Word of God, don't you love that the words of our Jesus, are written in red.  I believe red was chosen to signify the blood shed, making His words so precious, so beautiful, so meaningful.  The words of our Lord written in red to give us the most important lessons to be learned, straight from the mouth of the Master Himself.  Words that would give us life, words that would heal our sickness, our broken spirits, words that would give us joy unspeakable and words that would pour peace into us like a river that never ceases to flow. His very words to give us meaning and understanding of His will for our lives.  The understanding of these words, the receiving of these words into our spirits, to forever be written on the walls of our hearts, words of Jesus written so long ago, but meant for us today, to tell of His mighty, unconditional love that would be the salvation of us all, those who would chose to follow Him, chose to love Him, chose to worship Him.

Months ago, the Lord gave me these words:   "The Lord has a treasure chest - and you are the jewel - invaluable, irreplaceable, which fills it.  He has a special place where He keeps that treasure chest.  It is held tightly, securely where no one can ever steal you away because they would have to take Him in order to get to you.  The Vault holding His treasure chest is called LOVE.  The place is His HEART.  To gain entrance, call His Name, JESUS".

This 8th day of June, 2011, my Lord, I thank You for the Treasure Chest of Your Word.  Such treasures cannot be found any place other than that precious Word.  I love You, my Lord.  I receive such joy when I worship You, when I find You in that place of worship as You come down to be with me when You hear me call Your name so sweetly, so lovingly.  You are my Treasure, my Lord, the only Treasure that I desire.

Tuesday, June 7, 2011


Psalm 16:11  "You have made known to me the path of life; you will fill me with joy in your presence, with eternal pleasures at your right hand."

My sister-in-law (but I love her as if she were my real sister) told me today that it doesn't take much to make me happy.  She had laughed as I told her the antics of two small birds I saw outside my office window, laughing a second time when I had such joy that it was raining.  She told me that it did not take much for me to be happy; I just felt such joy at that statement.

Ever feel like you have arrived at the end of a journey?  This feels like one of those long journeys that I have completed in my Lord.  I have gotten to the foundation of the life He has wanted for me.  I have found such contentment in my Lord, as His presence and love has overshadowed every concern and earthly care, and I have complete peace and trust in Him.

This peace and trust has produced the ability - the uncomplicated life of enjoying such simple pleasures, the gifts He gives us everyday that we somehow failed to see before we arrive at this point.  When I found myself completely immersed in the flow of my God's river of life, that refreshing river that healed me to the very core of my being; all hurts, disappointments, heartaches, unfulfilled desires; every fiber of my body became whole.  My spirit and my mind was renewed by the very - so alive - Word of God; then my eyes opened and I began to see joy in everything, the simpliest of things, the beauty of what the Lord has made, what He has placed on this earth for my enjoyment, for your enjoyment, our pleasure. 

True enjoyment of our lives has never been about what money could buy.  That is a clever tool of the enemy to keep you blinded from the real gifts of the Lord.  As long as he can make you think that there is no pleasure in life without money, well, you will get nothing from this life, nothing real and lasting.  But when you find that contentment, as I did, in the Father, in what He has made you to be, the deep knowledge that His love is all to you; and all the earthly belongings are just stuff, unimportant stuff; then you have arrived at that special place, as I have, where you can have joy in the simple pleasures.  Where little birds at play, where a refreshing, cooling rain shower, flowers blooming in a neighbors yard, the uninhibited laughter of children, where these simple things bring joy and smiles to your face.

So my sister-in-law has me pegged correctly, I am so easy to please, it takes just the simple pleasures in this life to bring me joy.  I have found the base structure of my life, the Cornerstone, the Foundation, the Rock.  My Lord has made me steady, sure, and rooted in Him.  He supplies all I need, He never fails me, my trust in Him is sure and complete.  This 7th day of June, 2011, I have discovered the secret to enjoying life's simple pleasures.