Thursday, May 10, 2012


John 15:9  "As the Father has loved me, so have I loved you; Now remain in my love."

"Abide in my love", Jesus tells me.  He tells you this also.  Abide...stay.  Secure and sheltered in my love.

What a beautiful relationship awaits each of us when we begin to abide in the love of our Lord.  It is as though He is telling us "Welcome to My world"; a sweet invitation extended to us from Jesus.  In pouring out His love to us, giving us His Holy Spirit to live in us, abide always in us, so we are never alone, we are never without divine direction and inspiration, the place that Jesus desires us to be is ours for the accepting.  We do not even have to ask for this, we just have to accept this gift.

We must always realize thought that the invitation does not come until we have yielded our lives to our Lord.  There is no way we could even begin to understand what living in His love is until we have completely become sold out to our God.  Once we give our heart and soul to our Lord, all the blessings and gifts He so desires to pour into and onto us are ours for the receiving, for the accepting. 

I believe the greatest gifts begin to come as we start flowing and walking in His love, when we begin to desire abiding with the Lord more than our next breath.  That time when having intimacy in fellowship, in a true relationship with our God, is when we truly feel gifted and blessed.  We know, I think, we are before this, but the depth of these gifts cannot manifest themselves until we are so deep into abiding with God that they truly mean so much to us.  I know this is wordy, but sometimes the thoughts of love, of true intimate love and relationship with the Lord are so hard to describe.  Those of you that know what I mean know exactly how I feel, for you are living in His love also.

Now this does not mean that we will not have trials.....perhaps they will be more difficult than others have....but the victories of these trials, the cross of these trials, bring such glorious revelation of our Lord's love that we might never know otherwise.  Living in the Lord's love does not make us exempt from pain or heartache, trials and tribulation.....what it means is that we are not overcome by them, we are not left devastated by them for we know to Whom we belong and that He is with us each step of the way.  We are not shaken as we are holding the hand of the Creator of all, our Lord God.

Lord, my Lord, how I love You.  How I love the life You have given me.  Thank You, my Savior, for Your never ending love for me.  Surely my cup runneth over, again and again and again.  You are All to me.


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