Thursday, April 12, 2012


Psalm 36:7  "How priceless is your unfailing love!  Both high and low among men find refuge in the shadow of your wings."

He loves me; He loves me not; He loves me......  Remember picking petals off daisies and saying this?  Wondering if you would have love when the last petal was pulled?  Have you wondered, considering your past, if the Lord loved you?  Truly loved you?  And why should He?

Yes, Jesus loves me; yes, Jesus loves me, yes, Jesus loves me, the Bible tells me so.  Now this song is one that has truth to it.  You cannot tell love by pulling petals off daisies, but you can tell love by learning more about our Lord, our God. Our God loves me, He loves you.  He cannot help but love us as love is His nature.  No matter what you read, or what you hear about the fury of the Lord, about revenge and judgment, His nature is love, He is all about love.  From the very beginning of what we know, beyond that when there was only a vast emptiness and our God, there was love.  Love formed the earth and inhabited it.  Love formed man as the Lord wanted someone to pour His love into.  The Lord loved before He did anything else.  You might say our God was love driven.  Everything done, I believe was love driven. 

Man was formed from dust but it was the Lord's breath, His love, that brought him alive.  Sin came into the earth and there was reason to rid the earth of all it's inhabitants but love saved one and his family.  Because of love.  Time and again, the Lord had reason to destroy so many, but love, His heart so loved His people, He could not destroy them all.  When there was no other way, love sent the Beloved Son of God to dwell with man, to love man and teach love.  Through love, forgiveness and healing came.  Love brought the Beloved to the cross and love saw Him die; love poured blood out, cleansing blood, love raised Him up and salvation was secured for those that would accept this love, believe in this love. 

Love established long ago, before when there was nothing, no one but God; love that has moved through all time, all history; the same love still reaches out today.  The same love intensified by the depth of the Lord's heart, the same love calls out to all His children.  Some listen not, but for those who listen for His voice, who heed the call, who come running after Him, this love pours out in abundance, sweet abundance.  A passion to love is God's nature.  To love all that will come to Him, cleansed in that love poured out blood of the Savior, forgiven, restored, made righteous in Jesus, and will accept the love of the beautiful Creator of all.

God's love is for all.  He loves me (yes He does), He loves me not (will never happen, He will never leave or forsake me), He loves me (with a passion and gentleness like none other ever known), He loves me (and He loves you).  His love is for all.


1 comment:

  1. To let you know that I came here...brb...LOL and love you dear!!!
