Saturday, May 5, 2012


Psalm 141:1  (Message)  "God, come close.  Come quickly; Open your's my voice you're hearing."

I just finished reading a book on my Kindle, "The Dog That Talked To God".  I wasn't sure where the book was going for a long time; but then it began to make sense to me.  This lady had lost her husband and child in an automobile wreck; she stopped praying, she stopped talking to God.  Now this is the short version, interested in the book, see Amazon for it, they should have it in regular books also.  But this lady just blamed our Lord for it all and that was that.  She ends up getting a little dog and one night on their walk the dog begins to talk to her and references the Lord and lets her know he talks to God.  Long story short, the dog talked to her until almost the end of the story when the lady finally has a break through to the Lord, releases her anger and hurt and allows the Lord to hold her and heal her.  As she returns to the Lord, the dog tells her he will no longer be speaking, it was just until she was healed and restored to the Lord. 

As I thought about what I had read, I realized that the dog was not talking to her, I don't think, but I believe it was the Holy Spirit speaking to her through the dog.  Just leading her, gently, and not letting go of her, just staying close to her while she was so angry, so lost.  I know you probably think I have lost it this time, but I truly feel that the Lord can and will use whatever is necessary to draw us back to Him.  Once we have been in a relationship with our Lord, He is not going to let us go.  We  may think we have left Him, we may let some hurt or disappointment, or anger stop our flow of prayer and conversation with Him, but He is not letting us go.  We belong to Him and once we are in Him, He will see that we return.

Once again, here is our free will.  We have the free will to leave, but, be honest....once you have known the precious goodness of our God, felt His peace calm your most inner being and had His joy pour over you like floods of fresh living will return to the Lord.  You will never know any other life but what the Lord has given you.  You will never find peace except that beautiful peace of God.  You can insist that you do not need the Lord, but you are only trying to make your heart believe what your mind tells you.  See the mind is much more stubborn than the heart.  The Lord sees the heart; He sees your heart fighting back as your mind tells you that you are alright, you do not need the Lord.  Pride takes place in the mind.  And of course the enemy works on your mind; once you have let yourself fall into the pity, prideful mode, satan will take hold of your mind and begin, expertly, to convince you are right, you don't need the Lord.  But your heart.....see, you may leave, but the Spirit of the Lord is still there; drawing you, wooing you, loving you.

So where are you tonight?  Are you in that place of not talking to God, angry at Him, blaming Him for the hurt in your life?  Aren't you tired of running.....aren't you tired of the turmoil in your life without your sweet relationship with our Lord?  This lady, in the book, finally said, "God, are You there?  It's me....".  And the touch she received, the tears released her from the bondage she had put herself in, and she felt clean again, close again, in God again.  It is so easy to return to the Lord, so much easier that when you first came to Him.....see, your heart knows the way.  Release the reins to your heart and let go; let God heal you.  Let God hold you close again.  He's waiting, and He will use whatever necessary to bring you home....even a talking dog.


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