Psalm 59:12 "For the sins of their mouths, for the words of their lips, let them be caught in their pride."
We are all aware of the lies of the devil. For satan will not stop at one or two, but he will continue his manipulation, his lies, his schemes until he confuses those that are weak.
Driving to work yesterday morning, satan attempted to work on my mind again....but it backfired on him. I was worshiping the Lord and just telling my God what a beautiful day He had made for me, how I appreciated His provision, and just how much I loved Him. I asked Him to bless my day and help me show His love to others. Well, ol' satan pops up in my ear and says "There is not really a God you know". "He does not really exist". I actually began to laugh. "Satan", I said, "you are such a liar. Two reasons clearly tell me you are lying right now". I told him that in the first place, if there was not a God in heaven, where did he think he came from? And it was only his fault that he was no longer welcome there with his mind set, thinking he was better than God. Second, I told him, if there was no God, and if God's Spirit did not live in me, he, satan, would not be bothering with me at all. There would be no reason for him to constantly try and tempt me, try to cause me to stumble, and tell me all these lies all the time.
His pride caused him to stumble. I don't think satan will ever learn. His pride caused him to be thrown from God's throne room, and his pride caused him to be caught in his own lies. I am sure he is trying to find something to hit me with real hard, but I also know he sees how close I am to my Father. I believe he sees how close so many of God's children are to Him, and even though satan still tries to get to us, he can't. Not unless we let him. If we keep him in the place where the Lord has put him, under our feet, then he can not harm us, not at all. If we keep our eyes on Jesus, if we let the Holy Spirit lead us, and if we continually stay in the Word of God, we will be wise to all satan tries to do.
Satan is a liar and he knows that God's children who stay so close to Him recognize him in an instant when he shows up. You wonder why he keeps trying, fighting a losing battle.....his pride. See he even lies to himself, and his pride won't let him stop. He knows the Word of God, but as some people do, they only use the scriptures that they can turn for their own purpose......satan seems to have let one slip by...."Pride goes before destruction, a haughty spirit before a fall." Proverbs 16:18
When you hear those lies coming to you, just pronounce satan a liar right there, and thank our good, wonderful God that we can recognize him, he cannot disguise himself in the eyes of a believer, in the eyes of a child of God.
Thank You, Father, that You have given me wisdom and knowledge in the ways of the world, satan's playground, and You keep me from falling into his pits of deceit.
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