John 14:6 "I am the way, the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me."
A lady today told me something very strange. Of course, at my age, nothing should surprise me. But.... it still happens occasionally.
We were talking and I don't remember what was said to begin this conversation...perhaps it was the worship music in the background. The music is a good conversation starter; definitely a peace bringer. But she said the name of her religion (no that is not important here....I would hesitate to mention it as it although may be actually taught, it could be only her understanding of it). What she said was "It is sort of like the equity we build in heaven; all the good things we do go into an account and then we have that for us when we get to heaven".
It was like "hold me back, Lord". WOW. This conversation was put on hold as more people came in, but she will be back in a few weeks and if the Lord wills, and leads, we will revisit this. I will ask her to explain what she meant. I realize certain religions have beliefs that are not found in scripture or that have been interpreted for their own way of thinking.
The frightening thing is that I know people that go to church that believe the good things they do on earth will secure their heavenly mansion. I pray that those that call themselves Christians know the truth. Good deeds on earth do not save you. It might endure you to those around you on earth, but it will not save you. I know people that will give you everything they have; they go out of their way to help people, but they are not saved. They think they are okay; they truly believe that.
My father-in-law (Pop) always told my husband he was right with the Lord. We knew in our spirit that this was not true. Robert would try to talk to him about Jesus. All he got was "I am good with God". We were living in South Dakota at the time, and we got a call from Robert's sister. Pop was seeing demons and he was scared, real scared; he would not sleep, he was afraid to close his eyes. Robert told his sister to put the phone to Pops ears and he told Pop to listen and if he wanted to accept Jesus as his Savior to blink twice for yes. Pop could no longer speak from the Parkinson's disease he had and was having to communicate by blinking his eyes. Robert led Pop in the sinner's prayer. Pop blinked twice. Almost immediately he calmed down and he slept. He died a couple of days later. Pop had gone to church all his life, he was brought up in the Catholic church, but never really accepted Jesus; he was not saved.
So the people that have loved the Lord all their life; saved early in life and lived a good Christian life or the one that confesses Jesus as Lord and Savior at the end of their life, they certainly have no equity, no goodness to fall back on. There is only grace, the grace of God. " is by grace you have been saved." (Ephesians 2:5b)
There is only one flow, only one source of "equity" for any of us. Jesus. There is no other source by which you can be saved, by which you can enter into the Kingdom of Heaven. other Name, by no man or woman's goodness, matter who or what they are on earth; only one way....only the one that places their trust, their faith in Jesus; only those that have been washed in His precious blood; now redeemed; saved by His grace, will enter in to the Kingdom of Heaven, the home of the Father of us all.
Always in Jesus.....or saved by the drawing of the Holy Spirit, the sweet call of the Lord, the cleansing blood of their last breath, those can enter Heaven equally forgiven, equally loved, equally sought by the Father. See...everyone may not have the Lord all their life, some a long time, some only falling into His arms a few days or even hours before their death; but our God, our Father has always loved them....all equally....God is no respecter of persons. Our Father, our God has always loved them.....all equally from before time and He has waited eagerly for all to come to come home to Him.
Thank You, my Lord. All glory and honor is Yours, my Beloved Lord.
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