Sunday, May 6, 2012


Genesis 1:7-8a  "So God made the expanse and separated the water under the expanse from the water above it.  And it was so.  God called the expanse "sky".

I think the reason I like sunrises and sunsets so much is that they appear in the expanse between earth and heaven.  There is never a doubt in my mind that the Lord takes the time each day to give us beauty to begin our day with and beauty to end it with.  To constantly remind us that He loves us and wants to fill our lives with the beauty of His Glory.  If you will recognize the hand of God, acknowledge that He is our Father and we are His children, some still rebellious, but none the less His children, you will know He only wants to give us beauty in our lives.

There is so much darkness on earth, so much ugliness here that is man made, perhaps satan inspired, but definitely man made.  So much energy and thought is given to what satan does, we so often neglect what the Lord is doing.  I refuse to let satan get glory in my life by spending a lot of time thinking about what he is doing or worrying about what he will do.  He really has no role in my life, and as long as I don't give him one, he will never have one.  See, satan can only have a part in your life if you give it to him.  He cannot override our will, our nature, our hearts, our minds.  The same free will that applys to us and the Lord, applys to us and the enemy.  If you refuse to allow satan to have a say in your life, he has no say.  Yes, I can remember back in the 70s to 80s the little saying that went around "the devil made me do it".  But I had a free will, I could chose to do or not to do.  Just as so many chose or do not chose to follow the Lord.  Free will.  It would have been so easy had the Lord just said, you are my children and you will do as I say.  Remember your parents telling you "as long as you are under my roof!"  But, no the Lord wants us to come to Him, because we want Him in our life, because we love Him so much, because we chose Him over all others.

To remind us, to show us each day, that He is beyond the sky, watching, loving, encouraging us each day, I believe the Lord splashes beauty across that expansion that separates His kingdom and the temporary home of ours.  His Glory shining through.  Friday night the moon looked just about full, and I was thinking how amazingly beautiful it was just seeming to hang over the interstate.  Then I thought, "Thank You, Lord Jesus.  One day there won't be a moon or  sun, You will be the Light that gives day, You will be Light over all."  One day.....

Lord, my God, Your beauty rains down on us, Your children.  Let me, let us all, remember to thank You each time we see that sunrise or that sunset that drips with every color hue imaginable, beauty that is beyond our color palette.  I believe You are so beautiful, it very well could be the reflection of your face that makes this beautiful sky.  You are so beautiful, Lord, to me; You are so very beautiful to me.

One day I will go beyond the sky, beyond the expanse that separates us physically and I will be at Your feet, worshiping You in the Heavenlies.  Until that time, my spirit soars with each thought of that day, my spirit sings of  my love of You, my song I sing to You alone.  I do love You so, my God.


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