Amos 5:18,19, 20b (Message) "Woe to all of you who want God's Judgment Day! Why would you want to see God, want him to come? When God comes, it will be bad news before it's good news, the worst of times, not the best of times. At God's coming we face hard reality, not fantasy.....a black cloud with no silver lining."
Cold air meeting hot air....what a tumultuous charge in the skies, tornadoes, rain, wind, hail. As I was watching this out my office window, listening to the danger sirens going off, the Lord spoke to me, into my spirit and began to show me another such day:
The day of the return of our Savior, our King. Before the wedding, the gathering of His Bride, there will be a battle like nothing ever seen on earth. As the King of kings, the Lord of all lords comes down from heaven the second time, it will not be as a baby, but as a Warrior, a Lion, and He is swinging His mighty Sword of Truth. The storm today with all its thunder, all the horror of tornadoes, the was nothing, nothing compared to the storm-like battle that will strike fear into all the clones of satan, all his angels, and all those who have spent their life worshiping the ruler of this earth. Those that have ridiculed, criticized, tortured and put to death the children, the beloved children of God will be looking for a place to hide. The boughs of the earth will open up and they will be seeking their ruler, satan, to protect them. They will be trying to escape the Light, the Truth, the Way. But there will be no escape. Nothing will be able to save them, much less the enemy of all those righteous saints of the Lord. He will be trying to hide also, as he knows when Jesus, Magnificent King of Heaven, comes there will be no escape for him. He will be finished. His lies will be revealed by the Truth. That Sword of Truth will be cutting through the chains that have held God's children in bondage, who have been struggling to be free, but keep being dragged down by the enemy's deceptive ways. Their hearts will see their Savior in all His Glory has come, just as He said He would, to save them, to redeem them, and draw them to Himself. We belong to the Lord. We always have, we always will. There is nothing that the enemy can do to contain us, to hold us back, as our Lord returns for His Bride. Jesus will take care of the evil one, He will break all strongholds that are hindering His people from being free and the battle, the final battle will be won, victoriously, once and for all.
No storm has ever been seen that will equal the one that comes with the Lord. Darkness will cover the earth, just as the darkness covered the earth when He died on Calvary, and as the Light ascended that Easter morning, His Light will descend on this earth that no evil will be able to withstand. The Light will shine into all closed doors forcing them open, all hidden sin will be revealed, and there will be one final offering of redemption to those who have been enslaved by the enemy. There will be one final offering of His powerful love and then He will draw His Bride to Himself in Love.
I believe the Lord is beginning to show His plans to those who seek Him, to those who are calling to Him, "Come, Lord Jesus, Come". Some might think this will be frightening, but to those in the Lord, it will be going into a battle that you already know the outcome, we win! We know the battle is won, the Lord has given us this from the very beginning, in His Word. We win.....we win.....we win!!!!
Come, Lord Jesus, Come. This is my cry, Lord, as I lift my voice to You in worship and love. You are so Holy Lord. My Mighty Warrior, my Lion of Judah, my King of kings, my Bridegroom. I await this final battle with anticipation, with excitement, with so much love for You. Come, Lord.....Come soon.
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