Friday, May 18, 2012


Psalm 40:6-8  "Sacrifice and offering you did not desire, but my ears you have pierced, burnt offerings and sin offerings you did not require.  Then I said, Here I am, I have is written about me in the scroll.  I desire to do  your will, O my God; your law is within my heart."

Desire and devotion.  Desire.....a longing for, yearning for.  Devotion....deep, steady affection, loyalty, faithfulness.  These things are the things that our God is looking for; these things is His heart seeking to find in our hearts.  He needs no sacrifice on our part;  He does not ask us to make burnt or sin offerings any more.  He does not need our money, He does not need our talents, He owns the cattle on a thousand hills. All of the gold, all of the silver, this earth is His to do with as He pleases.  Our God has one need.....He has one desire above all else....No, not that people are saved....He can see to this also, He can draw people to Himself.  Do not misunderstand me, the Lord wants us to draw others to Him, to be a light of His love, His forgiveness, to be a witness of His love for all.   But His deepest desire is for His children to be devoted to Him, to show their devotion to Him and Him alone.  The Lord desires to see us long for Him to be with us, to seek Him with all our hearts, all our souls, to show Him that there is no one, no one we place in our affections over Him.  That we love Him above all others, all things.  There is no other gods before Him.  He is our God, He is Whom we love, and He is needed by us all.....just because He is Who He is.

When we begin to love the Lord our God for just Who He is, not for what we want from Him, or what we need him to do for us, but just because He Is, then we are showing true devotion to our God; then we are fulfilling His deepest desire.  We then are fulfilling the needs of the Father, and in doing so, we are fulfilling the deepest need we will ever have.....we will have found the secret to living in perfect relationship with our God.  There we will find that we have truly become One, as there will be nothing that can come between ourselves and our Lord.  He will have become all we desire, all we need, all we want.......there is nothing else that God desires from us, but this one be all to us.  All to us.

My Lord, You are everything to me.....You are All to me.  I desire to be One with You, letting nothing come between us ever.  My desire is to be Your desire......alone.


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