Thursday, May 17, 2012


John 14:15  "If you love me, you will obey what I command."

We have, at one time or another, used the phrase "If you really love me" and then added what it was we wanted someone to do for us.  This was sometimes accompanied by tears or threats of what would happen if they did not do what we asked.  But when the Lord made this statement, it was just one of fact.  See, if we love the Lord, we want to follow Him.  We want to keep His commands.  And if you remember Jesus only gave us two commandments......"Love the Lord, your God with all your heart and soul" and "Love thy neighbor as thyself" paraphrased.  So it isn't as thought He has put a lot out there for us to do.  Just love.  And He says if we love Him, we will obey what He commands.

Jesus did not place threats on His words, nor did he deliver them with tears and hysterics as we at times tend to do.  He just stated facts.  If we love Him.....  So the question tonight is, do you love Him?  Do you really love Him?  Just what are you willing to do for the Lover of YOUR soul; what are you willing to give to the Lamb of God who gave His all for you?

Like our precious Lord, there will be no hysterics here, no what if's, no if you don'ts; just fact.  If you love Him, you will obey His commands.

I love You, my Lord and I will obey Your commands.  I love the Father with all my heart, all my soul; He is my God and I will never go from Him.  I will love others as You would have me love, I will love them through You, I will love them for You and I will share Your love with them.  Love is what You are, love is who You are.  I love You.  I love You.  I really love You.


1 comment:

  1. Toooooo weird. I was JUST thinking of you, Pat and "love" and all kinds of things as you wrote...but as in when "people" do the tears bit, etc. it is manipulation which God likens to witchcraft! Good writing as usual, Pat! Do you really love "me"??? LOL
