Psalm 103:1 "Praise the Lord, O my soul, all my inmost being, praise his holy name."
Nothing gives me more peace, more joy that worshiping You, my Lord. When I think of all the things You do for me each day....I really do not know all the things you do for me. I cannot comprehend all the things that would come on me if not for Your hand on my life. It is as thought the threat of harm stops as it approaches me and finds it cannot break the shield you have around me. I have learned not to fear the storms of life as You have proved Your faithfulness over and over.
Once I was floundering in fear, of weather, of man, of tomorrow. But You, O God, showed me, You proved over and over Your Word is true. There is never a time that You have not been shielding me. When I look back at the many times I know I could have been taken by the enemy, I see Your hand in the outcome of it all. You, my Lord, my God who never has released me for a moment; my God who always keeps His promises. And I knew to Whom I belonged, at that moment, and to Whom I still belong and always will.
I worship You, my Lord. I worship You this night with all that is in me. This life that You have given me, I want not unless I have You always to share it with me. I cannot see past this moment but You, my King, knows all my tomorrows, what will happen to me with the very next breath I take; You know what life holds for me. And Lord, You have blessed me beyond my dreams. You have given me the desire of my heart, to live life with You leading me and guiding me. You have given me Your sweet presence in which to dwell. You have given me such joy, such joy. Each day holds new revelation in which You reveal Yourself to me at new levels, removing the mystery that has kept me in darkness. Now new light I see, daily, as I seek Your face; as I desire more and more, as I cling to You my God, as I pour my love on You. The beauty of Your love surrounds me with a fragrance I have come to recognize as love, pure love.
I dream of You my Lord. I dream of Your sweet presence, Your goodness. Take my hand, Lord, take my hand again tonight and lead me into the garden where Your presence awaits, where Your glory pours out and gives rest to my weary soul. I know You will refresh my spirit and restore my soul. I dream of You, my Lord. Sweet dreams of You. I am Thine, O Lord, I am Thine alone.
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