Tuesday, May 15, 2012


Malachi 3:10a  "Bring the tithes into the storehouse, that there may be food in my house."

Ever get something from the Lord and wonder "why me?"  And yet, you know why all the time you are asking the Lord.  This is stepping out on the edge of the mountain.....but I know the Lord is holding me so, here goes....

I was reading some posts earlier on FB and again there was the age old argument on tithing.  I must say, so many people have so many ideas about this subject it makes you wonder what the Lord thinks about these disagreements among His children.  As I was reading the scripture in Malachi, one of the places in God's Word where tithing is dealt with, the first part of verse 10 caught my eye.  As I reread it a few times, the Lord told me, "Bring the tithes into the storehouse, that there may be "PROVISION" in my house.  He showed me His house, the place where His ministers dwelt.  His ministers of the Word, His ministers that lead His children to worship Him, and His ministers around the world, taking the Word to those that are in far reaching areas.  Provide for My ministers, the Lord has told me for a long time.  I realize some of these ministers have misused that provision, but you know what, that is not my business.  MY business is to do what the Lord tells me to do, and let Him deal with those that misuse it.

We also should be sensitive to give to those the Lord lays on our hearts.  Ever see someone on the street corner needing a hand, needing a few dollars from you and the Lord tells you to give?  Provide.  I have had people tell me I should not do this as it will probably be money misused but, you know, if the Lord tells me to do it, I do it.  It is not my business how they use the money, that is between them and God.  My business is to be obedient to the Father.

I have seen people complain that ministers that write a book, make a CD, or do something that requires payment for, that they should do it for free.  Those same people would not think of working for no pay, so why do we expect pastors, ministers, musicians, worship leaders to work for nothing; or to give away the products they work so hard to produce, to glorify the Lord.  Their work is just as hard for them, if not harder, than our work is.  And we expect to get paid well....

I keep praying the Lord will let me erase all this, once we get it off our chests, but so far, no such thing.  So I will continue and post it....and through doing so, perhaps, some will see how the Lord feels about all this arguing.

Give and it will be given unto you.  Keep your fist tightly around what the Lord tells you to give and He will respond likely unto you.  Give or don't.  I think the Lord gets so tired of hearing people try to justify why they will not give to this one or that one, that He cares not if you ever give.  See, He will love you anyway, for that is how He is......you only rob yourself of so much when you rob God. 

I believe, Father, you will let me stop with that.  I believe You want those words to sink in, to let Your children begin to feel how You feel with all this ....."to tithe....not to tithe....to give...not to give".  Forgive us, Lord.....forgive us, Your children.  Lord, I love You, and I know all I have is yours.  I like to think that I please You with my giving, I try to do exactly what You tell me, to give where You direct.  If I make a mistake sometimes, I am sorry, I try so hard to please You and do Your will as far as what You give me is concerned.  Thank You for blessing me, thank You for Your provision for me.  I pray provision in Your house....for Your ministers....will flow as Your blessings flow to us.  I love You Lord.


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