Sunday, April 15, 2012


Psalm 111:2  "Great are the works of the Lord; they are pondered by all who delight in them."

As I was reading the scriptures this morning, I read Psalm 111:2 and went on to verse 3.  Then I was drawn back to verse 2 by the Holy Spirit and read it again. 

Great are the works - Works - God's plan in action.  What our Lord has planned from the beginning of creation to now, His plan, as He puts each part in to action, His works fulfilling His perfect plan for each life, for each of His beloved children, the works that have been carefully detailed to fit just who the Lord made each of us to be.  He does not have works planned for me or for you that were not made to fit into the person we are in Christ.  Every detail has been thought out long before we took our first breath. It doesn't matter what detours we made along the way to get to this point in our life, where at last we have surrendered our will, surrendered our life to God, it has all been planned to be performed at this moment.  The works of the Lord are great, so great, they never fail.

They are pondered - Ponder - to consider carefully, to meditate on, to weigh.  The only way you can know the workings of our Lord, to know His plan for our life is to read His Word and meditate on each verse; to break down in part and think about what the Lord is saying, what He is telling us; what this verse means in our life.  Weigh each word carefully, consider how the Lord intended it to guide us and to assist us in living a blessed life in Him.  Reading has always been easy for me, as I was a speed reader. I could get through a book in a matter of  hours as I skipped over all the (what I considered filler words) and just read the main gist of the book.  I cannot read the Word this way.  I have asked the Holy Spirit to reteach me to read, to slow my mind down so I can read all the words.  Even an "A" or "the" have meaning in the Word of God.  No word is put there as a filler.  Each word is the anointed, spirit given Word of God.  So I must carefully read each word so I can meditate on what the Lord is saying to me, thinking about the verses in full content.  What a difference I am finding reading the Word now as to years ago when I read it. 

By all who delight in them - Delight - to take great pleasure; joy.  The children of God who weigh the words of His Word, who ponder and consider carefully the works of God, they take great delight in them.  The words of the Lord fill me with joy.  When I read the Word now, even thought I have read front to back so many times, but now that all the words are being read, as I stop to think about what a scripture is saying; when I obey the Spirit and go back and reread a verse one or two back, the Word becomes alive, the Work that the Lord is displaying in those words of that verse begin to open places in my mind, in my heart that were closed from not understanding what my Lord was trying to show me.  And now I see, and as I see, the joy begins to flow throughout my spirit, charging through me like lightning.  I get energized from these verses as I see the Lord's plan for me explained part by part.  He shows a new part just as soon as He sees that I have learned the last; just as soon as He knows without any doubt that we will not have to revisit where we have been, that I understand, that I have taken it to my heart and kept it there.

Weigh the Word of God carefully.  By doing so, you will see how very great, how very beautiful, how very awesome are the Works of our God.  Even when you look back and see times that were difficult, the times that were such a valley in your life, it is the outcome that brings joy.  See how the Lord brought you out from that valley, how He held your hand, how He never left you...... that, dear friends, that, is the joy and greatness of His Works.  Our Majestic God sees His greatest Work today as what is being produced in our lives through His Word, through His Will, through His love.  We are the Work of the Lord........ and everything the Lord does is perfected through the blood of Jesus, made righteous in Jesus and brought before Him, glorifying Him, praising Him, worshiping Him.  Great are Your Works, O Lord, Great are Your Works.


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